"In the body of that human teenager, I smelled a very familiar breath. The young man has a shocking life experience. As for why I want you to respect him, this young man, even if I am, absolutely cannot afford to offend! Okay, I’m leaving, don’t ask me any more, please cultivation yourself. , I will come again on the day you are transformed. If he comes to you again, don’t embarrass him. If you can help, please help him. It will be good for you in the future!” said that middle-aged The man gradually disappeared into this void.

"Damn, it is so heavy!" Cloud Heavenly Tribulation, who walked slowly in the mountains and forests, complained with the youth on his back.

I found a big rock, put the young man on his back on it, took out the dew he carried with him from his arms and drank it.

"Where are these? Why is there not even a road in this forest?" Yun Heavenly Tribulation sat on the ground and drank two sips of dew, then picked up a stone from the ground angrily and threw it out.

"clang!" The sound of a rock hit a big tree.

Get up and look around all around, hoping to find a route that can be walked, looking around.

"Hoothoot!" Hoothoot yelled from Yun Heavenly Tribulation’s belly. Yun Heavenly Tribulation didn’t take it seriously and thought it would be the strange screams of the small animals around him. After listening carefully, he knew that his belly was screaming. After stroking his lower abdomen twice, he knew he was hungry after pouting, and looked around to find some game to satisfy his hunger.

"Why there is nothing, what is this place!" Looking around, the woods are overgrown with weeds and trees. This is supposed to be a paradise for birds and beasts. Even the smallest mouse can't see a creature, and it doesn't even make the sound of animals running and jumping. Cloud Heavenly Tribulation is suddenly puzzled.


However, the young man lying on the big rock beside the cloud Heavenly Tribulation woke up, shouting "water" in his mouth. NS.

"Brother, you're awake!" Yun Heavenly Tribulation quickly took out the dew from his arms when he heard the shout, and put his hand in the young man's hand.

"I still want to drink water!" The young man drank all the water in the small bottle gourd and threw the water gourd directly on the ground, clamoring for water to drink.

"you brat …" Yun Heavenly Tribulation Seeing that this young man was so rude, he immediately became angry when he threw his water-drinking gourd on the ground, but he still endured the feeling that he had only saved him. Angered.

He reached out and picked up the gourd on the ground, shook the head to the young man, got up and collected the dew.

A quarter of an hour later, Heavenly Tribulation returned. In addition to a small bottle gourd, there was a wild pheasant in the other hand.

"The water is coming!" Yun Heavenly Tribulation threw the gourd on the young man, and then sat on the ground and found some firewood to roast the pheasant.

The young man’s eyes slowly opened, his pale face made him look quite weak, he looked up at the Heavenly Tribulation cloud of roast chicken not far away, lightly coughed picked up the gourd on his body and took two bites, slow Slowly sit up and try to sit cross-legged, but the whole body is like cotton, unable to lift the strength.

Yun Heavenly Tribulation heard movement behind him, got up and looked back, seeing that the young man got up as if he wanted to sit cross-legged and sit Normal, but he turned around and continued roasting the chicken, not Yun Heavenly Tribulation didn’t want to. To help him, but when faced with a dilemma that a peerless expert is even worse than an ordinary person, if he goes up to help him, it will hurt his self-esteem, and even say that he may directly kill the person who helped him.

The third time he failed, the young man lay on the big rock and panted violently, seeming to give up, picking up the gourd next to him and taking another two sips of water.

"Do you want to help?" Yun Heavenly Tribulation frivolous leaned on a big tree not far away while gnawing a chicken in his hand, while solemnly asked.

"hmph, no need!" The young man's face turned cold glanced at Yun Heavenly Tribulation with disdain.

Lightly snorted, Yun Heavenly Tribulation walked slowly to the youth’s side and said: "You saved my life earlier, I am very grateful, this time I saved your life again, don’t say thank you, we Even if it is even, and when you were fighting with the monster, you shook me twice. I don’t care anymore. Now I want to get my own things back, so let’s go our own way!” said He snatched back the gourd from the young man's hands.

