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: 0.038s Scan: 0.030sAfter temporarily calming Giratina's anger, Xiaozhi let Metagross take him back to the lake. The Spacetime Gods and Giratina temporarily returned to their own space

"Xiaozhi, what happened?" Xiaoguang, who was confused, came up.

Xiaogang also came up and asked,"What did you mean just now? Why did you ask Giratina to help stop it, and who is Arceus?"

""As for this," Xiaozhi looked at Kobin and Hina,"could you two explain it briefly?"

Hina and Kobin looked at each other. Although they didn't know where Xiaozhi knew these things, they couldn't care less about them under the current circumstances.

Hina looked at the sky covered with dark clouds,"Could you please come to the temple with me?"


On the way to the temple, Xina and Kebin told the story of their ancestors Damos and Arceus.

Xiaoguang was very angry after hearing it, even though Damos was Xina's ancestor.���He couldn't help but say,"How could this be possible? Not only is he ungrateful, but he even framed Arceus."

Hina in front of Xiaoguang felt a pain in her heart, but she didn't refute anything, because her ancestors did commit such a mistake, which could not be covered up.

"Okay, Xiaoguang," Xiaozhi held Xiaoguang's hand and comforted him,"Maybe there is another hidden story."

""Ah?" Xiaoguang didn't quite understand what Xiaozhi meant.

Soon everyone came to the temple of the Mitina ruins. Although it had been destroyed. But from the remaining areas alone, one can see how magnificent this temple was a hundred years ago.

Because of this, seeing it become like this, the three of them couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

Deep in the temple, Sina came to everyone with a dark green gem,"This is the Gem of Life. I hope Arceus will calm down his anger and leave peacefully after receiving it."

"This is impossible." Xiaozhi shook his head and looked at Pikachu on his shoulder."Pikachu, Iron Tail."

Pikachu jumped off Xiaozhi's shoulder and hit the Life Gem in Hina's hand with its metallic tail. The sound of broken glass was heard, and the Life Gem shattered in front of everyone in an instant.

"Xiaozhi!!" Xiaoguang and Xiaogang were shocked. The life gem was destroyed by Pikachu. What should Arceus do when he is about to arrive?

However, surprisingly, although Hina and Cobin were shocked, they were not angry.

"How could the Life Orb made of Arceus's Creation Slate be so fragile?" Xiaozhi looked at the Life Orb fragments on the ground and said,"This is definitely fake."

"Fake?"Xiao Guang was startled."Then Miss Xina, do you know where the real Life Gem is?"

"Sorry, I don’t know either." Xina’s face showed despair. Who would have thought that this life gem was actually fake? There was no way to know the real life gem. So, could they only wait quietly for death?

"Ms. Hina, now we have no choice but to let Dialga take us back to the past. Stop Arceus before he goes to the temple."

After hearing Xiaozhi's words, Hina's face brightened up again, and she immediately shouted to the front,"Dialga, take us back to the past."

Dialga, who came out of the blue space crack, nodded, and the deep blue light immediately illuminated the entire temple.

When Xiaozhi and the others opened their eyes again, they were already outside the temple, and the sky, which had been covered with dark clouds, cleared up again.

"Are we going back to the past?" Xiaogang looked around and pulled Xiaozhi over,"Xiaoxiaoxiaozhi, look at that!"

"What happened?"

Xiaozhi and the others looked in the direction Xiaogang pointed, and saw a white elf that looked like a centaur and radiated a sacred light walking along the steps toward the temple.

"Arceus!"Everyone exclaimed. Yes, the elf emitting a sacred light before their eyes was Arceus.

"Wow, level 100. But what's wrong with this qualification? It can't be detected." Xiaozhi thought as he looked at the three question marks behind the qualification in front of him.

But now there is no time to amaze a few people. Xiaozhi immediately asked Kirlia to teleport everyone to Arceus.

Looking at Xiaozhi and others who suddenly appeared, Arceus was slightly surprised."You have the time power of Dialga on you. You are not from this time and space."

"Arceus, we are from the future." Xiaozhi walked forward, then turned and pointed at the man with a strange scarlet hair next to the brown-haired middle-aged man on the top of the stairs.

"Damos's men took control of Damos and asked him to set a trap in the temple, hoping to ambush you and take the Life Gem."

"What nonsense!!"Qixing was furious when he heard what Xiaozhi said,"Sidolan, Bronze Bell, catch this guy for me."

A level 52 Bronze Bell and a level 55 Sidolan immediately flew towards Xiaozhi and the others from the stairs.

But before the two Pokémon could touch Xiaozhi, a huge ball of light emitting colorful light suddenly appeared and blasted the two Pokémon away. It was the spiritual breakthrough of Deoxys.

As Bronze Bell fell, Damos beside Qixing recovered immediately. The awake Damos looked around and the cane in his hand blankly,"What's wrong with me?"

Seeing that the matter had been exposed, Qixing stretched out his hand to snatch the cane in Damos' hand, because it had the life gem of Arceus.

But as soon as he stretched out his hand, Xiaozhi let Deoxys control Qixing with his mental power and brought him back to the crowd.

"Why do you do this?"Xina looked at Qi Xing puzzledly.

"Don't you know that doing this will bring destruction to future generations?" Kebin also asked

"This is me, Mitina! Without the power of the Life Jade, Mitina will become desolate again. I am doing this for the whole town!" Qi Xing seemed to be trying to show his good intentions, and his voice became louder and louder.

"If the farmland becomes barren, the townspeople will starve to death, and the whole of Mitina will be finished!!"


A loud and crisp slapping sound was heard, and everyone looked at Xiaozhi, frightened by his sudden action.

"Who told you that without life, the jade will be barren again? Another heavy slap

"Even if that happens, you don't care about the future for the sake of the present." Xiaozhi hit him harder and harder."Have you never thought about how much impact your behavior will have on future generations!" Xiaozhi kept scolding and beating him for nearly 10 minutes before he calmed down. Qixing had been knocked unconscious by Xiaozhi, and his whole face was swollen like a pig's head.

Although everyone felt that Qixing on the ground looked a bit miserable, no one sympathized with him. Afterwards,

Damos returned the life gem to Arceus. Arceus, who had fully recovered his strength, came to Xiaozhi to express his gratitude. He teleported Xiaozhi and the others back to the previous time and space.

At this time, on the lake in front of the ruins of Midina Town, Dialga and Palkia had fallen down seriously injured. Even if they lost five stone slabs, they were still no match for Arceus.

And above the lake, Giratina was still barely holding on."(Lord Arceus, you can't destroy this world)"

"Since the three of you have decided to help the hateful humans, you must be prepared to die!"A cold blue light condensed in front of Arceus.

Giratina closed his eyes and was about to bear the final blow of his life when the light in front of Arceus suddenly stopped and turned into a soft and holy white light.

Giratina, who was illuminated by the holy light, was healed immediately. The Space-Time Gods who fell on the lake and were seriously injured also recovered again.

The three beasts immediately came to Arceus and bowed to him and expressed their gratitude.

"(Lord Arceus?)"

Arceus looked at Xiaozhi who appeared at the lakeside and nodded,"It was a misunderstanding, and it has been resolved now."_

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