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“Haoli loses the ability to fight, the Fire Storm Monkey wins, so the winner is Ash from True New Town!” The referee looked at the firestorm monkey and had palpitations!


After beating his opponent’s heroism, the Fire Storm Monkey didn’t seem to be able to calm his anger, and Ash gently stroked the fur on the back of its head, which slowly calmed it down.

“Being able to control your anger, Ash, this fiery monkey, is too powerful!” Xiao Gang looked at Xiao Zhi and the Fire Storm Monkey and couldn’t help but admire.

“Yes, I miss the time when Ash commanded it to win the ring!” Xiao Xia said with a smile.

Ah Si helped Haoli, who had lost his ability to fight, up, “Haoli, are you okay?” ”

Haoli sat cross-legged on the ground, obviously not seriously injured, just go to the Pokémon Center to recover.

Ah Si patted the muscles of his arm, “Don’t worry, I will never forget your backbone!” ”

“Ash! Head-to-head matchup, this match is really enjoyable, this is the first time I have seen a trainer like you! ”

“You can connect with Pokémon, every trick you make is very beautiful, and your admirable strength and physical strength, you will definitely be able to fulfill your dream and become a Pokémon Master!”

This is the highest evaluation Ash has ever received, from a straight muscular uncle!

“Thank you, Mr. Ah Si!”

“This strike badge is for trainers like you! Also, I hope you take this! Mr. Ah Si handed over a badge and a pamphlet.

“This is the recipe that Neiko hurriedly wrote just now, it’s not anything valuable, it’s all my experience in training fighting Pokémon over the years, I hope it will be useful to you!”

Ash solemnly accepted this booklet, which is a priceless treasure rich in friendship!

Today, Ash and his party stayed in Ah Si’s Taoist hall, which is simple to arrange, but can feel warm and comfortable.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Ash also accepted the practice competition of several apprentices in the dojo, even if the exchange point is less, no matter how small the mosquito is, it is meat, right?

And the number of challenges adds up, and the amount is not small.

After eating a late meal, Xiao Xia took Xiao Mei to the beach to walk and consume food, Xiao Gang followed her aunt to learn nutritious cooking, and Xiao Zhi dialed the Ashallot Dojo, it was Kexia who answered.

“Ash is sorry, although it is better to take the medicine Guang’er, but Ami wants to return to the dojo to compete, I’m afraid it will take another while!”

Indeed, this disease comes like a mountain, the disease goes like a thread, this is the real world and not a few dings in the game, that electric dragon is obviously not an ordinary disease.

If you take medicine, you will be fine immediately.

Hanging up the phone, everyone gathered, and everyone heard the content of the call.

“The dojo competition in Asami City has been postponed?” The aunt asked gently.

Ash nodded slightly.

“Then, you can go to the Whirlpool Islands!” Ah Si mentioned!

Yes, Ash’s eyes lit up!

Vortex Islands, when he got the Silver Feather before, he made up his mind that he must go to the Vortex Islands, where in the deepest part, the Silver Feather could be used to reach Lokia.

Of course, Ash didn’t have any expectations for this.

Now that the Silver Feather has truly become a collectible, it was sent home by him, and Ash almost forgot about this stubble!

The Whirlpool Islands are a small island group between the blue city and the city of Asahiro!

“The Vortex Islands have many legends since ancient times, and I heard that there are also mysterious Pokémon in that place!” Ah Si saw Ash’s contemplative look and introduced him.

“Mysterious Pokémon?” The little girl’s ears were the sharpest, “Brother Ash, I’m going, I’m going, I’m going to see the mysterious Pokémon!” ”

Xiaoxia was also interested, “Sounds interesting!” ”

Of course it’s interesting for her, it’s a small archipelago, it’s the sea!

“Then it’s so decided, let’s go to the Whirlpool Islands!” Ash finally clapped, just in time for Laplace to enjoy the sea!

The aunt thoughtfully sent regular ferry tickets to the Whirlpool Islands, “Recently, my husband’s belly has begun to droop, since he lost to you, he will definitely start special training soon from tomorrow!” ”

Now Ash and his group understood that the aunt hoped that Ash would defeat Ah Si because she wanted to urge him to lose weight, which was really loving and envious of others.

Of course, Ah Si is going to have special training, but this time Ash crushed him not lightly.

“That’s right, I want to do special training continuously at 24 o’clock!”

Hot-blooded youth!

After a comfortable night’s rest, Ash and his party did not choose the regular boat of the Whirlpool Islands, but decided to travel by Laplace.

“It’s like a trip to the Orange Islands!” Xiaoxia sat on Laplace’s back with her arms in her arms, very nostalgic.

At the beginning, the Laplace was also in its infancy, and its size was similar to that of the Laplace that Ash had carefully nurtured now.

As trainers, Ash and his party were more willing to cross the sea in this way than by boat, so they passed unanimously.

“Brother Xiaozhi, look, it’s Uzumaki!” Xiaomei sat in the front and hugged Laplace’s neck, and she was very bold with Ash by her side.

“Vortex?” The three of Ash became nervous.

It’s really a whirlpool, and the momentum is very amazing, if you are swept in, I am afraid it will be dangerous!

“Laplace, be careful, you must not be swept in!” Ash said to Laplace.

Although this Laplace is young and has not yet been trained, after watching the battles of his brothers and sisters so many times, he has long been eager to challenge, and immediately nodded and swam towards the area of the whirlpool!

“No, I’m going to be involved!” However, Laplace was still affected by the whirlpool and was pulled so much that he could not move in the water.

On the contrary, Ash was still very calm, “It’s okay!” ”

“Shuijun, it’s up to you!”

With the escort of the water god beast, Ash can confidently and boldly take the group to cross the sea by Laplace, after all, he is responsible for the safety of the group.

Mizu-kun will definitely not disappoint Ash, and soon leaves the area of the whirlpool with Laplace.

“Xiaomei, are you afraid?” Saving the danger, Ash withdrew Shui Jun and gently patted Xiaomei’s head.

Who thought that this little girl didn’t mean to be afraid at all, but smiled and comforted Laplace, “Laplace, don’t be afraid, there is no need to be afraid of anything with Brother Ash!” ”

She was Laplace’s sister and had been taking care of him.

Seeing this, Ash was relieved.

“Ash, look quickly, that’s the sun coral!”

It was indeed the sun coral, and this little guy obviously had a trainer, and under its leadership, Ash’s group came to a small boat and met an acquaintance.

Dr. Johto area, Dr. Kugi!


Please, variety! _

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