Through the forest, Ash and his party finally arrived in Kanaz City.

After not coming to the big city for a long time, they did not rush to the Taoist hall, but came to the observation deck on the mountain next to it, enjoying the beautiful scenery of the beautiful city by the sea.


Sensing Ash’s mood at the moment, Larulas danced on Ash’s head.

“Larulas seems to be happy too!” Xiao Sheng has always paid close attention to Ash’s Lalulas.

At this time, he noticed a mosquito coil tadpole under the chair next to him, looking very alarmed.

He quickly ran over and bent down, “Hey! ”

After saying hello like this, this mosquito coil tadpole looks even more cramped.

Seeing this, he remembered Ash’s approach, with a gentle smile, “If you feel difficult, I can help you!” ”

The mosquito coil tadpole turned around, saw his smile, and slowly walked out, and you could see that it had a sign on its tail, obviously with an owner.

Ash looked at him and nodded, “This mosquito coil tadpole seems to be a child!” ”

Xiao Sheng didn’t care about this, and held this mosquito coil tadpole in his arms, “I guess, are you lost?” ”

With that sign on the tail, it shouldn’t be difficult to find its owner. Soon a young lady came looking for her, “Mosquito coil tadpole, I’ve been looking for you for a long time!” ”

The mosquito coil tadpole jumped into her arms, and the little sister held it and looked at Ash and his group, “Did you help find it?” Thank you so much! ”

Behind this young lady, there were several bear children of the same age as Xiao Sheng, “Teacher, have you found the mosquito coil tadpole?” ”

In their arms or beside them, there is a Pokémon, Little Duckbill, Bobo, Little Lada, but the last child does not have a Pokémon around, so if you want to come to this mosquito coil tadpole, it should be his partner.

The little girl holding Bobo comforted him gently, “It’s already found, don’t worry!” ”

“Don’t let it escape next time, Kota!” The boy who followed the duck-billed dragon next to him complained fiercely, “It should be that your relationship has been disrupted in class!” ”

“Why are you using this tone!” The little girl from Bobo stood up to help Kota speak, “You obviously know that Kota is afraid of Pokémon and dare not approach it with your hand!” ”

The young lady took out the majesty of the teacher and stood in front of the two, “You two, stop arguing, okay?” ”

The two immediately turned their heads and even claimed that they were.

The young lady held the mosquito coil tadpole and gave Haota a touch of the head to kill, “Haota, you don’t need to cry, I know you have worked very hard!” ”

“Okay everyone, let’s go back to the trainer cultivation academy together!” The young lady is going to call the bear child back.

Hearing the words “trainer cultivation academy”, Xiao Sheng suddenly became interested.

This trainer cultivation school is a school where you can learn all kinds of knowledge related to Pokémon. These children are the students of the introductory class in front of them named Du Juan.

“It’s great, sister, big brother, I also want to participate, can I?” Xiao Sheng immediately asked Haruka and Ash for permission.

“This, you suddenly asked me…” Where can Xiao Yao take the decision.

Xiao Zhi looked at Miss Du Juan and smiled, “Miss Du Juan, I am Xiao Zhi of Zhenxin Town, and I came to Kanaz City to do the Dojo Challenge!” ”

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Yao and Xiao Sheng’s eyes lit up, could it be that this Miss Du Juan was the Taoist trainer of Kanaz Taoist Hall?

Du Juan couldn’t help but be surprised when she saw that Xiao Zhi actually recognized herself, “Xiao Zhi, you know me? ”

“That’s right, when the Gorgeous Contest was held at Kanaz Center, I collected some information about Kanaz Dojo by the way, and confirmed that this is a rock dojo, as well as your name and appearance!”

Xiao Gang looked at Xiao Zhi and nodded repeatedly, “Xiao Zhi, you are becoming more and more mature now!” ”

“For your sake, Ash, I’ll take you to the Pokémon Trainer Cultivation Academy, which is next door to the Dojo. Xiao Sheng, you can join my introductory class to experience the day, how about it? Du Juan nodded again and again after listening to Xiao Zhi’s explanation, and immediately decided.

Of course, Ash did not refuse, and he also wanted to see if there was an opportunity to brush the exchange point in that school.

Xiao Sheng was even more delighted, but he didn’t know that the little duck-billed dragon imp had been staring at him from behind.

Came to the Trainer Cultivation Academy, where the principal heard that Ash was the champion of the Silver Conference, and Xiaosheng Xiaoyu was a child of the Orange Hua Taoist Hall, and personally acted as a tour guide to take the group to visit.

“Please experience my proudest school!”

The headmaster opened the first door, and the atmosphere of the class here was very strong, and it seemed that he was talking about walking grass, “This is the class that targets Doctor Pokémon!” ”

Ash resisted this atmosphere a little, and had the feeling of traveling back, and just wanted to pull everyone away, but found a familiar figure.

He quietly walked over and sat next to the man, “Hey, Xiaomao, why are you here?” ”

That’s right, this person is Xiao Mao, who only took his original water arrow turtle with the goal of becoming a Pokémon doctor, and once again embarked on a journey to this Fengyuan region, and did not expect to meet him here.

Seeing that Xiao Zhi suddenly ran over and sat down, Xiao Yao Xiaosheng was stunned for a moment, and then he heard Xiao Gang explain, “This is Ash his best friend, and his strength is not under Ash!” ”

Xiao Sheng quickly recognized Xiao Mao, “Sister, it’s him, the one who lost to his eldest brother in the first round of the Silver Conference Decisive Tournament!” ”

“Ash? Why are you a scumbag sitting here? Xiao Mao was also very surprised to see Xiao Zhi, “I heard that the classes here are very good, so I will audit here for a month!” Are you here to challenge the dojo? ”

“yes…” As soon as Xiao Zhi wanted to chat with Xiao Mao, the teacher in the class above suddenly shouted, “The classmate with a green hat over there, yes, it’s you!” ”

Ash stood up with a smile, “Teacher, I’m Lalulas, not a green hat!” ”

“Lalu Laru!” Larulas didn’t know what was going on, but waved his hands over Ash’s head, laughing happily.

“Hahaha…” Everyone laughed.

The teacher quickly calmed everyone down, “Please talk about some walking grass habits!” ”

Xiao Mao on the side showed a gloating smile, this scumbag was most afraid of such an exposition topic before, and was trying to remind him a few words, so he listened to Xiao Zhi speak.

“Walking grass will look for fertile and nutritious soil and plant itself in it, and the richer the soil it is in, the more shiny its leaves will become. Walking grass is nocturnal, and when it is planted in the soil during the day, its feet will change to resemble the roots of trees. It wakes up in the moonlight, and when it wakes up, it actively walks around. ”

After speaking, the entire class plus Xiao Yao Xiaosheng was applauding Xiao Zhi, and Xiao Mao looked at Xiao Zhi like a ghost, “Are you kid still Ash?” ”


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