Pokemon: Master Of Tactics

Chapter 149 - Pokemon master of tactics: 149

Alex woke up and opened his eyes due to the rays of shining sun falling on his face coming into the room through the open window.

He got out of bed and went to make breakfast for himself and his Pokémon.

Scizor appeared to have woken up before Alex and was doing basic training when Alex came into the room.

Alex greeted Scizor and started walking into the open kitchen.

As he was making breakfast, he saw Crobat come into the room from the open window.

Crobat, who likes to sleep outside, mostly sleeps in front of the window where he can protect Alex and the other Pokémon at the same time. Though Crobat would never admit that.

When he saw that Scizor had already woken up and was training, he said with an arrogant expression, "Oh, weakling! How are you today?"

Scizor looked angry when he said, "What did you call me, you bloodsucker?"

Crobat gave a slight smirk when he said, "Ahh~ Can't handle the truth? I thought after I put your face on the floor that you would acknowledge the truth."

"What kind of truth are you talking about? You won 1 time, and now you think that you are much stronger than me. The only thing you are better at than me is s.u.c.k.i.n.g (blood)."

"Hah! Very "funny", you grill tongs. If you think that my victory was a coincidence, let's see who is really the strongest Pokémon at the next tournament."

"It's just 1 - 1. Get ready to cry tears of blood. I hope you are ready to lose your arrogance at the next tournament. If it's even possible for you to never be arrogant, that is."

Scizor and Crobat look at each other, and it seemed sparks were going on between them. But the next moment, they started ignoring each other at the same time.

Alex smiled when he saw this exchange. He felt that these two started getting along better, even if it was just a little bit better.

As Alex was making breakfast, Pokémon began to come out of their Pokéballs one by one.

They said good morning to Alex and the other Pokémon and started their morning training session.

Alex's Pokémon trains in the morning, at noon, and in the evening every day for several hours. That's why they usually start training immediately when they wake up.


While preparing breakfast, Alex started thinking about which TMs to buy for his Pokémon with the rest of his money.

He still had a little over 1 million Pokédollars left and could buy some good TMs for his Pokémon.

The first TM he bought was Roost for 125,000 Pokédollars. Although it was expensive, it was a TM that Alex wanted unconditionally for Crobat. He also bought TM Substitute for Crobat.

Alex also bought a very expensive move for Gardevoir for 150,000 Pokédollars, Focus Blast, since it can be a very useful move for Gardevoir. This move demands high mental focus, and it also lowers the target's Sp. Defense. And since it is of Fighting-type, it can be helpful against Dark-type Pokémon.

Shieldon, for whom Alex had still not bought a TM, immediately got 5 TMs from Alex.

-> Taunt for 5000, Rock Slide for 55,000, Rest for 30,000, Earthquake for 100,000, Flash Cannon for 25,000.

Combusken, who had also not received a TM from Alex till today, received 5 TMs from Alex.

-> Protect for 1,000, Flamethrower for 50,000, Rock Slide 55,000, Will-O-Wisp for 15,000, Poison Jab for 15,000.

Eevee, who comes from the wilderness, had no TM moves yet. So Alex bought 5 pieces directly.

-> Toxic 5,000, Shadow Ball 65,000, Facade 7,500, Protect 1,000, Attract 5,000.

Alex also ordered Pokémon food for 1 month for his Pokémon. Together with that, he spent more than 1,100,000 Pokédollars in this shopping spree. Alex looked sadly at his left money as he thought about how he spent most of them.

Only 158,000 TR Points & 40,010 Pokédollars were left with him.

After all the items were transferred, Alex immediately started storing the Pokémon food in his TRH device and giving the TMs to his Pokémon.

After distributing the TMs, he looked again at the information of each of his Pokémon.


Pokémon: Crobat

LV: 40

Type: Poison / Flying

Abilities: Inner Focus

Gender: Male

Potential: Gold

- Absorb, Supersonic, Astonish, Bite, Wing Attack, Confuse Ray, Swift, Haze, Leech Life, Mean Look

- (Innate Talent) Shadow Ball [E], (Innate Talent) Fly [E], (Innate Talent) Cross Poison[E]

- (TM) Protect, (TM) Toxic, (TM) Sludge Bomb, (TM) Facade, (TM) Taunt, (TM) Roost, (TM) Substitute


Pokémon: Scizor

LV: 40

Type: Bug / Steel

Abilities: Technician

Gender: Male


- Leer, Quick Attack, Focus Energy, Double Team, Feint, Fury Cutter, Wing Attack, Agility, Slash, Razor Wind, Iron Defense

- (Innate Talent) Roost [E], (Innate Talent) Metal Claw [E], (Innate Talent) Brick Break [E]

