Alex showed a satisfied expression, as he saw that he has a perfect opening against his opponent.

Although Blaziken has a very strong offensive power against Butterfree, it wasn't normal for her to win this exchange against a Pokemon with a 3 level advantage.

Although her [Rock slide] on the Expert rank does ridiculous damage against Butterfree, it's not like that Butterfree doesn't stand a good chance against Blaziken.

If Butterfree had used attack two moves ([Psychic]+ [Hyper Beam]), he could have defeated Blaziken in two moves.

The main reason is of course the three-level difference that balances out the species disadvantage and type disadvantage from Butterfree.

Ezra puts on a serious expression as he reflects on what a terrible start he's had.

Not only did he use up 1 substitution, but his second strongest Pokemon has already lost half of his HP without damaging the enemy.

This could only have happened because his opponent had completely outplayed him and was his own incompetence that it happened. That thought made his mood even worse than it already was.

Ezra thought with an annoyed expression, 'I guess it's time for my trump card'


Pokémon: Heracross

LV: 54

Type: Bug / Fighting

Abilities: Moxie (hidden ability)

Gender: Male

Potential: Deep Gold


- Endure [E], Horn Attack, Leer, Night Slash, Tackle, Feint, Aerial Ace, Counter, Fury Attack, Brick Break, Pin Missile, Take Down, Close Combat, Reversal [E],

- (Innate Talent) Harden [E], (Innate Talent) Megahorn [M], (Innate Talent) Earthquake [M],

- (TM) Protect, (TM) Swords Dance [E], (TM) Hyper Beam, (TM) Thief, (TM) Facade, (TM) Giga Impact, (TM) Substitute, (TM) Aerial Ace [E], (TM) Rock Slide [E],


'Fuck, this Monster has the ability [Moxie]? Is this a joke?' thought Alex with a surprised expression.

His original plan was to have Blaziken fighting Heracross and damage it as much as possible with [Overheat] and [Flamethrower] while [Sunny Day] boosts her moves.

But Alex didn't feel like Blaziken would ever survive 1 [Earthquake] and only do Boost Heracross against Crobat.

The referee started the fight again.


Alex immediately called his Blaziken back to her Pokeball.

The referee said aloud, "Participant Alex makes a successful switch."

Ezra and many spectators showed a puzzled expressions. Many couldn't understand why Alex changed his only fire-type pokemon even though it's still under the buff of [Sunny Day] and Blaziken didn't have a type disadvantage against Heracross.

It made absolutely no sense and many even though it was a complete mistake.

Ezra began to show a serious expression as he thought, 'Does he know that my Heracross can do the [Earthquake] move on the master rank? But how does he know that? I haven't shown it in this tournament yet. It makes no sense.'

Alex didn't wait long and called Crobat from his Pokeball.


Pokémon: Crobat

LV: 50

Type: Poison / Flying

Abilities: Inner Focus

Gender: Male

Potential: Deep Gold


- Absorb, Supersonic, Astonish, Bite, Wing Attack, Confuse Ray [E], Swift, Haze, Leech Life [E], Mean Look [E], Venoshock [E], Air Slash

- (Innate Talent) Shadow Ball [E], (Innate Talent) Fly [E], (Innate Talent) Cross Poison [E],

- (TM) Protect, (TM) Toxic [E], (TM) Taunt [E], (TM) Sludge Bomb, (TM) Facade, (TM) Roost [E], (TM) Substitute, (TM) Thief, (TM) Double Team [E], (TM) Aerial Ace, (TM) Torment, (TM) Steel Wing (TM) Payback, (TM) X-Scissor, (TM) Giga Impact



The referee started the fight and both trainers showed serious expression.

"Heracross use [Rock Slide]

Crobat immediately started preparing his move without Alex saying anything.

He flew higher and higher, out of range of Heracross, as he prepared his first move.

Heracross who had a lot of combat experience noticed that Crobat doesn't would get hit with his [Rock Slide] anymore and don't use this move immediately after it's done. It was out of reach for this move.

Crobat, who had ascended high enough, stopped flying up and began descending onto Heracross with a ridiculous momentum.

Ezra knew that Heracross had a good chance to use [Rock Slide] after Crobat attacked him, so he didn't say anything, waited, and look how Heracross endures this attack. He knew Crobat was too fast in that dive to get hit by that move so, he wait.

Heracross was hit by Crobat, who was completely enveloped in flying-type energy and was launched several meters away, with the momentum from Crobat. But even though Heracross lost about 40% of his HP, he endures it and immediately used [Rock Slide].

Alex flashed a smile and watched as Crobat flew over Heracross's head as it prepared a new move and dodged as many of [Rock Slide]'s rocks as it could.

Heracross gave a surprised expression when his opponent Crobat didn't run away but hovered directly over his head.

Crobat was hit by many rocks, but Heracross, who was under Crobat, took about the same number of hits.

He was wounded by his own attack and his body showed more and more wounds.

But Crobat was also hit and lost 60% of his HP from this move alone. he takes much more damage than Heracross, because of the level difference.

But despite the injury, Crobat prepares its next move as it flies back up into the air to repeat the same action.

"Heracross use [Rock Slide] again"

Heracross, unable to stop Crobat, could only watch as Crobat flew out of his attack range again.

That's why there are rules in this tournament that don't allow Flying-type Pokemon to fly that high while you're not using moves like [Fly].

It should prevent the Flying-type Pokemon from flying 100 meters in the air and using moves like [Aerial Ace] or [Swift].

Crobat finished and he used [Fly] again as he dived towards Heracross.

Again Heracross could not dodge this speedy attack and his whole body displayed many wounds.


"Heracross quickly use [Rock Slide] and then immediately [Endure]"

Crobat hovered directly over Heracross's head but this time he used [Protect] and although his shield couldn't block all of the damage, he managed to block most of the damage.

[Endure], like [Quick Attack], was a move that requires little preparation time but cannot be used again immediately after it is used.

It also cannot block all damage (in this world) and depends on the remaining HP, the strength of the attack move, move mastery, and the level difference between attackers and defenders, to be able to decide whether it can be used successfully.

Alex realized that the fight was approaching an important moment and he started to look very serious. He had the feeling that this moment would decide this fight.


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