"Thank you so much, for wasting a lot of your time, I am sorry."

After Lin Xiao's class was over, Roxanne smiled Send them out and bow to express their gratitude. Not any Trainer will come to teach the children, and there are even more powerful ones.

"No effort at all, no need to thank you."

Lin Xiao waved his hand and asked: "By the way, Miss Roxanne, I want to challenge Gym, what do you do? Time has time?"

Roxanne is in the education center, so if you want to challenge, you must adjust the time first, or you will miss it again.

Roxanne squeezed her chin for a moment, and said: "I will teach children here until tomorrow. If you want to play the Gym Challenge, I guess it will take the day after tomorrow."

"Well, at ten o'clock the next morning, you come to Gym, I will accept your challenge."

"OK, I must be there on time."

Lin Xiao smiled He made an OK gesture to Roxanne, took Yayi and left the education center.

At this time, it's five o'clock in the afternoon, and Xiao Xi, May, and Claire who went out shopping have also returned.

Several people returned to the hotel to rest after having dinner in the restaurant next door to the hotel.

The life of 2nd day was very plain. Mei started to work hard and started training. Lin Xiao simply called Xiao Xi and May for her as a coach. May, who doesn’t like fighting and training like Mei, realized that even though Participating in the gorgeous tournament still needs a strong strength, and also trained hard along with it, but pityed her fire pheasant who didn't want to move.

The short day ended when May, Yayi, and Xiao Xi were exhausted. 2nd day Lin Xiao planned to let them take a break and come to Gym alone to challenge Gym.

Less than ten o’clock, Lin Xiao came to the Gym. Like Brock’s Gym, Roxanne’s Gym is also a Rock Gym. The whole Gym looks like a huge Rock Normal from a distance.

Pushing open the door of Gym, Lin Xiao saw Roxanne's figure and instantly understood why Roxanne had to let herself come today, at ten o'clock.

At this time, Roxanne in the Gym is directing a group of people to repair the Gym. It seems that it has not had time to repair the Gym after the previous challenge.

Fortunately, Rock came to the scene. Repairing is very simple. After the grassland and the water field are destroyed, repairs are the most troublesome.

"Ah! Are you here already?"

Seeing someone coming in, Roxanne looked up and suddenly started.

"That...I'm afraid I will have to wait a while, the field has not been repaired."

"It's okay, I'll just wait." Lin Xiao smiled and shook Shaking his head, I didn't even have time to repair the Gym during class. In fact, I can let someone else repair it when I am in class, so that I won't waste my time and save a lot of things.

With an embarrassing smile, Roxanne showed a blush on her face and continued to direct people to repair the arena.

I’m really leisurely, Lin Xiao looked at Roxanne who was constantly walking around, secretly thought, these people repairing the stadium are professional, even if you don’t direct others, they will quickly repair the stadium for you. I don't know if Roxanne is busy getting used to it, and I have to take charge of things like this.

After more than ten minutes, the field was repaired and the repairers left the Gym with tools, but they had to run again after the battle was over.

"Okay, we can start."

The repair of the arena indicates that Lin Xiao's challenge can begin, and the two are standing on both sides of the arena.

"The battle between Gym Trainer Roxanne and challenger Lin Xiao using Badge as a bet has officially started. The rules of the game are two-on-two. Please take out the little Pokémon you use. During the period, only the challenger can do whatever you want. Replace Pokémon."

The two were ready, and the referee came up with a small flag and waved it, looking at them.

"Come out Geodude!!!"

As a Gym Trainer, Roxanne needs to release little Pokémon first, and her first little Pokémon is Geodude.


Lin Xiao was taken aback, but he did not expect that Roxanne would actually use Geodude. Although the level of this Geodude is very high, it is always a little weird. of.

But even Geodude is better than Misty's Gym, Goldeen and Seel, it is simply a gift to Badge.

"Bagon, it's you!!!"

Although Little Flame Monkey and Arbor Snake also need to fight, Lin Xiao still intends to let Bagon fight and has reached evolution. On the edge, it should be able to evolve into Shelgon after or in the process of challenging Gym, and will shift its focus to Little Flame Monkey and Arbor Snake at will.

As for Feebas, that guy's evolutionary period is very far away, Lin Xiao doesn't know when he will evolve if he keeps breeding like this.


There is another battle. Bagon seems very happy. He doesn't have any characteristic traits that an ancient little Pokémon should have.


Because of its too large body, it broke some of the Rock stubs in the Rock arena as soon as it came out.

"It's really big."

Roxanne looked at Bagon's huge body, with a trace of dignity on her face. She had watched Lin Xiao's battle video, and Bagon's body was very It's huge, but the difference between what you see on TV and the real thing is too big, without the feeling of directly impacting other people's eyeballs.

"In the future, the president will grow bigger, and I am also looking forward to that day."

For Lin Xiao, Roxanne feels very speechless, now he is so big, wait What will it look like after evolving into Salamence? I'm afraid that as soon as he comes out, he will occupy the field and let the opponent have no place to stand.

"Then Geodude vs. Bagon! The game begins!!!"

Both sides are ready, and the referee immediately announced the start of the game, standing on the side with a small flag.

Geodude is 0.4 meters tall, while Bagon is 7.8 meters tall and weighs N times his opponent. This kind of battle gives people a very strange feeling.

"Geodude! Use Rollout Unique Ability!!!" Roxanne immediately issued his order, let Geodude attack first,

The Geodude who received the order immediately hugged his hands and started Rollout When he got up, a faint mist of dust was raised on the Rock venue.

Although the Rollout Unique Ability was used, Geodude did not immediately rush forward, but kept spinning in halftime. ..

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