Pokemon: Master Of Tactics

Chapter 304 - Pokemon Master Of Tactics:

1 day later in Vermilion City.

Alex woke up early in the morning and he left his bed with slight pain in his body. Although Gardevoir had healed his injury, his body was not completely free of pain, even if he can now move like a fully healthy person without problems.

But even with this slight pain, Alex was again very impressed with the irrelevance of non-fatal injuries in this world. It would normally take at least several months of healing to be able to use his completely broken arms again so easily in his old world, but in this world, this injury can be healed in less than 1 minute without great investment.

After he had decided to take revenge on this Hypno, Alex did not go directly to the Hypno but paused himself and his Pokemon in a hotel as he prepared the things for his plan.

For this preparation, he has to go to a city anyway, so that he is ready to delay his revenge for one extra day. In addition, his body needed enough time to recharge it with enough Psychic energy so that he doesn't plan to fight this Hypno again immediately.

Alex wants to have enough Psychic energy to be able to use [Energy Shield] again in an emergency if his plan goes wrong. He'd rather have one more emergency plan than one less, even if he had to wait a day

Although Alex often uses risky plans in fights, he is in circumstances with his life as a bet, extremely cautious, and plans for many dangers.

Against Misty, for example, he was ready to bet his whole plan success on Misty being distracted by his words and giving Scizor enough time to buff, even though it was extremely risky.

Alex prefers to use stable and reliable plans even in non-life-endangered fights if he can but, with fights with a large strength difference, he knew that he could not have this luxury.

In the Kanto Rookie tournament, all of his victories against stronger(level) trainers were only possible because his opponents did not immediately react optimally to his plan. If he had fought against a Trainer with 3 higher-level Pokemon and this Trainer had reacted optimally to his tactics, Alex could not have done anything to change that.

But In the fight for life and death, Alex also meets opponents where he could win against these Pokemon with a relatively risky tactic. However, whenever it comes to the life of his Pokemon or himself, he always takes the safest and most stable plan. He only bet with his life if it's the "best way".

If there isn't a good chance of victory, he'll just avoid fighting altogether in battles that have the life of him and his Pokemon as a bet. Alex often does this when he sees Pokemon in the wildness where he estimates that thus Pokemon can jeopardize the life of him or his Pokemon if not everything works out optimally.

After Alex had showered and prepared breakfast for himself and his Pokemon, he started opening his TRH device. He buys two [TMs] and waits for a transfer request to get the items.

Alex looked at his Pokemon that eat their breakfast and he said with a smile, "Gardevoir, Blaziken, I have two presents for you."

His other Pokemon looked curiously at the [TMs] in Alex's hand but after they saw which Tm it was, Alex's other Pokemon understood why Alex had only bought these [TMs] for Gardevoir and Blaziken.

After Gardevoir and Blaziken had learned the [TMs], ALex looked at his remaining Pokemon.

"Ok, it's time."


Alex and his Pokemon were walking along the Vermilion Forest again, even if they each had a much serious expression on their expressions this time.

The atmosphere was very quiet and without the short verbal exchanges between Gardevoir and Crobat, there would be no sound from Alex's group coming as they walk forward.

Even the Two young Pokemon (Deino & Horsea) were very calm today, even if they received instructions from Alex to stay in their Pokeballs.

Vulpix and Banatte are allowed to take part in this fight, but Alex did not allow these two Pokemon to take part in the direct fight against Hypno. He had other reasons why he allowed these two to take part in this fight.

Crobat who exchanged information from the Pokemon in the area all the time, suddenly noticed that he can perceive a Pokemon more than Gardevoir within 300 meters.

Alex made a serious expression and called all Pokemon except Crobat back to their Pokeballs.

He looked at Crobat and said, "fly us two kilometers away from here."

Crobat didn't ask and grabbed Alex with his feet, as he flew away from this place with an extremely fast speed.

In less than 1 minute, Alex and Crobat came to a quiet place that is barely covered with trees.

Alex again called all of his Pokemon from their Pokeballs except for the two young Pokemon. "Ok next, reinforce yourself, as always."

Because the reinforcement moves in this world get weaker and weaker with time after the use, Alex had come up with this method to bypass this problem.

First, he finds out where the target is and then he flies away with his superior speed of Crobat, to a place where he gives his Pokemon enough time in peace to buff themself to the pinnacle with reinforcement moves.

Alex looked at Crobat and Gardevoir. "And you two, please keep exchanging the information from the Pokemon in the surroundings."

Crobat and Gardevoir do that and made it impossible for this Hypno to make a surprise attack.

Alex was very satisfied that his Pokemon could now, not only buff themselves to the maximum but that the Hypno had no idea that it was happening. Hypno probably thinks that Alex ran away after seeing him and nothing more.

After Alex saw that every one of his Pokemon had buffed himself to the limit, he said with a smile,

"Ok now, let's start with the most important part of my plan."


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