The Yini family looks good on the surface at this time, but the actual situation is a bit worried, because I don't know if Alliance will find a chance to move towards them someday.

We must know that many of our peers have strong backgrounds, and their family’s power in the Alliance was pretty good, but unfortunately with the departure of the older generation, the new generation began to feel lonely. Now I am hoping to win over some high-status people to support me, and Lin Xiao is the best choice.

In Kanto, apart from a few conference members, the Elite Four and the champion have the most power. It is a pity that everyone except Lin Xiao either supports their own family or has supporters.

Xiba has a supporting family. Oak Syracuse supports the Oak family. Although the Oak family does not move much in the business, everyone knows that Xiaoyuan is Lin Xiao’s person. As for Xin The puppets who came up could not be kicked any day, it was not possible, but Lin Xiao was stared at by everyone.

The most important thing is that because the root is in Kanto, it is useless to draw people from other regions, unless you have the ability to remove the root.

Therefore, the talents of the Yini family will be so excited when Lin Xiao finds them, they want to contact them to see if there is that kind of probability, even if they can’t, they need to get Lin Xiao’s consent and then publicize it. Let some people who are involved in the family business take their hands and feet.

Don't doubt that Lin Xiao has such a big threat, especially in Kanto. Those powerful figures see him as a mouse sees a cat, especially those conference members.

As long as Lin Xiao is provoked, a large number of people will be involved. This is a consequence that no one wants to face.

"Today, only Lin Xiao Master in Kanto is still swinging. To put it bluntly, I don't think Lin Xiao Master wants to swing but just didn't find the right ease." Yini Murayun spoke very directly. , Lin Xiao laughed, "It's quite interesting, do you know? You are still the first person to say that. Others think I might not look down on them and dare not come."

"So Say..." Yini Cunyun was overjoyed, Lin Xiao waved his hand and said: "Don't be happy too early, since you have come to the door with this kind of thought, then show your own sincerity. I think you should know what my Lin Xiao Alliance represents. To put it bluntly, I can represent the entire Kanto Region. I can push a group of greedy conference members aside, so I think you should be clear. So show your sincerity and go to my house to find Kona. I don’t have time to deal with these things now. As long as you move Kona, I will agree."

Get up and patted the clothes, Lin Xiao Throw the cigarette butt in the ashtray, "Then I won't give it away, everyone, go slowly, actually Kona is easier to persuade than me!"

Standing behind a certain family, Lin Xiao doesn't mind this By doing this, you can exchange support, such as financial support, or other trivial matters. Others will help you take care of it. You don’t need to trouble you. Lin Xiao has thought about this before, but he didn’t know whether to cry. Or laugh, most families are afraid to come to the door, and even Lin Xiao wonders if he doesn't have that ability.

In fact, it's not that other families don't want to but don't dare. Others dare to start this first. Even the Yini family is Lin Xiao who comes in contact with them first.

Someone who gave him money Lin Xiao would be a fool if he turned it away. Anyway, he just stood up to support others and let Alliance pay attention to it, but other families didn’t dare to use their brains, and they didn’t need to pay. What can still get a lot of banknotes, why not do it?

As for the Yini family, Lin Xiao believes that as long as they are not stupid, they dare not ask themselves to do anything.

If you want to help, you have to pay a price.

"Then Lin Xiao Master, let's say goodbye first." Yini Curayun stood up respectfully and thanked her.

"Thank you, no need to help me take good care of this guy." Lin Xiao took out the Pokémon egg that led Emolga and gave it to them, "If it goes wrong, I will trouble you."


Yini Cunyun, cautiously took the Pokémon egg and put it in a bag carefully. The degree of that cautiously is probably not so scared to hold his son. There is a problem.

"I can guarantee with my head that there will be no problems with Pokémon eggs!!!"

Yinimura Yun promised loudly, while looking at Lin Xiao expectantly.

Lin Xiao laughed and said, "It’s your own business to promote or not, regardless of whether you can cooperate in the future, since I put the Pokémon eggs with you, then there is nothing for you to promote. I agree. "

"Thank you Lin Xiao Master, our Yini family will take care of it, please Lin Xiao Master rest assured!!!"

Make another guarantee, Yini Village Yun Xiao's mouth almost couldn't close, he thanked him excitedly, and then left with someone. In order to prevent his subordinates from being careless, he even left with his bag in his hand, afraid of something wrong with the Pokémon egg.

It’s a big fuss.......

Looking at Yini Cun Yun’s cautiously appearance, Lin Xiao herself was speechless for a while. How could Pokémon eggs break so easily? ? Basically, as long as it is not a dead egg, or the little Pokémon is born unsound, it can basically hatch successfully, allowing the little Pokémon to grow up healthily.

"Lin Xiao big brother, why are these people here?"

Too Zi was very curious, Lin Xiao said with a smile: "He came to give me money "

"No way!!!" Touzi stared wide-eyed, is there someone who is so stupid, just giving money to others? ! ! Is there such a good thing?

"Of course there is, as long as he wants, most people do this." Xiao Ju'er pushed a bit, said with a smile: "Okay. Don't talk about it, this kind of thing is waiting for you When you grow up, you will understand. Let’s go and sign up first. If you fall behind and can’t sign up, I guess this guy will be angry."

"Oh! Right now, Xiaoju儿elder sister, you wash the dishes, hehe." Toozi laughed, and ran back to the room to change clothes amidst Xiao Juer’s yelling. As for Xiao Ju’er, she could only wash the dishes depressedly because the two stone scissors cloth was completely lost. What's this for yourself in the end? Do you trouble yourself?

Xiao Ju'er moved a rock to hit her in the foot. Lin Xiao also didn't know whether to cry or laugh. It seems that Tou Zi will start to learn smarter if she suffers too many times. ..

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