“In the face of Ash’s powerful Pikachu, Ye Yue player took out a suli shot to deal with it, can he reverse the occupation?”

Suri Pai is a Pokémon of the superpower line, and it is very good at hypnosis, for which it also carries a special metal ring.

“Pikachu, come back!”

Ash called Pikachu back at this time, and when Pikachu returned to his feet, seeing that he still looked a little unfinished, Ash smiled and said, “Give other companions a little chance to play, just a few games!” ”

Hearing this, Pikachu felt that it made some sense, so he nodded.

“It’s up to you, Mighty Crocodile!”

In the face of the opponent of the superpower system, sending the evil attribute Black Ruga is of course the best choice, but as Ash said just now, let everyone have a chance to play.

So the six Pokémon facing Xiao Mao were not in the team this time.


The powerful crocodile roared after coming out, recently it has been exercising its physique under Bangira’s hands, as a fierce beast, it should continue to cultivate ferocity!

So the dance of the little saw crocodile period gradually disappeared, the childishness was also worn away, and now it has grown into a reliable water beast!

Without Ash’s order, the Mighty Crocodile actually crawled down and approached Suli step by step, the grassy grass covered its figure, the unusual posture was chilling, but in fact that was the way the Mighty Crocodile moved on land!

The movement speed of the powerful crocodile on land is not fast, but within half a minute of the silence of the entire sports field, it came to Sulipai in front of everyone!

Even the explanation was speechless, and he was stunned to see the giant crocodile crawling over like this!

The ferocious momentum pressed towards Su Li Pai and Ye Yue, Ye Yue finally couldn’t hold it back, and swallowed his saliva, “Su Li Pai, use hypnosis!” ”

However, the next move of the battle of the powerful crocodile also did not require Xiao Zhi’s order, and at the moment Ye Yue spoke, it suddenly burst out!

The blood basin was big and full of fangs, and it bit Su Lipai’s body fiercely!


The Bite Crush skill explodes on Su Li Pai’s body, and the evil attribute skill has a great effect on it!

Before it could make any moves, it was already killed by the powerful crocodile!

Until this time, the commentary seemed to react, and he couldn’t help but exclaim, “It’s terrifying!” This powerful crocodile of the little ash player is too terrifying, it presses everyone with its momentum, and scares the Ye Yue player to dare not move! ”

That’s the instinctive fear of beasts that comes from humans as creatures!

Ye Yue’s Pokémon were already three unable to fight, and after five minutes of intermission, the battle continued in the second half.

“It’s up to you, Nighthawk!” Ash attacked first, and this time he sent the special color owl Nighthawk!

“Go, big steel snake!” And what Ye Yue sent was the big steel snake of the steel system and the ground system.

Let’s not talk about the attributes, just the size is that the big steel snake occupies an absolute advantage, and the big steel snake also has many rock skills, obviously this battle is Ye Yue dominant!

After all, it was Ash who attacked first, and Ye Yue should certainly take out the Pokémon that were beneficial to him!

“Owl Nighthawk, use your mind!”

Ash’s owl nighthawk can use mental power perfectly, and the big steel snake is suddenly bound by mental power, and it is very painful with blue light!

“Big steel snake, don’t be afraid, make a sandstorm!”

The grass field has set off a sandstorm that obscures the owl Nighthawk’s view and continues to cause damage!

However, Ash never intended to use the power of the waveguide to assist the owl Nighthawk, but instead ordered, “Owl Nighthawk, rise!” ”

Fly into the air, the higher the better!

However, before the owl nighthawk could move, the big steel snake actually jumped up from under and crashed straight into the owl nighthawk!

It turned out that he took advantage of the cover of the sandstorm and used the hole digging skill to form a surprise attack!

In the second half of the game, obviously Ye Yue’s attack was much more powerful, and with one move, he immediately added an iron tail and knocked down the owl Nighthawk in one fell swoop!

“The owl Nighthawk loses the ability to fight, and the big steel snake wins!”

Xiaoxia Xiaogang looked nervous, “Ye Yue, he wants to interrupt Xiao Zhi’s victorious momentum here!” ”

“No, Brother Xiaozhi is the most powerful, he will definitely not lose!” Xiaomei quickly took Pockby and the mosquito coil frog emperor to shake the small flag in her hand, “Brother Xiaozhi, come on!” ”

Ash took the owl Nighthawk back, and was defeated before he could make a big move, a little wronged, “Owl Nighthawk, you have a good rest!” ”

“It’s up to you, Mighty Crocodile!”

Ash sent a powerful crocodile again, this is after the Ashallot Dokan, Ash once again used the powerful crocodile to face the big steel snake!

“Mighty crocodile, water cannon!”

“Big steel snake, use the binding attack!”

The weak speed of the powerful crocodile on land was caught by Ye Yue, and the big steel snake actually withstood the water cannon attack and tied up the powerful crocodile!

This is the battle of the century between Monty Python and Crocodile!

It seemed that the python had the upper hand, but Ash didn’t seem worried, “Brute force! ”

The muscles of the bound strong crocodile were swelling, and it stretched out a claw and smashed it into the jaw of the big steel snake, knocking it out!

The fighting skill is extremely effective on the big steel snake, and the brute force skill is extremely powerful, and the big steel snake was suddenly beaten to lose its ability to fight!

“Ash, you are really powerful, but, I must fight you to the end! Go, Kurruga! “The fifth Pokémon sent by Ye Yue turned out to be Black Ruga!

In the face of Xiao Zhi’s murderous powerful crocodile, Ye Yue actually took out the fire attribute black ruga, which couldn’t help but make everyone wonder.

“It seems that Ye Yue was forced into a desperate situation by Xiao Zhi!” Dr. Ohki judged that Ye Yue’s trump card was a flame chicken with the same fire attribute, and Ye Yue added two fire Pokémon to a team, which was obviously a miscalculation.

No way, only Pokémon that have been registered before the match can play, so as Xiaomeng said before, the battle has begun the moment you know your opponent.

“Mighty crocodile, water cannon!”

The water cannon attack burst again, heading towards Heruga, and if it hits with its attributes, I am afraid that it will directly lose its combat ability.

“Get out of the way, and then get close to the Mighty Crocodile!”

Black Ruga’s movements were very agile, and Ye Yue cultivated all his Pokémon as quickly as possible, not just the Hidden Dragon!

In the blink of an eye, Black Ruga came to the closer, and Ash immediately let the powerful crocodile use a brute force attack!

The fighting skill is also effective against the evil attribute of Black Ruga!

But Ye Yue seemed to be waiting for this move, and he suddenly shouted loudly, “Hei Luga, use double blessed!” ”

That is, return fist!

Able to bounce back the physical attack with twice the power, the powerful crocodile was hit by his own brute force and immediately lost his ability to fight!


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