- (TM) Protect, (TM) Toxic, (TM) Thief, (TM) Facade, (TM) Giga Impact, (TM) U-turn, (TM) Sandstorm, (TM) Substitute, (TM) Swords Dance


Pokémon: Gardevoir

LV: 39

Type: Psychic / Fairy

Abilities: Telepathy

Potential: Deep Gold


- Growl, Confusion, Double Team, Teleport, Disarming Voice, Lucky Chant, Magical Leaf, Heal Pulse, Draining Kiss, Psychic, Imprison

- (Innate Talent) Disable [E], (Innate Talent) Calm Mind [E], (Innate Talent) Dazzling Gleam[E]

- (TM) Protect, (TM) Shadow Ball, (TM) Will-O-Wisp, (TM) Thunderbolt, (TM) Thunder Wave, (TM) Helping Hand, (TM) Focus Blast


Pokémon: Ditto

LV: 37

Type: Normal

Abilities: Imposter (Hidden Ability)

Gender: Genderless

Potential: Silver

Move: (Innate Talent) Transform [E]


Pokémon: Shieldon

LV: 34

Type: Rock / Steel

Abilities: Sturdy

Gender: Male

Potential: Gold


- Protect, Tackle, Taunt, Metal Sound, Take Down, Iron Defense, Swagger, Ancient Power

- (Innate Talent) Rock Polish [E], (Innate Talent) Sleep Talk [E], (Innate Talent) Flamethrower [E]

- (TM) Taunt, (TM) Rock Slide, (TM) Rest, (TM) Earthquake, (TM) Flash Cannon


Pokémon: Combusken

LV: 25

Type: Fire / Fighting

Abilities: Speed Boost (Hidden Ability)

Gender: Female

Potential: Gold


- Growl, Scratch, Ember, Sand Attack, Peck, Double Kick, Flame Charge, Quick Attack

- (Innate Talent) Attract, (Innate Talent) Sunny Day [E] , (Innate Talent) Overheat [E]

- (TM) Protect, (TM) Flamethrower, (TM) Rock Slide, (TM) Will-O-Wisp, (TM) Poison Jab


Pokémon: Eevee

LV: 31

Type: Normal

Ability: Adaptability

Gender: Female

Potential: Shallow Gold


- Growl, Tackle, Tail Whip, Quick Attack, Double Kick, Sand Attack, Bite, Swift, Take Down, Double-Edge, Helping Hand

- (Innate Talent) Rest, (Innate Talent) Sleep Talk, (Innate Talent) Work Up [E]

- (TM) Toxic, (TM) Shadow Ball, (TM) Facade, (TM) Protect, (TM) Attract


After half an hour, Alex and his Pokémon were sitting at a large table eating their breakfast.

While eating, Alex thought about training his Pokémon. He noticed that it is more effective to train 1 move all the time than train in several moves at the same time. That's why he has to make some changes in the move mastery training.

He started to think about which move his Pokémon should train on the Expert rank first. After half an hour of intensive thought, he decided on a move per Pokémon.

Crobat, who has already brought all of his Innate Talent moves to the Expert rank, will train the next in Toxic to reach the Expert rank.

Although it will take longer, Alex thinks it will be more effective to practice Crobat's good moves on the Expert rank before mastering his Innate Talent moves on the Master rank. The time to make a move on the Master rank is really not short. It makes more sense to train all good moves first.

Scizor's three buff moves (Agility & Focus Energy & Swords Dance) that Alex wants to train were a bit difficult to decide. These three moves should be trained on the Expert rank as quickly as possible. In the end, Alex decided to train Scizor in Swords Dance first. Although the other moves have the advantage of learning relatively faster, Alex thinks it will be more helpful. After all, Scizor can do more and more Damage with a higher Attack stat instead of an increased critically hit ratio or Speed.

Gardevoir has lots of good moves, but one move, in particular, is very critical. Of course, it's none other than Teleport. It is a move that can not be overlooked by Alex. The advantages of teleporting in combat and out of combat are so great that Alex hardly had to think twice to make this decision.

Shieldon has lots of good moves where Alex had to think a little to make a decision. In the end, Alex decided upon Taunt because it better hide Shieldon's weakness first. Although Iron Defense or Rock Slide is also quite helpful, Alex first wants to counter Shieldon's weaknesses before improving his strong points.

Combusken, who does not have all Innate Talent moves on the Expert rank yet, would start training Her last Innate Talent move Attract on the Expert rank.

And Eevee, who only has 1 Innate Talent move on the Expert rank, will naturally start training her two other moves on the Expert rank. Eevee will first train Rest on the Expert rank and then start training Sleep Talk on the Expert rank.


[EN]: Fun fact. At first, the line was, "it's just 1 to 1. I hope you..."

But I changed the 1 to 1 to 1 - 1. and (1-1) was kinda like a crying face, so I added the line of tears of blood.


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