Pokemon: Master Of Tactics

Chapter 168 - Pokemon master of tactics: 168

Jasmine healed Steelix and then went to Alex. She said with a restrained smile, "Good fight, Alex. I learned a lot from this fight."

Alex gave a 'friendly' smile when he said, "Yeah, this was really a good fight. I'm glad you can see the outcome of the fight in a positive light."

Jasmine's smile became slightly bitter.

"I'm actually still a little bit shocked. I knew my tactics skills were bad, but I didn't think that tactics could make such a big difference."

"Hmm, that depends. Sometimes making various decisions can be easier because of the tactics you have chosen. If your opponent doesn't have the correct counter for your tactics, he will only be walking towards his own defeat. I can tell you in more detail about it if you are interested."

Jasmine's face immediately became bright when she heard that. She said excitedly, "Really?? That would be really great!!!"

Alex slowly began to teach Jasmine the basics of using and learning tactics.

Though it doesn't give him any immediate advantages, Alex thinks that this action will later help him a lot. Giving a favor to a Gym leader and building a positive relationship can only be a great benefit. Although Alex doesn't need this desperately because he already has a good relationship with Steven, it's not bad to build more relationsh.i.p.s with a more powerful person.

Alex told her the most essential basics to make an effective and suitable tactic for her Pokémon. He also explains to her that it is important to always have plans B & C ready. There were lots of things to consider. Alex felt that he could talk about it for hours. But because of the time constraint, he only taught basics.

Jasmine, who had heard so much unique knowledge from Alex for 30 minutes, now had a look full of respect towards Alex.

"I can now understand how you defeated two Elite trainers without an Elite Pokémon. I learned a lot from you today. Thank you very much, Alex."

Alex showed his trademark fake smile as he said, "No problem. We're half friends already. Haha!"

Jasmine nodded sincerely and thanked Alex again. Afterward, she asked if Alex has time for more fights tomorrow.

Alex nodded and realized that it was time for his Pokémon to eat.

He and Jasmine separated for today and went to their own rooms.

After entering the room, Alex started preparing food for his Pokémon while thinking about the practice fights. To be honest, he was a bit disappointed that Jasmine was so clumsy. But he knew that she will be a really strong trainer in the future. Not to mention, she is 3 years younger than him, so it is understandable.

The fact that she is an Elite trainer at this age is already a very remarkable feat. She is younger than Misty and still only a little weaker than her, which really shows her potential.

Especially her Steelix is an extremely powerful Pokémon if used correctly.


During the ride, Alex and Jasmine trained together again and let their Pokémon compete against each other.


All the fights:


Magnemite v/s Combusken: Jasmine wanted Magnemite to fight Combuken at least once. Because Combusken is too strong, Alex suggested that Combusken couldn't use a Fire-Type move in this fight. Because of this condition, it was a very close fight.

In the end, Combusken was able to just win by using the double kick, even though she was knocked almost unconscious.


Magneton v/s Eevee: This fight was relatively equal. Eevee appeared stronger than Magneton, but because of her bad HP and Sp. Def, it was a very close fight. Especially because Eevee has no attack move on the Expert rank while Magneton has [Thunderbolt] on the Expert rank.

In the end, Magneton was able to win when Eevee was paralyzed and too slow to reach Magneton. She used [Rest], but because it's not on the Expert rank, she couldn't wake up early and was defeated.


Skarmory v/s Ditto: This fight was decided relatively quickly for Ditto, who easily won thanks to Alex's tactics and its level difference. Even though Ditto transformed into Skarmory and had no Expert rank moves, it still won relatively easily.

After Ditto used [Taunt], Skarmory could only use the utility move [Taunt], that is on the Expert rank, and no longer use the important moves like [Swords Dance], [Roost], etc.


Steelix v/s: Scizor: This fight was very balanced because Jasmine used tactics better this time and didn't fall into Alex's traps so easily. Although Alex still had a tactical advantage, he didn't try his best and gave Jasmine a chance to win this fight.

In the end, Scizor was able to win this tough fight. [Brick Break] and [Roost] on the Expert rank made it possible for Scizor to narrowly snatch this victory. Also, using [Leer] at the beginning helped Scizor well in this fight.


40 hours later, in the Slateport City harbor, the ship had finally arrived.

Alex saw that he was finally in Slateport City and couldn't help but show a relieved smile. He looked at Jasmine, who was standing next to him, and said, "After a 2-hour of delay, we are finally here."

Jasmine, who was a bit unhappy with Alex, smiled and said, "You are right. The delay was really a bit annoying."

"Ah, don't tell me that we haven't even exchanged our contacts yet. Wait, I'll give you my number."

Jasmine, who had just entered the city, received a sudden call.

She looked at the number, and her lips turned into a huge smile when she saw the number. Jasmine took the call and said, "Janine, it's good that you called. I just met a really nice person. Really..."


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