Gardevoir, who prepared only one move, finished first and immediately used [Dazzling Gleam] against Exeggutor.

However, Exeggutor only lost a little over 30% of his HP after being hit by this attack.

Gardevoir didn't start preparing another move and she's waiting for Exeggutor.

Gary felt that Alex had given this strange command to Gardevoir via his psychic powers and he wasn't sure what to do.

Although he wasn't sure what Alex's plan was, he didn't want Exeggutor to interrupt his two moves after they were almost done setting up.

Exeggutor [Teleport] just behind Gardevoir and use the move [Sludge Bomb] within 1 second.

Gardevoir who was already ready for this situation used [Protect] immediately. But her shield didn't last even a moment and broke almost immediately. She just blocked a little more than half and the rest hit her directly.

Alex thought with a serious expression, 'Against Master-Rank moves... Especially against Pokemon with a higher level, the [Protect] on the Normal rank is too weak. Hmm, I should consider whether this move is worth training on expert rank. After all, this move is very useful even though it can almost never be used twice in the same fight.'

Gardevoir lost almost 40% of her HP after this hit and barely had 20% HP left.

Without her [Calm Mind] Spe. Def buff, she would fall unconscious to the ground after that hit.

Alex thought, 'i already know that Gradevoir has less HP in this world than in the games, but I don't assume it was that much less. Maybe it is because of the level?. Hmm Also, I should test how much [Calm Mind] boosted Gardevoir on the Expert rank. It's definitely less than 100% (X2) and probably closer to 50% (X1.5). Maybe even only 30% (X1.3). Also using it the second time might be less effective. But it's probably hard to test accurately.'

Gardevoir didn't wait for Alex's orders and immediately prepared her next move as the pain from her body endured.

"Exeggutor quickly use [Sludge Bomb]."

Although Gardevoir started preparing her move a bit earlier, Exeggutor finished his move a bit quicker.

Exeggutor was still within range and he immediately use [Sludge Bomb].

When the projectile (purple orb) was about to hit Gardevoir, Gardevoir likewise finished her move and she immediately used [Hyper Beam].

She then immediately fell unconscious to the ground with a lot of injuries on her body.

[Hyper Beam] hit Exeggutor directly and this hit harshly injures Exeggutor. He lost around 40% of his HP and was left with a little less than 1/3 of his Life energy (HP).

Gary defeated Alex's first Pokemon but showed an unhappy expression.

Not only did he lose 1 of his Pokemon, but also his two strongest Pokemon lost around 70% of his HP.

The situation was extremely bad for him and he felt extremely frustrated.

If he hadn't allowed Gardevoir to buff herself so easily, this wouldn't have happened. He regretted showing Alex his first Pokemon and making it possible.

The judge instructed Alex to call his next Pokemon within 30 seconds, and Alex does it almost immediately without saying another word.


Pokémon: Scizor

LV: 50

Type: Bug / Steel

Abilities: Technician

Gender: Male

Potential: Deep Gold


- Leer, Quick Attack, Focus Energy [E], Double Team, Feint, Fury Cutter, Wing Attack, Agility [E], Slash, Razor Wind, Iron Defense, X-Scissor [E], Night Slash, Bullet punch, Double Hit, Iron Head

- (Innate Talent) Roost [E], (Innate Talent) Metal Claw [E], (Innate Talent) Brick Break [E],

- (TM) Protect, (TM) Swords Dance [E], (TM) Toxic, (TM) Thief, (TM) Facade, (TM) Giga Impact [E], (TM) U-turn [E], (TM) Sandstorm [E], (TM) Substitute, (TM) Safeguard, (TM) Light Screen, (TM) Return, (TM) Aerial Ace [E], (TM) Acrobatics,


Alex flashed a smile as he looked at Scizor.

Not only does Scizor take almost no damage from the Master-rank [Sludge Bomb], but it is Resistant to every other Expert rank move Exeggutor can use. And that's without considering Scizor's offensive Type-advantage against Exeggutor.

This is a completely counter and only the level advantage makes Exeggutor's attacks dangerous or Scizor could probably even counter-heal them with [Roost].

The referee started the fight, "3,2,1, Go"

Alex didn't say anything and Scizor immediately started preparing [X-Scissor] as he ran toward Exeggutor at the same time.

Gary quickly said, "Exeggutor [Teleport] yourself away from Scizor and use [Sunny Day]"

Alex immediately said telepathically, "Scizor interrupt [X-Scissor] and use [Swords Dance] while keeping your distance."

Of course, Alex cannot use code words for these detailed commands and must give them directly. Luckily he can say it telepathically and not allow his opponent to hear what he said.

The only downside is that it's slower than code words. More accurate and flexible but slower.

Alex uses both types of commands. Depending on the situation, he takes which of the two is more effective and can therefore use both to their advantage.

Exeggutor was the first to finish his move and the Arena started to generate a heat similar to a sauna.

Gary didn't immediately give a new command to Exeggutor and looked at what Scizoir planned to do.

Scizor finished shortly after Exeggutor, and he used [Swords Dance].

Gary, who didn't want to see one of Alex's Pokemon buffing himself again, knew he couldn't delay this fight any longer.

Alex gave his next order(Telepathy) to Scizor and Scizor immediately ran towards Exeggutor as he prepared his next move.

"Exeggutor use [Psychic], while not allowing Scizor to get close."

Alex said with a smile, "Gary, you use [Sunny Day] to allow your Exeggutor to be much faster than Scizor and not for [Solar Beam], which your Exeggutor probably can. You want to make Scizor completely harmless against this speed because you know that he can hardly do long-distance moves. Simple but very effective."

Gary looked at Alex who suddenly started wanting to talk to him and he said, "You can skip your baits. I won't let your tricks provoke me. I'm not Misty."

After that, he looked at the arena with a serious expression without saying another word to Alex.

Alex thought with a smile, 'I don't want to provoke you, I just want to distract you a bit.'

Exeggutor was extremely fast and didn't allow Scizor to get any closer than 30 yards.

When Alex noticed how Scizor was almost finished with his move, he started to show a small smile.

Scizor use [Aerial Ace] and this move quickly fly toward Exeggutor.

Exeggutor also used a move and [Psychic] straight hit Scizor who couldn't dodge that move.

Exeggutor tried to dodge [Aerial Ace] with his speed but that move tracked Exeggutor and didn't give him enough time to [Protect].

After this blow, Exeggutor showed an expression of displeasure as he fell unconscious to the ground.

Gary showed a shocked expression.

He looked at Alex as he said, "Huh... That doesn't make any sense. Why is your Scizor running in the direction of Exeggutor when it can do a move like [Aerial Ace]?"

Having said that, he immediately understood why Scizor had done it.

Alex just smiled as he looked at Gary.

Gary felt that Alex made fun of him and although Alex didn't say a word, Gary felt a wave of indescribable anger towards Alex.


I've said it one or two times in the story but pokemon like Gradevoir and Alakazam that can use [Teleport] have less HP than in the games. [Teleport] is an extremely ridiculous move, and any Pokemon that can do this move shouldn't become completely OP.

Even with this vulnerability, Pokemon like Gradevoir are still ridiculously strong with the move [Teleport] and almost invincible against some matchups. It's very strong defensively so I think it's a fair trade.


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