Pokemon: Master Of Tactics

Chapter 143 - Pokemon master of tactics: 143

Alex, who was already thinking about a strategy, showed a confident smile when he pulled out his Pokéball.

Professor Wälhder was acting as a referee and gave both of them the signal to get their Pokémon out at the same time.

A Crobat and a Golduck appeared on the battlefield simultaneously.


Pokémon: Golduck

LV: 43

Type: Water

Abilities: Damp

Gender: Male

Potential: Gold


- Scratch, Tail Whip, Water Gun, Confusion, Fury Swipes, Disable, Psybeam, Screech, Surf

- (Innate Talent) Psychic [E], (Innate Talent) Iron Tail [E], (Innate Talent) Headbutt [E]

- (TM) Protect, (TM) Light Screen, (TM) Rain Dance [E], (TM) Whirlpool, (TM) Hyper Beam, (TM) Blizzard, (TM) Calm Mind, (TM) Toxic


Misty noticed the Crobat was an Elite Pokémon and showed a solemn expression. She was very surprised that Alex's LV 35 Crobat got so strong after less than 2 months. Misty knows from experience how long it takes to train a LV 35 Pokémon on the Expert rank. It even took her almost 3 months, even though she is very talented in Pokémon training. She suddenly felt that it was going to be a tough fight.

Professor Wälhder, who saw that they were both ready, immediately gave the signal to start the fight.

"3,2,1, Fight!"

Alex, who told Crobat before the fight to use Toxic if he didn't say anything, showed a calm expression when the fight started. He was of course not so stupid to use the same strategy as last time.

He doesn't think that Misty, who later becomes a Gym leader, is so stupid that she'll fall for the same trick twice.

Misty didn't say anything either and showed a smile. She learned a lot from the last fight. That's why Misty had told Golduck before the fight that he should use Rain Dance immediately at the start. Although it is risky, she does not want to give Alex an advantage just because she is afraid of the potential risk of this tactic.

Alex showed a slightly surprised expression when Misty said nothing and just smiled at him. Just like Crobat, Golduck also started preparing a move, and Alex understood what Misty was doing.

Even though he realized it, it was now too late to change his tactics.

Golduck, whose move was on the Expert rank, was quicker, and giant clouds began to appear in the sky over the battlefield.

Alex, who saw this high range, noticed that it was much bigger and stronger than the Rain Dance on the Normal rank.

Crobat, who finished shortly after, started launching a Toxic to Golduck.

Misty, who saw this well-known move, didn't show a nervous expression when she said, "Protect and then Blizzard."

Golduck successfully blocked his move and started preparing for the next move.

Alex, who heard Misty's move, suddenly felt a bit nervous.

Misty was a lot more experienced than before and even had a hidden combo that she can use to win if Alex doesn't react quickly.

Misty's strategy gave her several advantages.

1: Golduck's Water-type moves deal more damage.

2: Crobat will have a difficult time flying due to the rain.

The last advantage, in particular, was very dangerous for Alex if he didn't immediately notice this early.

Alex immediately said, "Crobat, quickly fly to the edge of the arena and try to avoid the move Blizzard. But if you notice that you can't avoid it, use Protect quickly."

Crobat immediately began to fly away quickly, building a large gap between the two.

After Crobat is 30 meters away, Golduck launched his move Blizzard.

Crobat tried to evade while flying away but soon knew that he won't be able to dodge everything so quickly, so he used Protect. After using Protect, he immediately flew to the edge of the battlefield.

Misty noticed that the Crobat was flying further and further away was still not at the edge of the arena yet. She suddenly felt that the battlefield was too big.

"Wait, is the battlefield 20% bigger than in the tournament? Ahhh!!!! This bastard set me up! He drew my attention to the format so that I wouldn't notice that the area was a bit bigger."

Although 20% doesn't seem like much, the difference is big for quick Pokémon like Crobat, who can take better advantage of their speed.

Misty noticed that it wasn't time to get upset, so she thought about her next move.

"Golduck, use Calm Mind."

Misty's next strategy is to reinforce Golduck, so she only needs 1 or 2 hits from Psychic to beat Crobat. Psychic, who has a good range on the Expert rank and is almost inevitable, is the optimal move to defeat Crobat in this large area. Together with that, she will have her Pokémon buffed up for the next fight; Misty's Strategie was many times better than last time.

Alex, who immediately understood Misty's plan, showed a solemn expression. He felt that Misty would make a really good Gym leader.

"Crobat, use Swift as long as she is boosting her Pokémon."

Crobat, who is now on the Elite rank, can do a lot of damage. So Misty's Golduck can't take many attacks.

Golduck, who successfully used Calm Mind once, was hit by Crobat's Swift and suffered a bit of damage.

Misty, who noticed that she can't use Calm Mind too often, said, "Golduck, run towards Crobat and use Psychic when Crobat is at the edge of the arena or when you think he can't get out of range."

Alex, who had expected this, gave a small smile.

"Crobat, use Fly."

Crobat, who was still out of range, had no fear of being hit immediately flew high in the sky.

Alex, who chose this optimal moment, showed a smile. Fly is Crobat's strongest move but also the move that cannot always be used.

After a few seconds, Crobat flew with ridiculous speed towards Golduck from a high point in the sky. With this, he had no way of evading.

"Golduck, use Psychic."

Golduck was hit in the head by the fallen Crobat and suffered severe damage. He only had around 30% HP excess after this critical hit.

Although Golduck had taken critical damage, he used Psychic and also deal severe damage to Crobat.

Crobat hit by Psychic lost more than 60% HP from just one hit.

Alex saw this exchange and was happy. He knew that Golduck would have actually won this fight if Crobat hadn't hit him in the head.

"Crobat, use Cross Poison."

"Golduck, use Psychic."

At almost the same time, both trainers gave their commands for the next and probably the last moves.

Crobat and Golduck suffered critical damage.

Crobat fell unconscious on the floor. But to Alex's surprise, Golduck, covered in blood, was still standing upright. He looked as bad as Crobat last time.

Alex looked at the unconscious Crobat and thought, "Ok, that's harder than I thought."


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