Lin Xiao patted it, and Kyurem calmed down and continued to eat.


Toozi felt a chill, and couldn't help but shiver, feeling that his hands were a little cold, not only Toozi was Lin Xiao also feels this way. Kyurem is still young, so he can't control the coldness that keeps coming out of his body, so Lin Xiao plans to put it away when Kyurem is full.

Other little Pokémon can stay outside for a while, but this little fellow can't stand the cold at all.

When the sun is strong, you can use it as an air conditioner, but when the sun is behind or you can’t stand it at night, Lin Xiao doesn’t want to hold Kyurem Rest, otherwise it’s still a problem whether he can fall asleep. Being able to fall asleep for 2nd day will almost become an ice sculpture!

Lin Xiao doesn't want to be that ghost, so it's better to put it away.

Although Kyurem is small, he eats fast. Soon the food and water that Lin Xiao has prepared has become completely empty, and the little fellow burp satisfied and lifted up. His head, the size of an egg, looked at Lin Xiao.

"I want to put you away, come out to eat at night, behaved." Kyurem hasn't started training yet. Lin Xiao plans to train it for a while, but it's hard to think of such a small one. Fellow grew up to be a Giant Overlord.

Kyurem nodded still doesn’t speak, and doesn’t like to speak. Lin Xiao will not force him to be as small as a human being. Pokémon also has its own different personality. Just like Zekrom, he doesn’t speak when necessary, Lin Xiao I'm used to it.

Take out a Master Ball to conquer Kyurem, Lin Xiao hangs the Poké Ball, rubs her hands, said with a smile: "It’s not just that you feel cold, I feel cold, if more Your hands will definitely freeze for a while."

"You can’t hold a little fellow until you can’t control the cold in your body."

"Sorry Toozi scared you. Some little Pokémons just don’t like others to touch themselves. Most of my little Pokémons are like this. My wife can’t approach them casually and can’t direct them."

Put Kyurem away, Lin Xiao laughed Apologize.

"Huh?" After a few seconds, Toozi came back to his senses and hurriedly shook his head, forced a smile and said: "It's okay, it's okay, I shouldn't touch it."


"But it looks pretty cute with a small head and small wings."

Although Kyurem was taken aback by Kyurem, it did not hinder Touzi's liking for it.

“That’s not something that wings should be a kind of converter. To put it bluntly, it’s the place to connect.” Smiling and shook his head, Lin Xiao explained: “Because Kyurem can fuse thunder in a short moment. The abilities of Siram and Zekrom, so when she merges the abilities, some changes will occur."

"If the abilities of Rexiram and Zekrom are not integrated, it cannot be flying, it is not Wings."


Xiao Ju'er and Too Zi were taken aback, somewhat surprised that the two of them knew too little about this little Pokémon, impossible and Lin Xiao The same information provided by the system can be viewed casually.

"Well, it is true. There are many weird things in this world, especially for Pokémon. At least evolution is incredible for us humans."

Smile and shook his head. There are always things in the world that cannot be explained clearly. Why does the little Pokémon evolve? Why does the appearance keep changing after evolution, and some Pokémon can't evolve? This is like why Kyurem can use the abilities of Resiram and Zekrom, while Zekrom and Resiram cannot use the abilities of these two little Pokémons.

"It is indeed a little weird." Xiao Ju'er agreed with Lin Xiao's words very much.

What evolution is a trivial matter, there are even cross-racial romances in Little Pokémon. The important thing is that they can still have offspring...

As for humans, the marriage of Gardevoir and Trainer a few years ago caused countless people to lose their glasses, and everyone who knew about it was waiting to watch the show.

See if Gardevoir lays an egg or a person.

Because there have long been offspring born from the union of Pokémon and humans in Alliance.

"Yeah, let's continue. Leave this forest early and go to Castelia City where the next Gym is located. You will be there soon after passing through this forest."

Ixiu Region and Kalos The Region is not as big as the Region, so the Gym is relatively close, unlike Kanto, Johto, Fangyuan Sinnoh where one Gym arrives at the next Gym, which is enough for you to walk.

"That's right."

The entire group continued to move towards Castelia City. Xiao Ju'er looked at Lin Xiao and asked, "Do you know the evolution of millions?"

Bring out a book, Xiao Ju'er said with a smile: "I bought a book a few days ago. I didn't expect Little Pokémon and Mega Evolution. I don't know if the strength is really that strong after the evolution."

"Really?" Toozi, who had never heard of Million Evolution, took the book and opened it to read it with dual purpose.




Connect three wow slaves The mouth popped out, apparently this girl was frightened by Million Evolution.

Didn't expect Little Pokémon will have Mega Evolution after the ultimate evolution, and the appearance and attributes will change, which is incredible.

Not only it, but even Xiao Ju'er feels a bit weird. After all, the evolution of millions is too far away from them. Now the number of evolution stones is limited, and the evolution of millions is slowly starting in Kalos Region. It started to appear, as for other Regions, it's a bit difficult.

Unless Alliance can find a large number of Mega Evolution stones at once.

"Actually, the Mega Evolution is not that mysterious. It just uses a special kind of evolution stone to make Pokémon undergo a Mega Evolution, which is called the Mega Evolution." Lin Xiao explained with a smile, lest there be any problems. People don't understand anything, yelling.

"But this kind of evolution stone is difficult to obtain. The number is limited and there are not many little Pokémons that can evolve over a million. It also requires the close tacit understanding between Pokémon and Trainer, so you want to evolve. It's a bit difficult. Only Kalos Region has appeared in a short time, and other regions are few and pitiful."

Some people can get evolution stones, but they are generally impossible. ..

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