The referee said loudly, "Participant Misty gave up. Participant Alex wins this match."

The Spectators in the arena loudly applauded Alex's remarkable victory, even if it wasn't a very great fight for many spectators.

It was too one-sided and many viewers were a little disappointed with Misty.

Especially the fans of Misty were very sad that Misty couldn't avenge her defeat against Alex from the Kanto Rookie tournament.

After her third defeat to Alex, Misty felt no special emotion but just felt exhausted. She didn't feel anger or sadness. Just tiredness.

Although it was her third loss to Alex, she felt so helpless for the first time, against Alex.

It was not a close fight and that although her opponent had hardly tried his best. She knew that Alex had more tricks up his sleeves than he showed and this reflection destroyed completely her inner fighting spirit.

Misty needed a break to get her motivation back after this awful fight.

She doesn't say a word to Alex but began to leave the arena with a tired expression and with slow steps.

"Misty, don't give up! Come back later and then get your victory."

"You're the best, Misty."


When Misty started leaving the arena, many spectators and fans of Misty began to cheer her up. or most of them at least try.

Misty heard the many encouraging words from so many spectators and she felt a little better. She even gave a slight smile when she heard the scream of one of her fans saying like a madman, "I LOVE YOU" to her.

Alex also started to leave the arena and he too began to hear a lot of positive words from the spectators.

But while most of the yellings were positive for Alex, there were a few who insulted Alex.

'idiots' Alex ignored the insults and calmly left the arena.

He didn't really understand why those Misty fans insult him. It's not as if he'd done something unforgivably bad.

Alex also doesn't try to understand such "strange" people and prefers to ignore them.

Apart from that, there is only a very small minority that behaved like that, anyway.

He sat down again in the waiting room and saw a staff member waiting for him.

The staff member looked at Alex and he said with a professional smile, "Congratulations on your victory, Participant Alex. You will get the information about your next opponent within 30 minutes. But please remember that you now have at least 2 hours before your next match begins. You can leave the Arena in the meantime, but please come back in time or you will be disqualified. "

Alex nodded and sat on an empty seat in the waiting room. He talked a bit with the staff member before the staff member said goodbye to him.

He had no intention of leaving the arena and preferred to use this time to watch the fights of his "maybe" future opponents on the TV.

Alex would like to go to the live seats, to watch the fights of his opponents and thus use his system, but due to a rule of the tournament, participants who have not yet been eliminated are not allowed to be on these seats. Probably this rule was invented for a security reason.

But even if Alex could see the fights live, it wouldn't matter if the strongest 16 participants only use their weakest Pokemon in the first round.

Alex knew that in the next match he would get an opponent from the top 16 and that with bad luck it could be his last round.

Because the top 16 participants cannot meet each other before, the round of 16, will Alex definitely get a top 16 participant as his next opponent.

According to Alex, he had a 0% win-chance against the top 6 Participants because of the too big level difference, and even against Participant 7 (Gary) and Participant 8, only a very small chance.

As Alex thought, he suddenly saw a person he recognized walking towards him.

It was Freya who came to him with a small smile.

"Hello, Mister Wonderboy. I'm happy to finally be able to talk to you."

Alex, who doesn't remember having such a nickname, had a slightly confused expression as he said, "Is that a new nickname? When did I get this one?"

Freya looked at Alex for a few seconds and said, "You are really a curious person."

Almost immediately after that, she started smiling. "But, to answer your question. That's not your nickname. I only use it because I like it. Doesn't it fit well for someone who has achieved something that many called impossible?"

Alex just smiled when he thought of his "record".

"It's not a bad nickname, but not really to my liking."

Freya's eyes showed curiousness, as she said, "can you tell me, why you are thinking that?"

"Because I'm a man ... hahaha" Alex started laughing at his own strange joke.

Freya just smiled and doesn't even pretend that she thinks that Alex's joke is funny.

"Tell me. Would you like to take part in the live broadcast as a guest for 30 or 60 minutes? I think the viewers would find you very interesting."

Alex looked slightly surprised. "Ohh, I would never have thought that the biggest Channel in all of Kanto, chooses so loosely its guests."

Freya just laughs slightly. "Not the Channel but me. So what do you say?"

Alex looked at Freya and said with a relaxed smile, "Why not?"


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