Pokemon: Master Of Tactics

Chapter 277 - Pokemon Master Of Tactics: 277

1 Month later.

Alex sits undisturbed while meditating as his Pokemon perform their daily exercises in the Team Rocket training room.

The reason why he is alone in this training room, which is normally used by him and Maria together, is because Maria went back into the wilderness to train yesterday.

Alex who recently trained with his Pokemon in the wildness for 4 weeks did not want to train again in the wildness after less than 1 week so that he does not follow Maria.

He knew that his Pokemon sometimes needed a break and that a long training time in the wildness could not necessarily have a positive effect on his Pokemon.

He trained for 4 weeks in the mountain range where many elite Pokemon live and where he had a positive experience last time.

But unfortunately, it was no longer comparable with the first 10 days, and his Pokemon no longer level as fast as in these 10 days, even if, in Alex's opinion, they still level very quickly.

He didn't know if it was because his Pokemon got used to this place and therefore did not level up as quickly even if they were fighting against many high-level elite Pokemon or there was another reason that he had not yet fully understood.

Alex would like to know more about Pokemon levels but unfortunately in this world knowledge is not free and hardly available for free. Especially when such knowledge is important and difficult to research.

Most of the free or cheap knowledge is something you can easily find out for yourself or very general knowledge.

He has knowledge from the Games in his old world but unfortunately, this is not transferable because in this world a Pokemon can also win a level without defeating Pokemon and many factors depend on when and how fast a Pokemon levels up.

But even if his Pokémon don't level up as fast as they did last time, the speed is extremely fast.

When Alex looked regularly at his Pokemon, he saw suddenly Ditto go up a level while he trained like the other Pokemon.

He showed a happy and encouraging expression that Ditto had finally gained a level.

Alex also looked at the other Pokemon but they didn't change compared to this morning.


Pokémon: Crobat

LV: 48

Type: Poison / Flying

Abilities: Inner Focus

Gender: Male

Potential: Deep Gold


- Absorb, Supersonic, Astonish, Bite, Wing Attack, Confuse Ray [E], Swift, Haze, Leech Life, Mean Look, Venoshock [E], Air Slash

- (Innate Talent) Shadow Ball [E], (Innate Talent) Fly [E], (Innate Talent) Cross Poison[E],

- (TM) Protect, (TM) Toxic[E], (TM) Taunt [E], (TM) Sludge Bomb, (TM) Facade, (TM) Roost, (TM) Substitute, (TM) Thief, (TM) Double Team [E], (TM)Aerial Ace, (TM)Torment, (TM)Thief, (TM) Steel Wing,(TM)Payback, (TM)X-Scissor, (TM)Giga Impact


Pokémon: Scizor

LV: 48

Type: Bug / Steel

Abilities: Technician

Gender: Male

Potential: Deep Gold


- Leer, Quick Attack, Focus Energy [E], Double Team, Feint, Fury Cutter, Wing Attack, Agility [E], Slash, Razor Wind, Iron Defense, X-Scissor [E], Night Slash, Bullet punch

- (Innate Talent) Roost [E], (Innate Talent) Metal Claw [E], (Innate Talent) Brick Break [E],

- (TM) Protect, (TM) Swords Dance [E], (TM) Toxic, (TM) Thief, (TM) Facade, (TM) Giga Impact, (TM) U-turn, (TM) Sandstorm [E], (TM) Substitute, (TM)Safeguard, (TM) Light Screen, (TM) Return, (TM) Aerial Ace, (TM) Acrobatics,


Pokémon: Gardevoir

LV: 48

Type: Psychic / Fairy

Abilities: Telepathy (hidden ability)

Gender: Female

Potential: Deep Gold


- Growl, Confusion, Double Team, Teleport[E], Disarming Voice, Lucky Chant, Magical Leaf, Heal Pulse, Draining Kiss, Psychic [E], Imprison, Future Sight, Captivate

- (Innate Talent) Disable [E], (Innate Talent) Calm Mind [E], (Innate Talent) Dazzling Gleam[E],

