Pokemon: Master Of Tactics

Chapter 273 - Pokemon Master Of Tactics: 273

Maria looked at Alex with an annoyed expression when she said "an egg? .. If you knew what kind of egg that is then you wouldn't say that."

Alex looked at the Pokemon Egg and said casually, "I can tell it's probably a Dragon-Type Pokemon Egg, but I don't understand the reason you're giving it to me."

Maria looked at Alex for a moment and said "I already have a Dragon-Type Pokemon and I don't have enough money for a second one so I'll give it to you."

Alex just looked at Maria with a gentle smile when he heard this nonsense reason.

Even if a Dragon-Type Pokemon costs more Pokemon food and even if Dragon-Type Items are the most expensive Pokemon-type items, it is no reason for Maria, who has enough money for two Dragon Type Pokemon, not to keep this Egg for herself.

Even if Maria thinks she doesn't have enough money she can still sell it.

Dragon-type Pokemon species all have a very high average potential and it is also generally a type that has almost only monsters as Pokemon species.

The reason so few Trainers have Dragon-type Pokemon is not because of their strength or potential, but for two main reasons.

"Cost": Be it the Pokemon itself, the food, or the items that are supposed to improve the potential, everything that has to do with a Dragon-Type Pokemon is extremely expensive.

The amount of money a Dragon-Type Pokemon swallow is not what a regular trainer can take. Even normal elite trainers don't want to sacrifice that amount of money for a Pokemon.

The second reason is even more important to the average trainer.

"Very late reaching its full evolution.": Almost all Dragon-Type species reach their final form very late. There are a few exceptions like Druddigon but most of them have a poorer strength and the disadvantage of having no evolution and thus making it very difficult to increase its potential.

In comparison, the strongest Dragon-Type Species all have a high level of what they need to achieve in order to achieve their final form.

Only a very good trainer with enough money can train a pokemon to level 50 or even higher, which makes it so that these Pokemon species will never have a large number of trainers.

But almost every Dragon-Type Trainer is a monster, which man can clearly see from the many Dragon-Type Gym Leaders and Elite Four Members.


Alex looked at Maria and said coldly "I don't need it."

Maria ignored Alex cold words and showed a happy smile when she said "hehe, I understand what you are trying to do here so save your words, I will give you this Pokemon and you will look thankful."

Alex went before Maria kissed her and began to pull out an item that he actually wanted to use for himself.

He gave Maria the "Dragon Fang" with a smile when he saw her surprised expression.

Maria's emotions were all mixed up that Alex gave her such a valuable item without saying a word. She felt Alex love and trust that was just more important to her than this item.

"This is too expensive"

Alex looked at Maria with a smile when he said "Tell me where you got the Pokemon Egg and we'll see which gift is expensive."

He has the feeling that Maria wouldn't give him a bad pokemon egg so he is sure that Maria's gift is even very expensive.

Maria looked at Alex and said "it's not the same. I found it on the island you gave me the map of."

Alex who heard this said seriously "How did you get the Egg? I hope not that you were so stupid you risked your life to steal this Egg from two adults Dragon-Type Pokemon."

On the island, there were many zones that are not explored so it is not impossible to find a few Dragon-Type Pokemon but Dragon-Type Pokemon can only lay eggs when they are in their final form so it is extremely dangerous to steal a Dragon Egg.

Maria doesn't say anything for a few seconds.

Alex, who didn't hear an answer, understood what Maria was probably doing and started to get angry.

"Are you stupid? Why are you risking your life for a Pokemon Egg? You don't even have a Pokemon that can teleport."

Maria said quietly "I borrowed a Pokemon with teleport from Lisa."

"It's still risky and not worth it."

Maria who heard this suddenly felt a little warm even when she says something else.

"You can't control what I'm doing."

Alex looked at Maria and said "That has nothing to do with control and you know that too. I just hate the thought that you are so carelessly playing with your life. Please appreciate it more."

Maria looked into Alex'a's eyes and felt that he wasn't lying to her. He would have preferred it if she hadn't taken this risk than having this Pokemon egg.

Her eyes started to redden a bit and she had a few tears in her eyes. Alex hugged her and neither said anything for a few minutes.

After Maria had calmed down a bit, she said quietly "I'll be more careful from now on."

Then she looked at Alex and said "But then you have to stick to it too"

Alex gave a gentle smile when he said "You don't know but I fight in the wild like a coward who never takes a risk so it makes little difference to me."

Maria laughed softly and the mood began to get better again.

Alex smiled and said in an indifferent tone, "So what kind of Pokemon is in the Egg."

Maria shows a proud expression when she said "The parents were two Hydreigon so what do you think."

Alex showed a shocked expression "Wait...Hydreigon?"

In this world, Hydreigon only reaches its final form at level 64, which is what makes this Dargon Type Pokemon the most unpopular of all Dragon-type species.

A Pokemon species that only reaches its final form from the champion level is almost unusable and only a few trainers from each region can bring such a Pokemon to its final form.

But Hydreigon has a great advantage over almost all other Dragon-Type species. Thanks to its extremely late evolutions, the species also has extremely good average potential.

Many professors in this world explain that the Pokemon Species must have a particularly good potential or that most of the Deino never become a Zweilous or a Hydreigon if their potential is too bad.

But even with an extremely high average potential only 20% of all Deino manage to reach their final form even if this dragon species is protected by its parents after its birth until it becomes a Zweilous.

This led to the fact that the Hydreigon species even with an average potential of S-rank are extremely unpopular.

Even with an S-rank potential, it is almost impossible to train this Pokemon to level 64 in less than 20 years and few trainers want to train 1 Pokemon that long.

But that wasn't the reason Alex is surprised.

The reason was that the parents of this egg have to be in their final form to be able to lay eggs at all and that means that the parents of this egg are two Champion level Pokemon and both are of the same species.

That would mean that both parents are very talented even for the ridiculously talented species of Hydreigon and the chance that this child has good potential is ridiculously high.

Alex looked in shock at the egg in the Pokemon incubate.


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