The strange question of "pu~ ~~" made Lin Xiao couldn't help laughing directly. I have to say that this old fogey is indeed a bit funny, Miss Junsha and Nurse Who does Joy like?

Didn't expect everyone who has been a lot of age and still likes beauties so much, it seems that he is also an old-fashioned ghost.

However, how those contestants can choose this way is actually a question of this kind of teasing.

"che, sure enough, men don’t have good people, they are all the same." Xiao Ju'er muttered with a dark face, Lin Xiao lost said with a smile: "Hey, don’t say this when you say this. Is it okay to look at me? When did I say that I like Junsha and Joy?"

"Aren't they all the same men." Xiao Ju'er turned her eyes back and said dissatisfiedly: "This What's the problem, except for those familiar with him, the ghost knows whether he likes Joy or Junsha. Look, everyone is dumbfounded."

Lin Xiao looked back, and sure enough, all the people who participated in the competition were all dumbfounded. I'm dumbfounded, this question is difficult enough, of course it's funny enough, it even makes people didn't know whether to cry or laugh, everyone was dumbfounded as soon as the question was finished, and Toozi still moved towards Lin a little bit at a loss. Xiao seems.

Lin Xiao gestured to her a gesture that you figured out, expressing that you can't do anything, and you don't know what type of woman the old man likes.

Maybe Junsha or Joy, but Joy’s probability is relatively large. Unfortunately, Lin Xiao can’t give Toozi too obvious instructions, otherwise others will know that the impact is not good, plus Lin Xiao himself is in I wonder what kind of woman this old fogey likes.


"Hey, old man, are you kidding us?"

"That's right, what kind of problem is this, it's true What kind of Junsha and Joy do a lot of age still like."

"Asshole, we will know what a problem is this!!"

Those who participated in the competition couldn't help it. I yelled loudly, making the old man who was holding Junsha and Joy surrendered when the Host blushed a little bit embarrassingly, and even blushed, your old mud covered the shoulders, okay, why? With such an expression?

Unfortunately, the contestant feels that he is going crazy, but after the old man showed this expression, not many people complained, because it is unnecessary, others mean that I just like it, why So, anyway, I am Host, the problem is that I come out, if you are not satisfied, you can leave.

"It's really embarrassing, who do you like?"

A group of people stood on the square and began to struggle, but fortunately, there is no time limit for everyone to think about it. .

"What do you say? Toozi is a little at a loss." Xiao Ju'er pointed to Toozi who was standing on the square, Lin Xiao sighed helplessly said: "I don't know what to do. Who knows what kind of old fogey likes, but from a man's point of view, it should be Joy with a gentle personality, but I can't guarantee that, what if this old man likes the opposite type of others?"

I like Joy more. Lin Xiao didn’t talk nonsense. The main reason is that I am old. For the beauty she likes, she will shift from the hot, hot, and individualized woman to the kind of gentle smile that always hangs on her face. A gentle and considerate woman who knows how to take care of others.

That’s why Lin Xiao feels that the probability of choosing Joy is more important, almost 70% sure, but this kind of thing is not accurate at all, you say it is Joy, but in the end, if someone else lifts it up With Junsha's brand, it's a lot of fun.

Maybe I will become the target of Toozi and Xiao Juer’s attack, so Lin Xiao chooses to remain silent on this issue and choose whatever he wants. At this time, I have to look at myself. Think carefully.

I also told her that when I couldn't choose, I just moved towards the crowded party based on my feelings.

"It's such an old sex. Ghost!!!" Doduo said, Xiao Ju'er complained unhappily, Lin Xiao did not hear it, otherwise Xiao Ju'er would definitely use the old man as an example. Maybe even get involved with yourself, because he is also a man.

So, watching the nose with the eyes, watching the heart with the nose, and watching the theater, I heard nothing, saw nothing, at least Lin Xiao comforted himself like this.

Toozi is lost, a little stunned, she doesn't know what choice to make, who knows that this old man will ask such entangled questions, unexpectedly bring Miss Junsha and Nurse Joy to come It is really uncomfortable to make the choice of the question.

Unhappy and unhappy, Toozi can only use his little brain hard, constantly thinking about what to do.

But no matter what she thinks, she realizes that it can’t work. The distressed Toozi looked back at Lin Xiao and saw Lin Xiao shrugged and sighed. It seemed that she wanted to get it from Lin Xiao big brother and Xiaojuer’s elder sister. The answer is impossible.

Toozi had no choice but to follow the method Lin Xiao taught himself before.

Moved towards looking at both sides, I found that many people were on the side of the circle, so I wanted to walk over, but I didn't want Ash to beckons with the hand to myself.

"Me?!" Too Zi was taken aback, staring at himself with wide eyes.

Ash smiled nodded and showed a mysterious smile, which made Toozi feel slightly uneasy. Ash and the others chose Junsha, but it seems that Xiong has been successful, otherwise it would not be so sure.

But there are very few people on their side.

For a while, I was embarrassed. I don't know if I should stand on the side of Joy, who is crowded with people, or believe that Ash is on Junsha's side.

"Okay, there are five seconds left for everyone to choose."

The old man standing on the podium gave the contestants a lot of time. Seeing that the time is almost the same Now, most people have made a choice, but only a few people did not respond and reminded them.

At the reminder from old fogey, Toozi was even more embarrassed, and looked at the subconsciously moved towards Lin Xiao.

It's a pity that Lin Xiao didn't look here and turned his head to look aside, but the direction of turning his head is the same as the direction of Ash and the others. Toozi relaxed, did he stand together with Ash and choose to believe him? ?

Since Lin Xiao gave the prompt, Toozi stopped hesitating, and immediately stood over and waited for the result to begin.

"Hey, why did Toozi stand behind Ash and the others, so decisive."..

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