"You! Too bad!" The young man's face was furious, glaring at the cloud Heavenly Tribulation.

"Oh? I'm hateful? Brother. That's a bad remark. If it weren't for me, do you think you might come back alive? Let's not talk about this. If I don't save you and run away, you have to do Leer. Can you become the nourishment of the spirits obediently?" Yun Heavenly Tribulation calculated the accounts very carefully, and then he said in a stroke of strokes.

"Then what do you want!"

"Very simple, take me out of this forest to the human continent!" Yun Heavenly Tribulation lightly saying.

"Okay, I promise you!" The youth said solemnly.

"But now I can't walk, how can I take you there!"

Cloud Heavenly Tribulation thoughtfully shook the head, looked all around and said: "This is a problem! "Then nodded said again: "It seems that I can only carry you on my back, so I can arrive a little faster, but hehe, the premise is that you have to admit that you owe me a favor!" Yun Heavenly Tribulation thought of his own abacus in his heart. In the face of the downfall of a peerless expert, how can I walk the continent in the future if I don’t take advantage of it.

"Deal!" The young man agreed with a cold expression, and the transaction between the two began.

Yun Heavenly Tribulation chuckled lightly, nodded, and drew a knife into the pheasant on his right hand, and took half of it in front of the young man.

"Here you, eat! Even if you are a peerless expert, your body will not be able to stand it if you don’t eat!"

Seeing that the young man has not accepted it for a long time, I put it directly on the big rock , Shook the head walked away, "Face!"

When he was full of water and food, he woke up the young man who was sitting cross-legged not far away. After adjusting the breath for a period of time, the young man's body has recovered a lot, and it seems that he can recover completely in a few days. However, the essence of Essence Power that was absorbed has never returned, and has directly absorbed nearly a hundred years of power from the youth.

"I barely recovered 10% of my physical strength, but my legs still don’t listen!"

"Okay, brother, let’s go!" Yun Heavenly Tribulation Seeing that the young man’s body recovered a little, said solemnly.

"Which way to go!" Yun Heavenly Tribulation directly lifted the youth from the stone. The youth looked all around and pointed in a direction. Yun Heavenly Tribulation lifted his leg and walked away.

"ao!" But just after walking a few steps, I heard the roar of a beast.

"What to do!" Yun Heavenly Tribulation looked all around said solemnly.

"It’s okay to follow the path I pointed out. They are just releasing the majesty of the lord in their own territory, so don’t be afraid. If I’m not injured, I’ll even flatten the entire forest. What difficulty is there again!" The young Normal guided and explained it over and over again, while showing off his powerful cultivation base power, but was directly ignored by Yun Heavenly Tribulation.

The two walked like this for a day. To be precise, Yun Heavenly Tribulation walked for a day, carrying a person heavier than himself on his back. This kind of taste is really uncomfortable, if not here peerless expert To get back from the body, Yun Heavenly Tribulation is really going crazy.

"The human continent is in front of this forest, hurry up, or the sun is about to set!" The young man urged, Yun Heavenly Tribulation, his eyes slanted, and he glared at him and continued walking. Up.

After two more hours of walking, Yun Heavenly Tribulation finally walked out of the forest. Looking around, an incomparable gigantic city suddenly appeared in front of the two of them. They directly placed the youth on the ground. Yun Heavenly Tribulation felt at this moment. Excited, I finally came to the human world, this normal like a dream.

"Hey, kid, have you seen enough, hurry up and carry me into the city." The young man sat on the ground and shouted loudly.

"Go by yourself. I knew you could walk on your own for a long time. It just didn't break you down. If it wasn't for getting your favor with peace of mind, why would I be exhausted? Carrying you!" Yun Heavenly Tribulation gave the youth a white look and said sarcastically.

"You..." After hearing Yun Heavenly Tribulation's words, the youth felt a little bit crazy. ..

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