Misty looked solemn as she understood how poor this start was for her in this fight.

She looked at Gardevoir, who can now also [Hypnosis] and apparently had it on the Expert rank and She felt that her rival really didn't do anything other than to make progress with his Pokemon.

Especially when she had learned that she had at a level disadvantage in this fight, she felt as if Alex don't do anything other than to train his Pokemon.

She had used so much time to train her Pokemon that she barely had time to do anything else, but the gap has only grown.

Misty felt such a Frustration. Even though she had given everything to become stronger. it was completely useless.

'What a monster' Misty thought with a serious expression when she called Golduck back.

'... But no matter what, I won't give up.'

She absolutely wants to win against this monster... at least once. She wants and SHE WILL.

'Against Gardevoir, I need a Pokemon that is not only good at long-range combat but also perceives Gardevoir without its eyes.

'hehe it's time to turn this fight in my direction'


Alex watched Misty beginning to smile and he felt a little uneasy. He felt that Misty was starting to lose her mind and that thought alone made him a little awkward.

Misty started calling out her next Pokemon.


Pokémon: Starmie

LV: 51

Type: Water / Psychic

Abilities: Natural Cure

Gender: Genderless

Potential: Deep Gold


- Harden, Tackle, Psywave, Water Gun, Swift, Minimize, Confuse Ray, Bubble Beam, Light Screen [E], Psychic, Recover [E]

- (Innate Talent) Hyper Beam [E], (Innate Talent) Blizzard [M], (Innate Talent) Psyshock [E]

- (TM) Toxic, (TM) Surf [E], (TM) Thunder, (TM) Thunder Wave, (TM) Substitute, (TM) Protect, (TM) Facade


'Are you kidding me? had it really leveled up after registering in this Tournament?. Besides, why did it now also have [Light Screen] and [Recover] on the Expert rank?. This is a terrible opponent for Gardevoir. why am I never lucky? '

together that Starmie also had a strong move on the master-rank makes this Pokemon only more dangerous.

The referee started the fight again.

"3,2,1, Go"

Alex activated his Pokeball immediately and called Gardevoir back without giving Misty time.

The referee said aloud, "Participant Alex makes a successful switch."

He then looked at Alex when the referee said, "You have 30 seconds to switch to another Pokemon."

Misty looked at Alex and said with a confused expression, "Why are you switching now. My Starmie is not even particularly good against your Gardevoir."

Alex just looked at Misty and thought, 'She really has a talent as an actor. unfortunately, she is unlucky that I know exactly how good her Starmie now is against Gardevoir. '

He doesn't wait 30 seconds to call his next Pokemon.


Pokémon: Scizor

LV: 50

Type: Bug / Steel

Abilities: Technician

Gender: Male

Potential: Deep Gold


- Leer, Quick Attack, Focus Energy [E], Double Team, Feint, Fury Cutter, Wing Attack, Agility [E], Slash, Razor Wind, Iron Defense, X-Scissor [E], Night Slash, Bullet punch, Double Hit, Iron Head

- (Innate Talent) Roost [E], (Innate Talent) Metal Claw [E], (Innate Talent) Brick Break [E],

- (TM) Protect, (TM) Swords Dance [E], (TM) Toxic, (TM) Thief, (TM) Facade, (TM) Giga Impact [E], (TM) U-turn [E], (TM) Sandstorm [E], (TM) Substitute, (TM) Safeguard, (TM) Light Screen, (TM) Return, (TM) Aerial Ace [E], (TM) Acrobatics,


The referee started the fight again.

"3,2,1, Go"

Scizor wasted no time preparing a move as he ran towards Starmie.

Misty said quickly, "Plan 1"

Alex was a bit impressed that Misty had apparently made a plan for each of his Pokemon. Of course, it has to be a good plan or something like that is completely ineffective.

Starmie began to levitate and then ran away from Scizor at a faster pace than his enemy, as it prepared a move. Starmie is extremely fast in the water but not slow on land either.

Scizor finished his move first and he used [Agility]. after using that move, he became faster than Starmie.

Starmie finished her move shortly afterward and she started using it directly.

A huge amount of water appeared behind Starmie, moving swiftly like a huge wave towards Scizor.

[Surf] was one of the best moves a Water-Type Pokemon can use because it not only does do satisfactory damage but also because it had a very large hit range and is difficult to evade. Especially for Pokémon that cannot fly or teleport.

Scizor was hit and he lost more than 1/4 of his Hp after that 1 hit.

Alex knew that Scizor could not heal this damage with [Roost] so Alex had no choice but to let Scizor fight extremely aggressively to do as much damage as possible to this Starmie.

Scizor ignored his injuries and quickly runs in the direction of Starmie as he prepares a move.

He managed to get in range quickly as his Move become ready to use.

Scizor used [X-Scissor] and hit Starmie with it. It deleted more than 1/3 of Starmie's HP but Misty Still only shows a smile.

Without Alex or Scizor having a chance to do anything, Starmie used [Blizzard] and hit Scizor who was still completely wet.

The timing was so perfect that Alex thought Starmie was waiting for such a chance and would only use it move when Scizor didn't have time to use [Protect].

Scizor has been surrounded by an ice storm and he never feels as cold as he does now. But despite this cold misery, he immediately started preparing a new move.

What made it even worse was that this Ice Storm surrounded him for three seconds and he noticed how his body became more immobile after every second passed.

By the time [Blizzard] stopped, Scizor had only about 1/3 of his Hp left and Scizor felt his whole body become extremely stiff.

Scizor does not only lose Hp but also his whole body becomes extremely inflexible.

But Scizor showed a calm expression and immediately used the move that he had prepared in these three seconds. Because he was only 3 meters away from Starmie he could use his move immediately.

Like an unwavering Warrior, Scizor use [X-Scissor] against Starmie, even with the pain he was feeling and with his stiff body which made his movements inflexible.

Starmie began to distance himself from Scizor and prepare a move at the same time but was still hit by Scizor's [X-Scissor].

Alex showed a serious expression when he said "5"

Scizor shows a nodded and without much preparation, he uses [Bullet Punch]

He runs towards Starmie at a ridiculous speed and swings a right "hand" at his opponent, as a boxer would.

Starmie took a bit of damage and after absorbing that damage as it began to distance itself from Scizor again.

But Scizor wasn't done yet. Almost immediately after that, he used [Quick Attack] and rammed his body against Starmie.

Both attacks combined caused Starmie to lose around 15% of its Hp. Though Scizor Ability [Technician] is a big reason it did such good damage.

Starmie finished its move in this time and it use [Surf] to end the fight.

Scizor used [Protect] and he managed to absorb almost all of the damage.

Alex knew that Scizor was now too slow to use his normal close-combat moves so he would have to use those weaker, fast moves to do damage.

Unfortunately, these two moves cannot be used again immediately.

Scizor knew that the next hit would surely defeat him so he quickly prepared his next move.

Starmie and Scizor finished with their moves at the same time.

Scizor uses his only good ranged combat move. [Aerial Ace]

Starmie uses [Surf] and ends the fight with its victory.


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