After a night of repairing at the Pokémon Center, Ash is finally ready for the second official gym battle in the Toyoen region!

As a beach gym, it has a holiday atmosphere, and the sign has the word fighting written on it, which is obviously a dojo specializing in fighting Pokémon.

This is also why Ash teleported the megalodon back, the evil attribute is really unfavorable here, and then Ash and his group decided to take a good stroll on Wudou Island, obviously not suitable for taking it.

“Maybe the dojo trainer here is also like Mr. Ah Si of the Azure Dojo, maybe it’s a muscular martial artist!” Xiao Gang guessed.

Indeed, this is the first impression of ordinary people on martial artists, whether it is Asi of the Azure Dojo, Nobuhiko of Karate, or Xiba, the martial arts king of the Kando region, they all look like muscular men.

However, the dojo trainer here is a big handsome guy!

Just as everyone was about to knock on the dojo, several young ladies rushed out of the dojo with surfboards, and behind them was a handsome man with blue hair, he was in good shape, obviously exercised regularly, but not very swollen muscles.

At this moment, under the beachsuit, you can see his well-proportioned body!

The man noticed Xiao Zhi’s group at the door at a glance, “Hello, may I ask you?” ”

“I’m Ash from True New Town, and I’m here to do the Dojo Challenge!” Ash is straight to the point, and the intention is clear!

Hearing this, the man immediately nodded, “Hello Ash, I am Fujiki, the gym trainer of the Martial Fighting Dojo!” ”

Saying that, Fujishu showed an apologetic smile, “I’m really sorry, until yesterday, the sea was still ticking and ticking, and the waves were roaring.” But today is different, the face of the sea is very beautiful, so can you come tomorrow? ”

Seeing him holding the surfboard, Ash smiled and said, “Mr. Fujiki said that the waves on the sea today are very good, do you want to go surfing?” ”

“Yes, Ash, are you interested?” Seeing Ash’s appearance, Fujiki actually invited with a smile.

Of course, interested, Ash has long discovered that such sports can greatly increase the value of Pokémon and himself.

Whether it is Lao Spray, who practiced riding and flying at the beginning, Kentairo and Laplace, who later practiced sprint racing, and even Ladias, who later helped pull the reins together, the stumbling value has been greatly increased in the project of paying attention to coordination.

How could Ash miss such a good opportunity!

“Haha, you’re really an interesting person!” Fujiki immediately felt that he had met his soulmate, casually took out a blue surfboard and handed it over, put Ash’s shoulder, and rushed to the beach.

“Ash…” Xiao Yao was also excited, “Let’s go, let’s go swimming too!” ”

“That’s right, swimming with big sisters must be very good!” Xiao Gang also looked longing.

The beach of Wudou Island is really beautiful, today’s waves are very good, and it is no wonder that the vine trees are excited.

“Okay, let’s go!” Fujiki threw out the Pokeball, “Makushita Lux, take off!” ”

This Makushita Lux is really powerful, it can surf, look at its sturdy lower plate, and the vine tree cultivates it very well.

“Ash, how are you?” Fujiki and Makushita Lux were ready to take their positions when they saw Ash also holding a Poké Ball.

Ash nodded, “It’s up to you, Mu Shou Gong!” ”

Mu Shougong still held the branch with a cool look, and I don’t know if I can be cool when I get to the sea.

Ash looked at it and smiled slightly, “Vine tree, how about Bibi!” ”

“Haha, you are really interesting and happy to accompany!” Whether it’s a gym battle or a surfing competition, Fujiki will not show mercy!

“Namu Shougong, let’s go!” Ash took Kimoriya to stand on the surfboard and headed for the sea.

His current strength and physical fitness are completely correct to say that he is comparable to a fighting Pokémon, even if he has not rushed the waves before, he can still quickly master the balance on the waves!

But Mu Shougong can only lie on the surfboard on all fours, where is it as cool as before!

“Mu Shougong, try to stand up slowly, feel the breath of the waves, and follow its swing to control your body!” As soon as Ash came up, he saw through the way Vine trained fighting Pokémon.

In fact, each trainer has his own way of training Pokémon, as well as his own style of fighting. It can’t be said who is better or worse, after all, what suits you and Pokémon is the best.

So Ash will occasionally send Pokémon to others for training, not that he can’t train, but people do have things they don’t have, things that are more suitable for their own Pokémon!

Also as a trainer in the martial arts department, it is obvious that Fujiki and Ashiba’s straightforward fighting styles are completely different, and Ash is looking forward to fighting him.

Hearing Ash’s encouragement, Kimoriya slowly relaxed his arms and wanted to stand up, which was a severe test for living in a tree, but once it passed, it would definitely make it improve rapidly.

Unlike the Miao Frog Flower and the Geranium, Mu Shou Palace and even the Lizard King who evolved to the end took the path of Min, which is also more in line with Ash’s battle style, and Ash is full of expectations for it!

Mu Shougong slowly stood up, but soon he was unstable under his feet, and he almost fell, and a blue light flashed in Ash’s eyes to hold him up.

“Mu Shougong, come on, with me behind you, it will definitely be fine!”

Feeling Ash’s escort, Mumoriya was much more bold, it was still holding a branch, with a serious look in its eyes, learning the posture of Ash and the vine tree, and firmly standing on the surfboard!

Kimoriya: 140/160

“Ash, you are really powerful, I am really looking forward to fighting you tomorrow!” Fujiki came to him and admired Ash when he saw the scene just now.

Makushita Lux was also cheering for the wooden palace, but he didn’t expect that he was also unstable under his feet, so frightened that he quickly concentrated his mind, but his heavy body was not so easy to stabilize.

I’m about to fall into the water!

Ash’s eyes flashed blue light again, helping it stand firm, “Vine tree, let’s compete now!” ”

“Happy to accompany!”

Kimoriya: 145/165

Looking at Ash and Fujiki who were playing on the sea, Xiao Gang smiled, “Ash has become more and more powerful, and we can’t lose to him!” ”

Xiao Sheng stood beside Xiao Yao, looking at Xiao Zhi’s figure from afar, and looked at his sister in a swimsuit next to him, “Sister also have to cheer oh, it’s rare to meet someone as powerful as big brother to be able to travel together!” ”

“Don’t worry, I’m not just playing!” Xiao Yao stood beside the fire chicken and the spiny tail worm, she was ready to participate in the gorgeous competition!


There is a big talk about how there is no plot that involves evolution recently, and the Pokémon have not evolved to their final form!

The Pokémon will evolve one after another, guess who will be the first to complete the stumbling evolution?

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