"But is this with the idea that I intend to convince others?" Suddenly Shirona's tone of voice, groaning, complaining, complaining that Lin Xiao pushes this kind of thing to herself To deal with.

There are two people in Elite Four who are at odds with him. This kind of thing is not easy to handle. The other two are more neutral and should be able to convince. As for those two, Shirona herself has some headaches, she still has a headache. Once I saw rival for love and got to this point.

"Say it with confidence, they will agree, you don't have to worry about what they will deliberately toss about."

Lin Xiao haha ​​smiled, and still put his own thoughts Speaking out, Shirona took the phone slightly nodded, "Well, I will try my best. As for whether I can succeed or not, I can't guarantee it."

"No problem, just say it and trust me."

Lin Xiao is not as unconfident as Shirona, "Okay, I know you are great." Shirona slightly smiled, putting away his joking thoughts, helplessly said: "Actually it is easy to convince the other four people, I feel helpless It’s the battle between Cattleya and me that is still going on."

"It feels like entering the plot of some kind of family drama, a lifelong friend, a lifelong best friend, a lifelong enemy, Good blood." Lin Xiao couldn't help but screamed, screaming dissatisfaction with Shirona, "What, isn't it good for you? Why do you want to unite with Cattleya in this kind of battle? Bring us Sinnoh Region up?"

"Hehe, your good sister has been pulling you, what can I do? You have to trouble you to find her. It has nothing to do with me."


Lin Xiao smiled at the thief, this pot decisively cannot be carried on oneself, Lin Xiao without the slightest hesitation directly pushed it to Cattleya, anyway, the fight between you two and the woman made you two Make your own decision.

"You really are." Shirona was directly smirked by Lin Xiao. This is all who, so I asked myself to help persuade others to join in, and immediately began to shame.

Fortunately, Shirona also understands Lin Xiao's mind. It is inappropriate for him to join this kind of fight between women.

Next Lin Xiao and Shirona talked about some non-trivial topics and then hung up the phone, and the contact was done like this. In fact, Lin Xiao didn’t do anything by himself, just notified Shirona. Only with Oak Syracuse, let them find a way, what is an arm-flinging shopkeeper? This is! !

Speaking of arm-flinging shopkeeper, it is estimated that no one is more suitable than Lin Xiao.

As long as I think of Oak Syracuse and Shirona when they go to persuade others, they will be depressed and secretly talk about themselves, Lin Xiao can’t help laughing, causing Xiao Ju'er and Too Zi to constantly look away strangely. come over.

After contacting Shirona and Oak Syracuse, Lin Xiao rested in the hotel, waiting for tomorrow’s challenge. He has already told Cattleya, I believe Cattleya will truthfully and Mi Lu said that Mi Lu will definitely accept the challenge.

As for whether I will scare Mi Lu Lin Xiao today, I don't care, the Gym Challenge is made into such a ghost, I should be scared.

2nd day, early morning.

Lin Xiao got up early and did not call Xiao Ju'er and Toozi, so they continued to rest in the hotel. They left the hotel alone and walked towards Gym.

(Penguin: 283027516, everyone is welcome to join.)

Mistralton City is still no different from yesterday, although everyone was taken aback by fiercely yesterday, but for ordinary As far as the person is concerned, it has passed. Those who should go to work still need to go to work, and those who should do business still need to do business.

Actually, Zapdos made a lot of noise yesterday, but there is nothing out of the ordinary except for being scary. If you really want to care, then there are only some trees that were split by thunder and lightning, but These all are minor problems, just replace them at will.

"Hello, you."

Soon Lin Xiao came to Gym and found that he was still not the first to arrive, and there were more people in front of him than yesterday. Reached five!

Seeing Lin Xiao coming, the staff walked up nervously and said hello.

"Hi, morning." Lin Xiao slightly smiled, with a gentle smile on his face, as if he hadn't done anything yesterday.

"hehe ~ hello, please make an appointment first." If it weren't for yesterday, the staff would think that Lin Xiao is such a sunny person, just like his smile, it's a pity to experience Yesterday, he knew that the big boy with a gentle smile in front of him was not as gentle as he thought.

Regardless of his character, his strength, and status.

After experiencing yesterday, what they know is that you can't judge a person by appearance, Alliance first Grandmaster Rank and other Trainers even lost the Gym plug. It feels ridiculous to think about it, at least The staff thought so after learning the identity of Lin Xiao.

The person who did this is the Gym Trainer of Mistralton City, which makes the staff slightly red sorry. Think about it, the Trainer of the Grandmaster Rank means the strongest strength of the Alliance. , But the challenge to Gym actually failed. This is definitely a laugh.

But this kind of thing really happened because the way of fighting was different. It was not a normal battle, but a so-called fantasy battle.

"No problem." Lin Xiao smiled and took out Pokédex to register the staff. As for yesterday's matter, there was no mention at all.

"Okay, please rest there first, Gym Trainer Mi Lu will come over soon." After registering, the staff smiled and told Lin Xiao to rest first, and his attitude was better than those who had already Those who were waiting at the beginning couldn't help but wonder, who is this person, who is treated so enthusiastically by the staff, is it a friend of Gym Trainer?

These people have just arrived in Mistralton City and have no idea what happened yesterday, so the staff is a little bit too enthusiastic and curious about Lin Xiao's attitude.

As for the Trainers who challenged yesterday, none of them came today, so I guess they are still calming their own psychological shadows.

"En." Nodded, Lin Xiao went straight to yesterday's place and sat down and waited for Mi Lu's arrival.

"Ah!!! It's you!!!"

Soon cry out in surprise attracted Lin Xiao's attention, and so did others. ..

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