After dawn, Mr. Metz embedded four more gemstones in the pillars in the stone chamber.

I saw that the stone pillar also emitted a white light under the sunlight, and this white light actually flowed from the stone pillar to the mural, and then the stone pillar moved forward, revealing a downward staircase.

“This is?”

Seeing this scene, the three people’s eyes immediately lit up, and Mr. Metz’s eyes shone, “Let’s go down and take a look!” ”

Walking down the stairs, you enter a large underground cave with an underground river flowing in it, “This place has underground water veins!” ”

The environment here is a bit like the underground river inhabited by the ammonite beasts that Ash found in the ruins of Alufu, but it is also a little different, and the water here seems to be connected to the sea.

“It’s the smell of seawater!” Haruka also smelled the sea.

Suddenly, a large, ugly-looking fish jumped out of the water, which is the ancient empty stickleback that the Pokémon research community calls a living fossil of Pokémon!

“The ruins of Guchen are indeed a door connecting ancient and modern!” Mr. Metz’s eyes sparkled, he had studied this ancient ruins for so long, and finally solved the mystery here.

Ash quickly took out the Pokémon Pokédex and photographed the fish. This picture is transmitted to Dr. Ohki, who can always knock something from the doctor.

As the night passed, the Fire Chicken and the Miniature Dragon’s physical strength also recovered.

Ash took Haruka and set off again, and the next destination was the city where Haruka was born, Orange City.

There is also a dojo there, the general Orange Hua dojo, and Ash’s first target is there!

“Are you really going to the Orange Hua Taoist Hall?”

After coming to Orange City, even if Xiao Yao arrived home, Xiao Zhi also completed the task of accompanying Xiao Yao home, so now the two are about to say goodbye.

“Of course, to participate in the Fengyuan Alliance Competition, you need to collect eight badges, and if you win the Orange Hua Daokan, you can get the badge of the Orange Hua Daoguan, right?” This is Ash’s main quest on the journey.

“That’s what I said!” Ash’s determined eyes seemed to infect Haruka.

Ash looked at Xiao Yao, “Haven’t you thought about your goals yet?” ”

Without waiting for Haruka to answer, Ash chuckled, “There’s no need to force yourself to decide on future goals so quickly!” Xiaoyao, the meaning of travel is experience, you will slowly understand what you want during the journey, and then decide which way to go at that time! ”

“Until then, all you have to do is take good care of and train your Pokémon and stay with your Pokémon!” This is the most important advice that Ash gave Haruka as a senior.

Hearing this, Xiao Yao seemed to be less cramped, and gradually relaxed, “Xiao Zhi, thank you, I will remember your words well!” ”

Saying that, she took Ash to the Orange Hua Taoist Hall, “I still have some things, so I will leave first, and I’ll see you later!” ”

What does it mean to meet later?

The entrance to the Orange Hua Taoist Hall is quite low-key, if it weren’t for the sign of the Alliance Taoist Hall hanging at the door, I thought it was just an ordinary house.

Fortunately, with Xiao Yao leading it, it really took some work for Xiao Zhi to find it.

But after entering the door, I can feel the grandeur inside, “Hello, I’m Ash of Zhenxin Town, I’m here to play the Dojo Challenge!” ”

After calling, but no one answered, Ash subconsciously flashed blue light, and noticed a little boy walking over.

“It’s noisy, I’m watching the video of the Silver Conference!” This child is about the same age as Xiaomei, so he wears glasses and looks very uncute!

Ash has been trained by Xiaomei to be a perfect sister control, and does not like the little boy.

But this little boy was pleasantly surprised when he saw Ash, and pointed at Ash and Pikachu, “That’s you, you are the champion of the Johto Alliance Silver Conference!” Ash! ”

“Is this the super powerful Pikachu, who defeated Ye Yue’s two Pokémon at once and hit the Pikachu who opened the door!” The kid actually picked Pikachu up without permission and rubbed his cheek with it.

“My name is Xiao Sheng, hello!”

His movements were neither light nor heavy, Pikachu didn’t like this, Ash reached over and pushed Pikachu out of his clutches with a little force.

Xiao Sheng didn’t care, and looked at Xiao Zhi with a look of adoration, “I have always watched the live broadcast of the Silver Conference, and I have recorded it into a video and watched it several times!” Ash, you are really powerful, none of them are your opponents! ”

“Also, in the final game, you actually summoned the legendary Latios, which is really powerful, and it is the first time I have seen a Pokémon like Latios!”

The kid began to chatter, looking like an idol.

To be honest, if this is a little girl, Ash’s sister is patient, this little boy is…

Xiao Zhi quickly waved his hand and interrupted him, “Xiao Sheng, I am traveling in the Fengyuan place now, and I want to challenge the Orange Hua Taoist Hall, you should be the person in this hall, do you know where the dojo trainer is?” ”

Who knew that this kid suddenly turned around, looking proud, “It’s me!” I am the Taoist trainer of the Orange Hua Dojo! ”

The corner of Ash’s mouth twitched, “Boy, do you know how badly the person who pretended to be a dojo trainer in front of me last time was scolded by me?” ”

“Well…” Xiao Sheng’s movements froze, and his smile suddenly froze on his face.

Ash is talking about Kexa of the Ashalion Dojo, of course, Ash will criticize her not only for pretending to be a dojo trainer, but also for her cheating behavior such as applying waterproof wax on the body of the Great Rock Snake.

“Hey, Xiao Sheng, what are you guys messing around?” At this time, Xiao Yao poked his head out of the window.



Then Haruka and Kokatsu’s parents, the real dojo trainer Chisato, and his wife Mizuko appeared next to Haruka, “Welcome, Ash!” ”

Apparently Haruka had already told Chisato and Mizuko about Ash.

Now Ash understood that Xiao Yao was the child of the Orange Hua Taoist family, and she had said that she had a younger brother.

Xiao Yao didn’t think to hide it from Ash, the five sat down, and she introduced, “This is my father and mother, and then this is my younger brother Xiao Sheng!” ”

“Our dad is a dojo trainer at the Orange Hua Dojo!” It could be seen that Xiao Sheng adored his father, and then he turned to look at his sister, “Sister, you are also too powerful, you actually let the champion send you home!” ”

“Conference champion?” Xiao Yao seemed to remember where he had seen Ash, “I remembered, I watched the live broadcast of the Silver Conference with Xiao Sheng, Ash you are the champion of the Silver Conference, no wonder you are so powerful!” ”

“Sister, you are too dull!”

Mizuko smiled, “Ash, thank you very much for escorting Haruka back here!” You don’t have to worry about bicycles! ”

Chisato said, “Dr. Odamaki has already contacted me, the damage is not serious, he will help repair it!” ”

It seems that Xiao Yao explained to them in advance what happened in Weibai Town.

She also told her parents the advice Ash gave her, and got their approval, which is why the two of them were so polite to Ash.

Hearing this, Ash breathed a sigh of relief, “That’s great, thank you!” ”


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