Lin Xiao was speechless for an instant, and couldn't help but roll his eyes twice, "In addition to eating, what else can you remember?"

"cough cough! "

As soon as these words came out, Ash and Cilan burst into laughter. Xiao Ju'er looked helpless and had a headache. She raised her hand to cover her forehead and shook her head slightly. When it comes to eating, it feels like you can instantly become another person.

Lin Xiao said that eating goods means eating goods. The personality of eating food can never be changed. For this, Xiao Juer can only use this use to convince herself, lest she be the same as Ash and Cilan Laugh out loud to make Toozi more sorry.

"That's because the fish made by Lin Xiao big brother is really delicious."

Blink and blink, Toozi is very serious. Lin Xiao's expression slightly startled, Without speaking, Ash and Cilan laughed and straightened up, realizing that their actions seemed inappropriate.

Toozi, who came back to his senses, looked at Lin Xiao with a helpless expression. He was speechless. His complexion instantly turned red. Seeing Ash and Cilan were still laughing, a surge of heart suddenly rose. Anonymous angry, "Laugh, laugh, laugh, what's so funny! Be careful of drooling and choking you."

Toozi, who was ridiculed by Ash and Cilan, immediately flew into a rage out of humiliation, red With a small face, Toozi looked like an angry Little Monkey, staring at Ash with wide-eyed eyes and the two yelled.


Ash and Cilan couldn't laugh anymore. Neither of them thought that Touzi would go crazy and be choked suddenly .

"hmph! !"

The embarrassed look of Ash and Cilan's embarrassed expressions shows no mercy, and he turned his head aside with humming. I have made a decision in my heart and plan to ignore both of them for the rest of the time.

"hahaha ......."

Lin Xiao, who was now the turn of the show, couldn't help laughing.

Looking at Ash and Cilan Lin Xiao with embarrassment on their faces: "It's not that I said you two, what's so funny about this kind of thing, if someone laughs at you, would you be happy if you lack a brain?" "

"......." Ash was stunned, naturally replied: "I will beat him to death!!"

It is obvious that Ash has not understood yet. Lin Xiao means, Lin Xiao shook his head, looked towards Cilan, Cilan forced a smile and said: "That Lin Xiao, I just smiled subconsciously, I didn't mean it."

"I will do it right away Apologize to Toozi."

Seeing that Cilan was really anxious, Toozi became angry, and when Lin Xiao asked such questions, he suddenly panicked, and wanted to apologize to Toozi immediately, and then report the incident. Take it.

As for Ash, Cilan didn’t worry too much, because everyone knew that Ash was indeed missing a rib. Even if he was confused, Toozi would not put it in the heart in the end. He was very angry at the time. It will dissipate soon.

But he is different, so Cilan immediately wanted to apologize to Touzi.

"no no no!!!"

Lin Xiao smiled and shook his head, "In fact, there is no need to apologize, because this is just a small matter. I believe that Toozi himself will soon Forget it, I actually want to say it."

Pause for a while, looking at Cilan, Lin Xiao continued: "I mean, if someone says what you do, the wine waiter is very stupid. Behavior, what would you do?"


Rao is a clever-minded Cilan who was stunned by Lin Xiao’s question directly. A few seconds later, Cilan angrily said: "If anyone dares to do this, I will fight him!"

Everyone has everybody's persistence and pursuit, just like Lin Xiao wants to go all over this For every disciple of the world’s discipline, Ash wants to become a little Pokémon Master Normal. Everyone has their own greatest pursuit.

For Toozi, she doesn’t want to be a little Pokémon Master, because it doesn’t make much sense to her. Improving her strength can only be said by the way. The only thing that can make Toozi care about most is to eat. ! !

Toozi is not a stingy person, if it is because of other things Ash and Cilan laughed, Toozi is at best sorry, but the two actually laughed at their own eating, this is something that Toozi can't bear .

So Tou Zi went crazy and hit Ash and Cilan completely unprepared.

"This is my mistake." Cilan smiled sly, scratching his head very sorry, "I'm sorry Toozi, I didn't mean it."

"I didn't mean it. Yes."

Apologize first anyway, it is better to let Touzi's anger disappear, so Ash immediately chose to apologize with Cilan.

"hmph hum, am I so stingy?"

As Lin Xiao said, he is not a stingy person. He just got angry because of a momentary anger, this kind of anger. Coming very quickly, and going very quickly.

Too Zi didn't want Ash and Cilan to continue the fight, and the arrogant one would turn aside and hum.

Ash and Cilan looked at each other and looked towards Lin Xiao, Lin Xiao swung the fishing rod and hung the bait, "Tuozi, help me bring a bucket over."

"Okay Yes, I'll go right away." As soon as I heard that, Ash and Cilan could not be taken care of, and immediately moved towards the cabin, and soon I found an empty bucket to fetch some sea water, which was very intimate on Lin Xiao By my side, waiting for the bait of the fish.

Not to mention that after being interrupted like this, Too Zi puts his unhappiness behind his head, and all his attention is on Lin Xiao, hoping that the fish in the sea can catch the bait earlier. In this way, you can have a delicious meal later.

In Tooko's thinking, Ash and the two obviously can't compare with their own food.


Yu'er hasn't taken the bait yet, and everyone's attention is attracted by the shout.

I saw Axew of Alice with a blue and purple face, screaming and rushing out of the igloo. Obviously, I could see the little fellow trembling all over.

Following Axew, Alice ran out, panting heavily.

Compared to Axew, Alice was not as good as Axew. This person was very afraid of the cold. After staying in the igloo for less than twenty minutes, she was defeated.

"Alice, are you okay?"

Alice and Axew, who couldn’t hold on, ran out. Ash and Cilan hurried forward and put the prepared blanket on them Body. ..

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