Before the action, Luo Yuan and Huanhuan had already drawn up a battle plan.

He was responsible for attracting the Rockets' attention and pinning down the Rockets' main force. Huanhuan sneaked into Pipi's place to rescue Pipi and the captured Alliance trainers, and then came back to support Luo Yuan.

But now Huanhuan has not sent back any news, and no one knows what happened to it.

""You actually gave my Big Mouth Bat to me!" Carlo roared...."

Carlo shouted angrily, drawing Luo Yuan's attention back.

Luo Yuan's guess was correct. Carlo's previous command of Nidoking and Rhydon to attack Bangila was indeed a tactic of attacking Wei to save Zhao, in order to buy Golbat some time to recover. Although Golbat can't do much against Bangila, it has high mobility and can bypass Bangila and attack Luo Yuan at any time.

As long as Luo Yuan is attacked, Bangila will definitely come to his rescue, and then with the cooperation of Nidoking and Rhydon, he can easily win.

But he didn't expect Luo Yuan to risk getting Bangila injured in order to kill Golbat, which made his whole plan go down the drain.

"This guy...."Carlo gritted his teeth. Luo Yuan was not the strongest enemy he had ever seen, but he was definitely one of the most troublesome ones, because this guy knew how to make choices.

Luo Yuan had a strange trait, that is, the more dangerous the situation, the calmer he was. Seeing Carlo's momentary distraction, he immediately seized the opportunity:"Banjira, let's take the initiative!"

Bangjira roared with joy, it likes to attack!

Then Bangjira took the initiative and attacked Nidoking!

He kept commanding Bangjira to fight Nidoking and Rhydon! One against two, with the support of Kirby, Luo Yuan not only did not fall behind, but found the rhythm in the continuous attack and gradually took the initiative.

Luo Yuan's increasingly courageous battle put great pressure on Carlo. Bangjira roared wantonly on the field, and the power of the desert tyrant was chilling! During the fight, Carlo even felt a trace of fear from the young man opposite.

He felt that Luo Yuan, who was fighting with him, seemed to be able to accurately find the loopholes in his attack every time, then break his offensive, and then counterattack.

This cycle repeated itself, and the balance of victory gradually tilted towards Luo Yuan.

At this time, no matter how reluctant Carlo was, he had to admit that he was really no match for the guy in front of him!

""Everyone, come on, kill that Bangila!"

Carlo was scared.

He was afraid that if he continued to fight, he would really lose.

So he made a quick decision and gathered people to beat Bangila up before he failed.

Hearing the call of the cadres, the Rocket team's minions were reluctant to fight against such a powerful Pokémon as Bangila, but the higher the official, the more powerful they were. If they wanted to stay in the Rocket team, they had to go if the cadres told them to!

"Yongjila, use mental power!"

"Naughty boy, use big explosion!"

"Charmeleon, use Jet Flame!"

This attack was far superior to the previous attacks of the minions.

Not only were Nidoking and Rhydon holding them back, but many of Team Rocket's captains also joined in the siege. The massive attacks were coming down head-on, and even Luo Yuan felt his scalp tingling.


Little Kirby used his finger wave skill to erect a wall of light in front of him, but there were too many attacks, and the wall of light only blocked it for a second before it broke.

"Bangila, use Destruction Beam, and then Hold On!"

Luo Yuan gave the order. It was too late to escape. Now the only way was to move forward!

In fact, according to his idea, he wanted to use Hold on rather than Hold On!

In the game, if Hold On is used successfully, it can resist the move and not be hurt, while Hold On only forces the Pokémon to retain a little physical strength so that it will not lose its combat ability on the spot.

There is no doubt which of these two moves is stronger.

But the reality is not a game after all. Hold On is not something that can be used by pressing a button, but requires the Pokémon itself to have the ability to block the move to succeed.

If he had to use Hold On, Luo Yuan was afraid that Bangila would not be able to hold on and be killed by a large number of attacks. So he made a second choice and chose the one with no skills. content, and can hold on more steadily!

Bangila blasted out a burst of Destruction Beam, and directly killed a large number of Pokémon with countless moves.

Then Bangila took a stance and crossed his hands in front of his chest before his body became stiff with the Destruction Beam. The remaining attacks came in a surging manner, drowning Bangila! Bangila showed pain under these attacks, but the thick outer armor on his body helped him to resist a lot of damage. When the attacks dissipated, Bangila was still standing there and did not fall down.

Luo Yuan immediately came behind Bangila and put his hands on Bangila's body.

Then, in the puzzled eyes of all Team Rocket, the power of Changpan was fully launched!!


Update (2/5)

Please give me some flowers and comments because I worked so hard to update the paper after writing it all day.

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