Now Lin Xiao is the Number One Person of Alliance, would he need such a little Pokémon?

"Okay, no problem." Although Lin Xiao couldn't tell why Lin Xiao wanted a Starter Pokemon, Professor Aurea Juniper still smiled nodded and drove the off-road vehicle moved towards his laboratory.


Soon the off-road vehicle stopped in front of a large-scale laboratory, "squeak ~~" to stop the off-road vehicle, Professor Aurea Juniper said with a smile: "Let’s get there, everyone, come down."

"Professor Aurea Juniper's Laboratory is very good?"

Get off the off-road vehicle, Professor Oak smiled and endured Can't help but praise.

"Where is it." After listening to Professor Oak's compliment, Professor Aurea Juniper was very happy, and helped Lin Xiao pick up a box and said: "Let's go in, Lin Xiao beat people, what is the little Pokémon you need? Type, I’m ready, because someone will come to receive the Pokémon today. I’m afraid it’s hard to choose the same Pokémon."

Many Rookie Trainers will find it difficult to find the Pokémon. Sometimes there may even be a situation where a few people choose a little Pokémon and refuse to let go.

In order to prevent this from happening, Professor Aurea Juniper plans to prepare one more.

"Little Pokémon?" Lin Xiao considered the three Starter Pokemons of Yixiu Region and said for a while: "Then you want Grass Type Vine Snakes," Vine Snakes are more stable. It is suitable for you. Compared with the three little Pokémon, its character is closer to himself, and Lin Xiao prefers the rattan snake. The rattan snake that Yayi was carrying before has now evolved into a beautiful Serperior.

"Okay, let me prepare, everyone, please come in with me."

Yew walked into the laboratory with a smile, Lin Xiao and the three people followed along.


"Why?" Hearing Lin Xiao calling himself Ash and turning his head strangely, he saw a box moved towards himself, and he was shocked. The box hugged, "Lin Xiao what are you doing?!"

"Take it, are you embarrassed to be like this?"

Gao Fei gave Ash a white look and carried that by himself Many boxes are empty and you ask me why?

"Um..." Ash was taken a moment to remember that he had a lot of luggage but he didn't help to take it. He was immediately embarrassed, said with a smile: "Sorry, sorry, I I didn’t pay attention."

"Let’s go, don’t let others call us impolite."

Professor Oak walked in front with Lin Xiao and Ash moved towards the Laboratory. go.

Holding the suitcase, Ash looked around curiously, and walked into the laboratory within a short while.

"Master Lin Xiao, this is the rattan snake you need. Do you have other needs?" Soon yew prepared another rattan snake for Lin Xiao, and Ask if he also needs other things.

"Thank you, no need to have vines and vine snakes."

Lin Xiao slightly smiled picked up the Poké Ball and said, "grandfather, then I will leave first, you Just rest in the Laboratory.” After Lin Xiao finished speaking, Lin Xiao didn't forget to squeeze his eyes at Professor Oak and let Professor Oak roll the eyes. This little bastard was thinking about something.

"Don't you take a break?" Yew didn't expect Lin Xiao to leave as soon as he arrived, asked.

"No." Lin Xiao laughed, "I can't wait to see this magical Yixiu continent, so I'm leaving now."

Collapse Poké Ball Lin Xiao left the Laboratory after saying goodbye.

Ash needs to visit the Laboratory, Professor Oak will stay, find his old lover cough cough, do research, Lin Xiao had to leave first, living in the research is weird, and more importantly, is afraid that Professor Oak will be embarrassed. My grandson is here, how should my lover meet?

It is also quite good to find a wife at the age of Professor Oak. Lin Xiao would not object at all. The sentence is more than one grandma at most, maybe a little grandma.

Don't look at Professor Oak. He is a lot of age, but his vision is not low. Unless he meets the right one, he will never bloom again in the old tree.

Leaving by myself makes it easy for Professor Oak to do things so as not to disturb Old Master's Yaxing.

I just don't know if Professor Oak will slap him to death after knowing it.

Get Starter Pokemon Lin Xiao also left the Laboratory, ready to start his journey.

"First of all, is Striaton Gym the nearest gym here? It's really interesting, triplets, three Gym Trainers." I checked Lin Xiao with a navigator and put away the navigation with a smile, moved towards Moving in the direction of Striaton City.

As for the Starter Pokemon, the problem is very simple, because Lin Xiao didn't carry the little Pokémon, and planned to use the brand new little Pokémon to challenge everything after coming here.

Put away the navigation Lin Xiao immediately moved towards Striaton City and set off.

Professor Aurea Juniper’s Laboratory is not far from Striaton City only two days away, and will be able to arrive soon, but before that Lin Xiao needs to conquer little Pokémon and train little Pokémon. Otherwise, taking a vine snake to challenge the winning rate is not high.

When I was two children, Lin Xiao stayed and rested, ready to eat and rest on the spot. If I leave tomorrow, I can do some training for the rattan snake. The road to Striaton City is not far, so don't worry.

"Come out the rattan snake."

Take out the Poké Ball to release the rattan snake, Lin Xiao squatted down, said with a smile: "Hello, rattan Snake, I am Lin Xiao, please give me some advice from now on."

Tengteng Snake looked at Lin Xiao confidently, and jumped up with a smile for a long time, apparently accepting Lin Xiao.

The little Pokémon who came out as breed knows that he will be a Trainer player and travel and fight with others.

"Really good." Lin Xiao haha ​​smiled when he looked at the rattan snake and took out some food from his backpack to distribute it to him. "Quickly eat it, it's delicious!"

Seeing the food, Teng Teng Snake squinted his eyes happily, and ran forward to eat it, pouting his little fart, and his throat was very cute. ,

Lin Xiao smiled and touched the rattan snake's head, without disturbing it to eat, turned around and took out the tent in the backpack. After setting up the tent, he was ready to cook.

One person doesn't need to make too much. Soon Lin Xiao made two dishes and one soup.

At this time, not far from Lin Xiao, a 17 or 18-year-old girl looked at her boiled face with frustration. ..

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