- (TM) Protect, (TM) Shadow Ball, (TM) Will-O-Wisp, (TM) Thunderbolt, (TM) Thunder Wave, (TM) Helping Hand, (TM) Focus Blast [E] , (TM) Reflect [E], (TM) Light Screen, (TM) Safeguard, (TM) Charm, (TM) Icy Wind, (TM) Hyper Beam [E], (TM) Guard Swap, (TM) Mystical Fire, (TM) Psych Up


Pokémon: Ditto

LV: 46

Type: Normal

Abilities: Imposter (hidden ability)

Gender: Genderless

Potential: Shallow Gold

Moves: (Innate Talent) Transform [E]


Pokémon: Bastiodon

LV: 47

Type: Rock / Steel

Abilities: Sturdy

Gender: Male

Potential: Shallow Diamond


- Protect, Tackle, Metal Sound, Take Down, Iron Defense, Swagger, Ancient Power, Block, Endure, Sleep Talk[E]

- (Perfect Talent) Rock Polish [E], (Perfect Talent) Flamethrower[E]

-(TM) Taunt[E], (TM) Rock slide [E], (TM) Rest [E], (TM) Earthquake, (TM) Flash Cannon, (TM) Substitute, (TM) Bulldoze, (TM) Roar, (TM) Toxic [E], (TM) Ice Beam, (TM) Thunderbolt, (TM) Double Team


Pokémon: Blaziken

LV: 46

Type: Fire/Fighting

Abilities: Speed Boost (Hidden Ability)

Gender: Female

Potential: Shallow Diamond


- Growl, Scratch, Ember, Sand Attack, Peck, Double Kick, Flame Charge, Quick Attack, Bulk Up, Blaze Kick, Focus Energy, Sunny Day [E], High Jump Kick, Slash

- (Perfect Talent) Attract [M], (Perfect Talent) Overheat [M]

- (TM) Protect, (TM) Flamethrower [E], (TM) Rock slide, (TM) Will-O-Wisp [E], (TM) Poison Jab, (TM) Solar Beam, (TM) Dig, (TM) Facade, (TM) Helping Hand, (TM) Brick Break, (TM) Acrobatics, (TM) Shadow Claw, (TM) Low Sweep, (TM) U-turn, (TM) Swift


Pokémon: Umbreon

LV: 47

Type: Dark

Ability: Synchronize

Gender: Female

Potential: Shallow Diamond


- Growl, Tackle, Tail Whip, Quick Attack, Double Kick, Sand Attack, Bite, Swift, Take Down, Double-Edge [E], Helping Hand, Charm, Baton Pass, Work Up[E], Pursuit, Moonlight, Mean Look, Last Resort, Guard Swap

- (Perfect Talent) Rest[E], (Perfect Talent) Sleep Talk[E],

- (TM) Toxic, (TM) Shadow Ball, (TM) Facade [E], (TM) Protect, (TM) Attract, (TM) Psychic, (TM) Substitute, (TM) Snarl, (TM) Payback [E], (TM) Psych Up ,(TM) Return, (TM) Taunt, (TM) Hyper Beam


Pokémon: Alolan Vulpix

LV: 37

Type: Ice

Ability: Snow Cloak

Gender: Female

Potential: Deep Gold


- Powder Snow, Tail Whip, Roar, Baby-Doll Eyes, Ice Shard, Confuse Ray, Icy Wind, Payback, Mist, Feint Attack, Aurora Beam, Extrasensory [E], Safeguard, Ice Beam

- (Innate Talent) Hex [E] , (Innate Talent) Howl [E], (Innate Talent) Blizzard [E]

- (TM) Protect, (TM) Hail[E] , (TM) Return, (TM) Double Team, (TM) Facade, (TM) Substitute, (TM) Payback, (TM) Psych Up, (TM) Toxic


Pokémon: Shuppet

LV: 37

Type: Ghost

Abilities: Cursed Body (hidden ability)

Gender: Male

Potential: Deep Gold


- Knock Off, Screech, Night Shade, Spite, Shadow Sneak, Will-O-Wisp, Feint Attack, Hex, Shadow Ball, Embargo

- (Innate Talent) Curse [E], (Innate Talent) Phantom Force[E], (Innate Talent) Destiny Bond [E],

