
Level: 13

Gender: ♂

Attribute: Grass

Features: Lush

Race Value: 318

Qualification: Blue

Skills: Impact, Shell Retraction, Bite, Leaf Blade, Attack, Photosynthesis

Carrying Items: None

This Squirtle also has blue qualifications and is very worth catching and training. Xiaozhi came to Squirtle with a Poké Ball. Although it is a wild Pokémon, Squirtle does not seem to be afraid of humans.

Unlike other wild Pokémon, it did not run away after seeing Xiaozhi, but protected Monkey King and Geodude behind it.

""Sure enough, they have a good personality," Xiaozhi thought, and said,"Don't worry, I won't hurt them, I'm just very interested in you. How about a battle with me? Of course, if you lose, you have to be my elf."

The grass turtle's eyes were full of fighting spirit, and he nodded at Xiaozhi.

"Very good.

Xiaozhi opened the Poké Ball and released the Long Tailed Strange Hand. The Long Tailed Strange Hand was level 29, which was more than enough to deal with the Squirtle. The Squirtle rushed towards the Long Tailed Strange Hand without saying a word, opened its mouth towards him, and bit and attacked.

""Use high-speed stars after avoiding it."

The long-tailed monster hand suddenly jumped up with its tail and avoided the bite of the grass turtle. At the same time, several golden five-pointed stars flew towards the grass turtle.

Seeing this, the grass turtle immediately shrank into its shell for defense, but because the level was too far behind the long-tailed monster hand, the high-speed stars made the grass turtle feel very painful.

""Use the opportunity to use the Qi Fist now."

The tail of the Long Tailed Monster Hand clenched into a fist, emitting a white light and quickly attacked the Grass Turtle. Seeing this, the Grass Turtle immediately came out of its shell, shook its body vigorously, and several sharp leaves like blades flew towards the Long Tailed Monster Hand.

It seemed that it wanted to use the Flying Leaf Knife to interrupt the Qi Fist's power, but Xiaozhi would not let him do so.

""Shadow clones, get out of the way."

The figure of the long-tailed monster hand immediately increased from one to many, and the flying leaf knife only hit the shadow. Moreover, the long-tailed monster hand had already completed its power accumulation, and it directly punched the grass seedling turtle away.

The grass seedling turtle fainted instantly, without even struggling. It seems that the damage of this true qi fist is really not small.

""Good job, Longtailed Hand." Xiaozhi and Longtailed Hand's tail gave each other a high five.

After using medicine to treat the Squirtle and feeding him a blue orange, the Squirtle slowly regained consciousness. It seemed that the Qi Punch made him a little dizzy.

""How about it, are you willing to be my Pokémon?" Xiaozhi leaned over and asked.

Squirtle was silent for a few seconds and then nodded. Seeing this, Xiaozhi took out the Poké Ball and said,"Then please give me your guidance."

But Squirtle shook his head again and kept shouting as if to express something.

""Does Squirtle not want to?" Xiaoguang came to Xiaozhi and asked.

Xiaogang observed carefully and said,"It doesn't seem to mean that."

Xiaozhi, who has the wave guide, knew what Squirtle wanted to express, so he picked him up and said,"Squirtle wants to say goodbye to someone."

"Eh? Xiaozhi, can you understand what the elves say?" Xiaoguang asked in surprise.

"Almost. This is also one of the functions of the waveguide.

The three followed the grass turtle to a small house in the forest. Inside lived an old woman with gray hair named Xue Na. When Xue Na heard that the grass turtle was captured by Xiaozhi, she was shocked at first, and then reluctantly said goodbye to the grass turtle.

"Although this child always overdoes things, he is a kind-hearted and caring child." Xueno leaned over and touched the grass turtle's head.

"Xiaozhi, I hope you can tolerate him more."

"Don't worry." Xiaozhi nodded seriously,"I will let him shine in the Lily of the Valley Conference."

"Haha, I'll be waiting for you, old lady."

Xiaozhi took out the Poké Ball and squatted in front of Squirtle."How about it, Squirtle, are you willing to follow me now?"

Squirtle nodded and hit the switch on the Poké Ball. In an instant, his whole body turned into a red light and was sucked into the ball.

"I have captured Squirtle, Pikachu"

"Pikachu made a V sign beside him.

After taming Squirtle and bidding farewell to Grandma Xueno, the three of them set out on the road to the celebration city again.

At night, because it was still some distance from the celebration city, it would take about two days, so Xiaozhi and the other two prepared to camp in the forest.

"I didn't expect that you two, Xiaozhi and Xiaogang, are quite good at setting up tents." Xiaogang, who was sitting on the side helping to cut vegetables, looked at Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang and said

"After all, I have traveled to three regions. Practice makes perfect, right?" Xiaozhi said with a smile.

"That's right, we have camped outdoors quite a few times." Brock nodded as he looked at the tent."That's about it."

After setting up the tent for three people, Brock prepared dinner for the Pokémons. Xiaozhi was training the Pokémons on the side. Pikachu was still sparring with

Pidgeot as usual. As for Wind Chime, Xiaozhi brought a big rock and asked Wind Chime to lift him up and down 10 times with telekinesis to train Wind Chime's telekinesis. As for

Squirtle and Shrike, Xiaozhi had other plans.

"Turtle, remember, look carefully at the direction the stone is coming from and move slightly to avoid it." Xiaozhi half-crouched in front of the Turtle and carefully instructed him.

"You will evolve into a Tortoise one day, and then your speed will not be so fast, so you must train your dodge ability as soon as possible."

The Grass Sapling nodded, not quite understanding. Seeing this, Xiaozhi stood up and put the pile of gravel he had found before in front of the Long Tailed Monster Hand.

""Long-tailed Strange Hand, use these stones to hit the Grass Turtle. Remember not to throw too fast at the beginning, throw one stone at a time."

Long-tailed Strange Hand picked up a stone and threw it at the Grass Turtle. The speed was not very fast. The Grass Turtle wanted to take two steps back to avoid it, but after remembering Xiaozhi's words, he carefully watched the flight trajectory of the stone, and then moved his body slightly to avoid the stone.

"Very good, keep doing this."

Letting the long-tailed monster hand throw stones is also a way to train the long-tailed monster hand's throwing skills. The throwing skill can have different effects on the elves depending on the props thrown. Although the effect is relatively useless, there may be unexpected things at that time.

Anyway, as the level increases, the long-tailed monster hand will learn to throw sooner or later. There is not much difference between learning early and late.

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