Pokemon: Master Of Tactics

Chapter 133 - Pokemon master of tactics: 133

Celadon City

Alex slowly got down from Crobat and looked at the people who were watching him with curious eyes.

Crobat ignored the people and just looked at Alex with a questioning look.

Alex, who is now an Alliance trainer and, more importantly, the trainer who won the Kanto Rookie tournament, was a small celebrity in Kanto.

Especially in Celadon City, where the last Kanto Rookie tournament was held, he is very well known.

Although the Kanto Rookie Tournament only shows rookie trainers, it is still a very popular tournament. The top contestants of this tournament are considered potential future Gym leaders or even Elite Four members.

When a rookie wins the tournament, it often shows that he has the talent to become as strong as Gym leaders in the future. Erika and Brock are good examples to show that.

Fortunately, there were no 'fans' of Alex here, and Alex didn't have to answer any dumb questions or give autographs. He was glad that after two months, he can walk through the city again without being stopped every 2 seconds.

Alex shook his head and slowly started walking to the hotel with Crobat. Although it wasn't dark yet, Alex wanted to book a room to stay in this city for the next few days.

After 15 minutes of walking, Alex was standing in front of the hotel he stayed last time during the tournament.

Although it was relatively expensive, Alex was very content with the hotel's services, so he decided to stay here again.


Alex, who entered the hotel room, looked around and quickly went to the shower.

When Alex entered the shower, he heard 6 Pokéballs open up by themselves. Alex heard and immediately ignored it.

The Pokéballs of Alex's family members are never locked so that his Pokémon can come out independently at any time. Although there is a practical reason for doing this (easy to protect Alex), Alex does it not because of that reason, but to give his Pokémon as much freedom as possible. The only reason why Alex uses Pokéballs is that they are very convenient and can save the life of 1 of his Pokémon in an emergency. Alex sees and treats his Pokémon as his family. Although he is the head of the family, he tries to show each of his Pokémon enough respect, which is sometimes not that easy.

Alex's Pokémon walked out of their Pokéball when they saw that Alex went to shower without a word.

Crobat, who had come out, said with an annoyed expression, "What a lazy trainer!"

Scizor said with a smirk, "Ohh, that fat bat doesn't want to move out of Pokéball himself? Welp, not a surprise! Do you need a nanny to take care of your needs, fat bat?"

Crobat, who heard this, was immediately pissed off. "You fck! Whom are you calling fat, you idiot? I weigh almost exactly what an average Crobat would have."

"Yes, the focus should be given the word 'almost'."

Gardevoir noticed that the two of them had started their bickering again and said, "Can you both calm down, please. I thought after almost 2 weeks without yelling that you would finally treat each other a little more respectfully."

After that, she showed a sad expression as she said, "You are really making a bad example for Shieldon and Combusken."

Scizor and Crobat saw the sad expression of Gardevoir and immediately stopped arguing. Nobody wanted to make their little sister unhappy unnecessarily. The two began to pursue their 'hobby' without saying a word. Although they continued to ignore each other, at least they stopped screaming.

Gardevoir, who saw this, couldn't help but shake her head helplessly.

Shieldon, who heard the words of Gardevoir, made an expression like he had been wronged as he colored Gardevoir with a cute face, "Big sister Gardevoir, why do you speak like I'm still a child?"

Combusken, who heard that, said excitedly, "I'm not a kid anymore. Look, I'm bigger than big brother Shieldon."

Shieldon, which was much larger than the average Shieldon at 0.7 meters, was still smaller than Combusken.

Shieldon, hearing the word from his little sister, said sadly, "That's not nice, little sister. You know that I will get bigger when I evolve."

Gardevoir, who saw this cute expression, couldn't help but stroke Shieldon's head when she said, "Don't worry, Shieldon. You'll soon become a big and strong Bastiodon."

Shieldon looked excited with his gleaming innocent eyes as he asked, "Are you sure about this, big sister Gardevoir?"

Gardevoir said with a kind and gentle smile, "Very sure."

Combusken showed a jealous expression as she said aloud, "Big sister, what about me. When will I be a strong and cool Blaziken?"

Gardevoir took her two hand and also started stroking Combusken's head and said, "Very soon. As long as you listen to our trainer, you will soon become much stronger."

Ditto and Eevee, who saw this exchange, couldn't help but show a small smile. The innocence these 3 Pokémon have kept is really a specialty in Alex's group. In Alex Pokémon group, only this group of 3 have never killed any other Pokémon.

Ditto looked curiously in the direction of Eevee when he asked, "Do you want to play a round of chess?"

Eevee gave a wondering look as she said, "What is chess?"

Ditto, who finally saw his chance to get a win in chess, said with a smile, "I'll show you."

After 1/2 hour, Ditto was looking at the chessboard with a blank face.

Eevee, who had just won, said with a bright smile, "You're right, it's really fun."

Alex, who came out of the shower, had a quick look around before he said, "We'd have to sell the items today so that you can continue later."

Ditto, who heard this, did not show an annoyed expression but a look of relief instead.


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