The next morning, in front of Xiaoguang's house,"Xiaozhi, Xiaogang, I'll have to trouble you to take care of Xiaoguang in the future," Caizi said to Xiaozhi and Xiaogang.

""Okay." The two nodded and responded in unison.

"Pogaman will have to take more care of it." Caizi looked at Pogaman on the bald head.


"Xiaoguang, although you have obtained 5 ribbons, don't relax too much." Caizi's tone is serious."The upcoming grand celebration is the most important."

"No problem, no problem, mom, you have to have more confidence in your daughter," Xiaoguang said with a smile.

"You kid." Caizi touched Xiaoguang's head helplessly."Do your best in the grand celebration. Mom will always watch you on TV."


After leaving Shuangye Town, the three continued to rush to Binhai City. On the way, they met the naughty Togepi, but he was killed by Pikachu's electric ball when he wanted to tease Xiaozhi.

Because this Togepi actually has the qualifications of silver, Xiaozhi must capture it. However, because of this character, Xiaozhi does not plan to use him at this stage. Let Professor Oak's Bulbasaur educate him first.

At noon, the three came to a small town.

"Let's take a rest here first." Xiao Gang looked at the map in his hand and said,"How about continuing the journey in the afternoon?"

"Agree!","" Poga!" Xiaoguang and Pogaman responded immediately.

The three were walking on the way to the Pokémon Center, but Pikachu and Pogaman seemed to see something strange in the crack of the wall in front of them.

The three immediately followed. Xiaozhi used the waveguide to check and said,"It's Marylou, but it seems to be stuck."

Pogaman and Pikachu grabbed Marylou's tail and pulled it hard from behind, but because Marylou was too fat, they couldn't pull it out.

"How did Marylou get stuck in there before?" Xiaoguang couldn't help but complain.

"Kirlia, use teleportation to rescue Marilu.

Kirlia nodded on Xiaozhi's left shoulder, his eyes glowing with light blue light, and in the blink of an eye Marilu came from the wall to the three of them.

""Marilu, are you okay?" Xiaoguang squatted down and asked.

Xiaozhi also leaned over and picked up Marilu and carefully examined her."It seems that she is not injured."

This Marilu was not shy at all. She laughed when Xiaozhi held her.

"This Marylou should have a trainer," said Xiaogang, looking at the Marylou in Xiaozhi's hand. After all, this is in a small town.

"Ah, I found it!" A girl's voice came from behind. Marylou jumped down from Xiaozhi's hand immediately after hearing it.

A girl with twin ponytails and a white hat ran to Marylou and said helplessly,"Why are you running around again?"

Xiaozhi was not unfamiliar with this girl. The heroine Qinyin in the game HeartGold and SoulSilver was a trainer from Chengdu.

"Is this Marylou yours?" Xiaoguang asked.

"Well, this kid likes to run around too much, and often disappears in an instant." Qinyin took out the Poké Ball and took back Marylou."I'm sorry to have caused you trouble."

"It's okay, it's okay." The three of them smiled and waved their hands

"By the way, my name is Qinyin, what about you?" Qinyin asked

"I'm Xiaoguang, and this kid is my friend Pogaman.",

"Xiaozhi, please give me some advice"

"I am Xiaogang, a breeder."

"Thank you for your guidance," Qin Yin said with a smile, looking at the Pogaman beside Xiao Guang who took out the illustrated book.

"Hey, this illustration is different from mine." Xiaoguang said as he looked at the illustration in Qinyin's hand.

"That's the latest model in Chengdu, right?" Xiaozhi said.

"Eh? Xiaozhi, you actually know him." Qinyin was a little surprised."By the way, I'll take you to a fun place."

"interesting place?"

"There is a Chengdu festival being held in the square over there."

"Festival?"The three looked at each other, all very confused.

"Come with me and you will know." Qinyin took Xiaoguang's hand and said,"Let's go, Guangguang"

"Guang Guang?"A big drop of sweat appeared on Xiao Guang's head.

Qin Yin brought Xiao Zhi and the other two to the town square. The atmosphere here was somewhat similar to the food street, with many small stalls.

"We hold Chengdu festivals in various regions, hoping to let more people know about Chengdu," Qinyin introduced. Now the video introducing Chengdu is playing on the big screen in the center.

"It feels so amazing." Xiaoguang said while looking at the Qinyin on the screen.

"Chengdu?" Xiaozhi and Pikachu looked at the familiar attractions on the screen and fell into memories.

"I miss it a lot, don’t I?" Xiaogang said to Xiaozhi beside him, and then looked at the screen."It’s been a long time since we traveled to Chengdu."

"Eh? Xiaozhi and Xiaogang, have you ever been to Chengdu? Qinyin looked at them in surprise, and

Xiaogang nodded."Yeah, about a year ago."

"The main purpose is to challenge the Chengdu Alliance," Xiaozhi continued.


"Xiaozhi, this angry bun is so delicious." Xiaozhi and Xiaogang turned their heads and saw Xiaoguang and Pogamon had already started eating in front of a small stall.

"The speed is really fast","Pikachu" Xiaozhi and Xiaogang also walked to the stall.

Seeing Xiaozhi and Xiaogang coming, an uncle took out two ice creams and handed them to the two of them,"Here, please try it. This is ice cream made with Moo Moo milk in Chengdu."

"Thank you."

Xiaoguang also took an ice cream and tasted it."This ice cream is delicious."

"It's really good." Xiaozhi nodded.

At this time, Xiaogang saw a sad-looking little crocodile on the stall with a plate of Pokémon food in front of it.

"Does this little saw crocodile have a bad appetite?" Xiao Gang turned around and asked the green-haired and bespectacled boy in front of the stall.

"No, it seems that he doesn’t like the food I cook." The green-haired boy said embarrassedly

"May I see it?"

"There is no problem."

Xiao Gang took a small piece of the elf food handed to him by the green-haired boy and ate it."It may be that the taste is not bitter enough." He took out the chestnut bitter fruit from his backpack, ground it into powder and sprinkled it on the crocodile, and placed it in front of the little saw crocodile.

""Try it again," Xiao Gang said to the little crocodile with a smile. The little crocodile sniffed it first, then immediately buried its head and started eating.

""Amazing!" The green-haired boy immediately looked at Xiao Gang with admiration.

"Aren’t they impressive? I brought them here." Qin Yin said proudly,"Let me introduce them to you. This is Xiao Gang, Xiao Zhi, and this is Guang Guang"

"My name is Xiaoguang." Xiaoguang retorted loudly

"Almost there." Qinyin smiled,"This is Yicheng, this is Yicheng's father, who is also the person in charge of the festival."

"Please give me more advice," Xiaozhi and the other two said politely.

"Haha, have fun at the festival." The uncle said with a smile, looking at Qinyin."Qinyin, the show is about to start.""

"Oh, right, Guang Guang, you should come too." Then he pulled Xiao Guang, who was confused, towards the stage.

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