Ash temporarily returned his hatched Laplace to the sea.

Just as young him was going to travel, young Laplace needed to see the sea.

No matter how you take it to travel to various seas and archipelagos, after all, it can’t follow the group to the real sea!

Ash’s Laplace, which Ash had subdued in the Orange Islands, had apparently become stronger and braver, and after parting, it even got the captain to give way and became the new captain of the group. With him as a mentor leading little Laplace to the sea, Ash thought it was okay to rest assured.

When they swim around the ocean and return to this Pokémon Marine Institute, it’s time for Ash and Little Laplace to reunite!

For this reason, Miss Chengmei also promised to wait here, and she could further deduce the route of Laplace’s migration.

“Ash, this is the elf egg you are going to take!” When they separated, Miss Chengmei did not forget the purpose of Ash’s group.

She handed over a wooden box with a gray-green elf egg lying inside.

“Wow, first time seeing an egg like this!” Xiaomei stretched out her finger and gently poked the egg in front of her, “What kind of Pokémon egg is this?” ”

Seeing Xiaomei’s cute appearance, Miss Chengmei said with a smile, “I don’t know about this problem, this egg originally seemed to be taken out by the people of the poaching syndicate in the Pokémon Sanctuary in Silver Mountain!” ”

“I don’t know why, the poachers abandoned the eggs, and they were lucky to be sent to me!”

So it was, Xiao Gang understood, “That’s why you contacted Dr. Kugi?” ”

“Yes, I asked him to protect this egg and do a health check, because Dr. Kugi is an advisor to the Johto Area Pokémon Protection Association!

The group contacted Dr. Kugi to inform the progress of the mission, “So, Ash, since you have already obtained the elf egg, can I trouble you to come over?” ”

“Yes, I know!” Ash’s original goal was to return to Wakaba Town, which was a mission along the way.

So, bidding farewell to Miss Chengmei, Ash and his group embarked on the journey again.

“Brother Ash, what kind of Pokémon egg is this?” This is the tenth time after setting off that Xiaomei looked at the egg in Ash’s arms and asked the same question.

Xiao Zhi took the trouble to give Xiao Mei a touch on the head, “Xiao Mei, I don’t know what kind of Pokémon this is before it hatches, isn’t it more worth looking forward to?” ”

This is the third elf egg that Ash got, and I don’t know what happened to this little girl this time, so anxious.

“Because, Brother Xiaogang said that this egg is the egg of the legendary Pokémon!” Xiaomei directly sold Xiao Gang.

Hearing this, Ash gave Xiao Gang a blank look, where did he get so many legendary Pokémon? And let you run into an egg in an egg?

In fact, Xiao Gang was also numbed by Ash, but he had already taken in four legendary Pokémon!

Two divine beasts, a divine bird, and an infinite Pokémon Ladias, are now looking at this egg with Xiaomei with twinkling eyes.

Ignoring the black lines on Ash’s face, Xiaomei poked the elf egg in Ash’s arms again, “Legendary Pokémon, come out and let me see!” ”

As soon as the words fell, this elf egg really lit up!

Going to hatch?

The group immediately became excited, quickly stopped, and happily looked forward to the moment when it hatched!

However, the elf egg only lit up for a moment and returned to its original state again, as if the flash just now was just an illusion of Ash and his group.

“This is very wrong!” Ash frowned, he had never seen a fairy egg flash and darken.

Ash’s Laplace and the little elephant are brighter and brighter after the light of life is lit up when they hatch, and they have never seen it and darkened.

“Looks like this egg will have to wait a while before it hatches!” Xiaoxia’s judgment is not unreasonable.

Ash’s body flashed with blue light, and the power of the waveguide probed into the egg, and then, the egg lit up again, brighter and brighter, and the Pokémon in it were finally born!

This is a small monster-like Pokémon with rocky gray-green skin, long blunt horns on the top of its head, a diamond-shaped red scale armor on its abdomen, and a tail blooming like a stone lotus.

Ultraman’s favorite little monster!

This is exactly the original form of the quasi-god of the Johto area, the rock-skinned Pokémon, by Kira! Ash has already subdued a quasi-god in the Johto region, the war ferocious beast Bangira, and now he has hatched another one, if he can, Ash doesn’t mind taking one more.

But now is clearly not the time to think about this, this is only Kira’s state is very eccentric.

Instead of the newborn Pokémon’s curiosity and activity about this world, it curled up its entire body together, as if it was particularly resistant to the outside world.

“It’s so cute!” Xiaomei stretched out her hand to hug the little Pokémon who seemed to be still sleeping.

However, he pulled hard, but he couldn’t pull up, “Brother Xiaozhi… ”

Ash smiled, “Xiaomi, this is Yukira, the quasi-god of the Johto region, they are generally born deep underneath, eating dirt while heading towards the ground where their loved ones are!” They have a strong appetite and have once eaten an entire mountain. ”

“Don’t look at it so small, it is about 70 kilograms, how much does Xiaomei weigh?”

Although it is not a legendary Pokémon, it is also a pleasure to meet the quasi-gods of the Johto area.

“Oh, that’s what Brother Ash looked like when he was a child!” Xiaomei suddenly understood the feeling, cute.

“No, even if it’s a rock Pokémon, the body temperature shouldn’t be so low!” Xiao Gang, as an expert in rock Pokémon, soon discovered that this Yukira had a problem.

Ash also nodded, “We have to hurry to the Pokémon Center!” ”

This is a Pokémon in the Pokémon Sanctuary, and it will be handed over to Dr. Kugi afterwards, so it is difficult to accept, and Ash has to carry it all the way to the nearby Pokémon Center.

“Strange, there is no abnormality in the body, why can’t the body temperature rise?” And it’s still falling, and if it goes on like this, it will be life-threatening! “Miss Joy didn’t find out what was wrong with this Yukira after examination.

“Miss Joy, don’t you have any other way?” Xiao Gang did not rush over to Miss Joy as usual, and the most important thing he could rely on was to know the seriousness of the matter!

“Anyway, I’ll contact Dr. Kugi first!”

Ash also contacted Dr. Ohki, but Dr. Ohki seemed to go out, “Xiaojian, please help me exchange Bangira and the Fire Beast!” ”


“Fire Beast, it’s up to you! Please give this Kira a body temperature! ”

Its body hair can generate high temperatures through friction, and it is itself the least flammable, and it is best used to maintain body temperature for Yukira.

Hearing this, the Fire Beast will wrap Kira in the softest fur of its abdomen, hoping that the child will get better as soon as possible.


Born by Kira! All kinds of requests!

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