- (TM) Protect, (TM) Calm Mind, (TM) Toxic [E], (TM) Taunt [E], (TM) Thunderbolt, (TM) Psychic, (TM) Payback, (TM) Thunder Wave, (TM) Dazzling Gleam, (TM) Substitute


Pokémon: Deino

LV: 17

Type: Dark/Dragon

Ability: Hustle

Gender: Male

Potential: Deep Gold


- Tackle, Dragon Rage, Focus Energy, Bite, Headbutt, Dragon Breath

- (Innate Talent) Crunch [E], (Innate Talent) Earth Power, (Innate Talent) Draco Meteor [E]

- (TM) Protect


Moves that improved in Moves Mastery:

Crobat: Confuse Ray & Double Team

Scizor: X-Scissor & Sandstorm

Gardevoir: Reflect & Hyper Beam

Bastiodon: Toxic

Blaziken: Attract

Umbreon: none ( but trained Rest & Sleep Talk together)

Vulpix: Extrasensory

Shuppet: Toxic

Deino: Crunch & Draco Meteor


Current moves in training:

Crobat: Roost

Scizor: Aerial Ace

Gardevoir: Draining Kiss

Ditto: Transform

Bastiodon: Rock Polish

Blaziken: High Jump Kick

Umbreon: Rest & Sleep Talk

Vulpix: Double Team

Shuppet: Knock Off

Deino: Earth Power


Learned new Moves:

Crobat: Air Slash

Vulpix: Ice Beam

Deino: Focus Energy, Bite, Headbutt, Dragon Breath


He noticed that month that Ditto started to level again much slower than the rest of the Pokemon at similar levels.

For example, it took Crobat, Scizor, and Gardevoir just a little more than 20 days to level up even though they are at a much higher level.

Apart from the fact that it should be much harder to make a level on level 47 than on level 45. But Ditto still needs this longer than these three Pokemon and It was almost 10 days longer, which is not a good sign for Alex.

He felt that Ditto would start getting slower and slower to level up if he didn't improve his potential.

Alex knew it was going to happen soon or later, but he wasn't really worried about it.

The level speed was still ok and very good compared to other Elite trainers.

In addition, he will get a matching Full Blood Legendary Pokemon Item for Ditto anyway if he was strong enough.

If it were up to him he would immediately look for it but from the information he had from Full Blood Legendary Pokemon, he knew that it is suicide to look for such a Pokemon now. He didn't want to bet his life on the goodwill of a Pokemon he didn't know or understand.

Alex also noticed a few things during this Month from the other Pokemon.

First, Crobat, Scizor, and Gardevoir took longer and longer to reach a level after crossing the 45 level line.

Even in an extremely good training area with lots of wild elite Pokemon for 4 weeks, they were only able to complete 1 level after more than 20 days.

Although one level up in this period is no longer comparable to the times before the elite level, Alex was still very satisfied.

Bastiodon who is now level 47 had made a level on the first day of the 4 weeks in the wildness so that Alex counts his 2 level-ups rather as 1 level up.

Likewise is Umbreon at the beginning of the second week in which wildness 1 level advanced and Alex had the feeling that she will rise again soon.

Alex also noticed that Vulpix and Shuppet started leveling more slowly, even though they fought a lot in the wild against Pokemon that were always a level or two higher than their level.

But now that Alex Pokemon has barely made 1 level after a month he felt that the level 35 to level 40 line is not that bad. If you can do 5 levels in less than 2 months, Alex felt that it was still very fast.

The Pokemon that had seen the most change was Deino, who is now slowly gaining combat experience.

Even after Deino had reached level 5 after 8 days, Alex did not let him fight immediately but did light training with him first.

As with all other young Pokemon, Alex slowed down the training time and didn't care about level efficiency, but about that Deino understands why he needs this and to get him used to fight and training without him become overloaded.

He has had a good experience with this approach with Blaziken, Gardevoir, and other Pokemon so that he wants to do it the same way with Deino.

Also, Alex doesn't want to overwhelm Deino so that training and fighting will be seen in a negative light to him.


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