Pokémon Modifier

Chapter 307: Seeds (five more)

   Chapter 307 Seeds (five more)

   In the evening, the rain outside really stopped.

   But the weather did not clear up, it was still gloomy.

  Hu Yang didn't care so much. He was wearing heavy rain boots and three leather pendants on his body. He waved at Dudu Wang and said, "We're going out!"

   Pippi followed suit, and happily waved at their old butler: "Pippi!"

   Dumb King: "…"

   Seeing the movements of a few Pippi, Hu Yang laughed and turned around with a few Pippi and set foot on the muddy road leading to the city center.

   Originally, Populus euphratica wanted to sit on the fire-breathing dragon to go out, but after thinking about it, he finally decided to walk.

  Because he felt that this would be more grounded, allowing him to get closer to the world and experience its good and bad.

  This trail was a bit muddy due to the rain, and after walking on it for a few minutes, the rain boots were covered in a layer of mud.

   Fresh transparent water droplets hung on the grass by the roadside. When Populus euphratica passed by with Pippi, the water droplets on it were affected and dripped into the soil.

The distance from the    Ecological Park to the urban area is not too far. It took Hu Yang only 15 minutes to arrive at the downstairs of the department store in Weibai Town.

   Maybe because it had just rained, there were not too many townspeople on the street at this time.

  Hu Yang didn’t know what kind of seeds there were in this world. He took Pippi into the department store and took the escalator upstairs.

  Three Pippi hugged his clothes with their hands, put them on his shoulders, and looked around curiously.

   Soon, Populus euphratica arrived at the seed center, and under the guidance of the shopping guide, he visited the seeds sold in this place.

The shopping guide introduced as she walked: "The seeds sold here are mainly divided into three types. The first type is the common tree fruit seeds on the market, such as orange orange fruit, grapefruit fruit, mango mango, etc. This kind of fruit tree It's easy for newcomers to plant, just water them at regular times."

   "The second type is the seeds of various vegetables, such as tomatoes, green onions, large rhizomes, and green vegetables that we use for cooking in our daily lives."

   "The third type is to use all kinds of grain seeds for daily consumption, wheat that can be made into flour, and corn seeds that can be made into popcorn."

  Hu Yang nodded, indicating that he knew.

  Here, he saw many familiar seeds, such as ordinary fruits and vegetables such as strawberry cabbage, and also saw many plants that were not available in that world.

   "Do you have any favorites?" Hu Yang looked down at the three Pippi in his arms and asked.

   One of Pippi reached out and picked up a bag of corn seeds.

   The other two Pipi also picked up a different bag of seeds.

   Seeing that they had picked up the seeds they liked, Populus euphratica raised his head, looked at the bags of different seeds on the counter in front of him, and said, "Please put two bags of each of these seeds for me."

   "So many?" The shopping guide was stunned for a moment.

  Hu Yang smiled and said, "My Pokémon and I both like farming, and we just opened up a large field at home not long ago."

   Pippi also nodded cheerfully: "Pippi!"

   Seeing this scene, the shopping guide lady smiled slightly and said, "That's the case, then please wait a moment!"

  Hu Yang hummed, and went downstairs with three Pippi to buy some ice cream.

   After the ice cream was finished, the shopping guide also wrapped the seeds.

   Followed her, and there was a large-billed gull with a large package tied to his body.

  Hu Yang was stunned for a moment.

The    shopping guide explained: "Please don't worry, the big-billed gull will help you send the seeds you bought back to your home! This kind of Pokémon is a natural courier!"

   "Okay." Hu Yang nodded and returned to the ecology with the courier gull.

   put the seed down, the big-billed gull called twice, then turned around and fluttered its wings and left.

   Pippi eagerly hugged the seeds and wanted to plant them immediately.

   Populus euphratica stopped them dumbfounded and explained to them the things that should be paid attention to when planting seeds, such as what kind of seeds should be in what season.

   These contents can only be known by checking them.


   Hearing this, Pippi was a little disappointed, but soon regained her spirits.

   "Go and play!" Hu Yang said, "I'll call you when I'm ready here."

  So Pippi ran into the eco-park and went to play with Regais.

  Hu Yang went to Dui Wang's study, dug out a few books on agriculture, and carried them to his room, ready to stay up late at night to check the information.

   "Do you need any help?" Dumb Wang walked in with a cup of hot tea.

  Hu Yang leaned on the chair, fantasized about the bright future of the ecological park, and described to Dumb Wang:

"I want to cultivate a field with various crops at home, and then raise a few auspicious and happy eggs, a large milk tank, and three bees that can produce honey, um... Tropical Dragon Tutai Turtle Snow Ligamon Frost The milk fairy will also raise a few."

   Dumb Wang said: "Frost Milk Immortal is a Pokémon in the Galar region. I heard that the place is far away from the Hoenn region."

Hearing this, Hu Yang hugged the back of the chair, put his chin on it, and said with a smile: "I know, there are also dumb beasts and dumb kings over there, but their appearance is different from yours, they are called The botanical influence of Calel's cardamom can make poisonous moves."

  The Dumb King thought for a while, and said troubledly: "I don't know about this."

  Hu Yang patted its shoulder: "It doesn't matter, I haven't seen them, I just heard that we can go there together to see the dumb beasts living there in the future."

   Dumb Wang nodded happily.

   It was getting dark, and before making dinner, Hu Yang went to see the giant tooth shark, which has become smaller, and it is now staying with the group of ancient coelacanths.

   At the beginning, the coelacanth and the king carp were very afraid of it, but when they knew that the megalodon had no desire to attack them, they returned to the original old **** who was leisurely and contented.

   "Are you still used to it?" Hu Yang asked.

   Hearing this, the Megalodon roared in grievance.

  This place is too small, and there are so many other Pokémon next to it, it's not used to it.

   "Just wait a few more days, I'm already asking someone to build a new home for you." Hu Yang patted Megalodon's head soothingly.

   As soon as he came back, he immediately found someone to help Megalodon build a large glass aquarium for it to live, and it should be completed tomorrow.

   However, seeing how crowded this lake is, Hu Yang thought about it and said, "Why don't you go back to the Poké Ball tonight?"

  The giant tooth shark turned to look at the group of ancient coelacanths that couldn't bite, and agreed decisively.

   So Populus euphratica put it back into the Poké Ball, turned around and went outside, and released King Howler.

   For some reason, even though he helped King Whale to modify the smaller move, he couldn't make the move smaller and could only stay in the Poké Ball every day.

   This made the Howler Whale King feel very depressed and sad.

   Seeing this big pink whale looking depressed, Hu Yang sighed in his heart and made a decision at the same time:

   After the task of finding the announcement stone room was over, he roared the whale king and released it to the sea.

   Otherwise, living in the Poké Ball all the time will have a great impact on the psychological state of King Whale King.

   Even if he built a pool that could accommodate the King Howling Whale, the King Howling Whale had already exceeded twenty meters in size, and it could not move at all in an ordinary pool.

   This kind of large-sized Pokémon is not suitable for living on land and is kept in captivity. Only in the sea, together with other roaring whale kings, can they live better.

   After the release, the King Whale only ate a few energy cubes and returned to the Poké Ball. Staying in a small space like the Poké Ball for a long time had already begun to affect his mood and appetite.

   (end of this chapter)

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