Pokemon Life

Chapter 175, Trap Zone

After a period of spinning, Charmander, Pikachu and Soul Eye finally returned to the surface successfully.

Needless to say, the feeling was much more exciting than using a hole-in-the-wall rope. For example, Charmander and Pikachu had black circles around their eyes after successfully landing, and their little heads were still dizzy after most of the day.

The seductive-eyed butler is trying his best to find balance:


The dragon-headed gopher elites had completed their farewell mission, so they used drills to dig out the sand dunes again, spinning at high speed while disappearing on the desert surface:

"I wish you a safe journey, we are also going back, see you later!"

Swish swish swish swish swish——


"Well, I didn't expect to go out in this way. If I had known that it would be so troublesome to come in and out, and if I had been mentally prepared in advance, this dragon-headed gopher tribe wouldn't be so miserable."

As soon as he finished speaking, the butler with seductive eyes, who was already awake, continued to look to the northwest seriously and said:

"Everyone, it's time for us to move towards the Quicksand Cave, so keep your spirits up!"

"There will be no supply points for the Styrofoam statue along the way, and zero camping areas. We have to do it right the first time!"

The next moment, the little fire dragon raised its small claws:

"OK, got it!"

Pikachu also raised his little paw at the same moment:

"I got it too!"

So the housekeeper, Charmander and Pikachu took advantage of the good weather in the morning and raced against time to move towards the Quicksand Cave.

————Desert dividing line————

Maze name: Quicksand Cave

English name: Quicksand Cave

Number of layers: 20F+20F

The props that appear: pocket coins, tree branches, steel thorns, a small amount of gummy candies, and a small amount of jade.

Inhabiting Pokémon: Pangolin, Armored Rhinoceros, Burrower, Sonic Cicada, Kodora, Kodora, Jaw Ant, Spiny Ball Cactus, Libra Doll, Shakiras, Sand Hippopotamus.

Hidden Pokémon: Sonic Larva

Environment description: This is the desert hinterland located in the deepest part of the desert area, even more remote than the northern desert in the northwest.

Generally speaking, explorers who travel here will take a quick look at the distance and leave, because there will be no treasures if they go further, and the rest is just endless yellow sand. However, it has formed a unique desert ecosystem, where small inhabited areas There are so many elves.

At present, the three little ones have officially entered the quicksand cave area.

For example, the first section from 1F to 5F is really deserted, with not even a few sea buckthorn plants to be seen.

Pikachu had given up looking for those shiny treasures, because there were too few treasures in the quicksand cave area. At most, there were a few throwing props buried under a few sandbags.

It took a long time to travel through the more desolate desert again.

Pikachu only picked up 30 pocket coins this time, which was much smaller than the previous northern desert. There was even a small amount of jade:

"Hey, why is there nothing here? Is it because of this that the enchanting butler didn't go deep last time?"

The seductive-eyed butler's diamond eyes suddenly flashed:


"But not only are there no treasures here, what I hate even more are the traps."


Maze trap, this word appears in more than 50% of the maze adventures, especially in the middle and later stages of large mazes, the existence of traps is more inevitable.

As the name suggests, it means that various traps will randomly appear under the ground in the entire area to block the footsteps of explorers.

Once the elves step on the traps, they will trigger various negative special effects caused by the traps. Therefore, how to avoid traps in the maze and how to choose the route with the fewest traps is also a science.

Little Charmander suddenly realized:

No wonder, I kind of understand why the Red Gear is guarded in the deepest part of the Quicksand Cave.

First of all, this area is a desert with nothing, and there are very few treasures. As a result, except for the Pokémon that live there, there are very few outside explorers.

Secondly, there are dense traps, which just poses a difficult choice for the elves who want to continue exploring:

Should I continue to waste time in the quicksand cave, stepping on various traps, or should I return comfortably and eat apple pie at home?

Soon enough, Charmander was the first to not pay attention, and his little claws stepped into the trap unknowingly.

The feeling was like stepping on a marked brick. The little beast's feet felt as if they were filled with lead. It was even accompanied by a system prompt:

[Ding, Charmander stepped on a trap with a PP of 0. It's very unfortunate. This is an advanced trap in a series of traps. 】

[Charmander's grab, alloy claws, flames, flame fangs and other offensive skills all have their PP reduced to 0, and the corresponding moves cannot be used. 】


I have seen cruel ones, but there is no advanced trap that is so cruel!

This is about to catch up with a provocation in disguise. The provocation was to seal transformation moves. I was directly sealed with all attack moves. I am a little fire dragon. Wasn't Qi completely destroyed on the spot?

"Are you okay, Charmander, come out of the trap quickly!" Pikachu looked anxious.

"Ah, okay~"

Seeing that Charmander immediately moved the little animal's feet away from the trap floor tiles, Pikachu breathed a sigh of relief:

"It's so dangerous. It would be terrible if it were a more terrifying fatal trap, but no one should get close to it."

Charmander couldn't help but look back and found that the trap he stepped on was still in the sand pit. There was a dark red downward arrow mark on it, with a warning "P" symbol on it.

"Wait a minute, are these traps reused? They will be covered by sand and then trap another passerby?"

Pikachu recalled:

"Yes, that's what it says in the encyclopedia, so after you step on a trap, you must stay away immediately and keep your distance to make sure your teammates don't step on it."


"It's quite troublesome once you step on it. The trap state cannot be released until the end of the entire maze, and even if you eat any tree fruits, food and medicine will not work."

Well, doesn’t that mean I’m really useless?

In other words, my majestic DPS Charmander will only have one interference skill, Smoke Screen, to release during the rest of the journey?

It's too late, it's too late,

The next moment Pikachu was still explaining, he accidentally landed on the trap!

This time it was a glue landmark. When Pikachu stepped on it, he didn't feel it because he was stepped on by the sand. It wasn't until a wisp of dark green glue fell from the sky that the system prompt sounded:

[Ding, Pikachu has stepped into a glue trap, and when it is sprayed with glue, it will stick to the valuable props in the adventure backpack. 】

[Now the prop Qi Gathering Jade is stuck and cannot be used anymore. 】

"Hey, hey, hey, I've fallen into a trap too!"

So far, Charmander and Pikachu have tragically fallen into the trap, and only the enchanted-eyed butler is left in the team to continue moving forward confidently.

Charmander: "Butler Huhunyan, do you have any experience in avoiding traps? Please teach us!"

Eyes of seduction:...

Finally, I am very grateful to the readers. I also ask for votes, rewards, collections, and investments from the readers. This chapter is about it~

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