After getting the first badge, Xiaozhi and his friends rested in Kurogane City for a night and prepared to go to the next city, Baidai City. On the way, Yuanzhi Town happened to be hosting a gorgeous competition.

At noon, Xiaoguang, who was resting on a plain, seemed to be fascinated by an elf. It had blue ears, yellow cheeks with electric bags, and a tail that was larger than the whole body. From the outside, it looked like a cute elf like a squirrel.

It was Pachirisu.

"So cute!" Xiaoguang's eyes turned into hearts.

"His appearance is indeed very attractive to girls," Xiaozhi said with a smile

"No, I must conquer her." Xiaoguang said and immediately released Pogaman."Pogaman, attack with peck."

Pogaman immediately rushed towards Pachirisu, but Pachirisu gave him an angel kiss, and the Pogaman was instantly confused.

"Ah, come back, Pogaman," said Xiaogang, who was drinking coffee nearby,"You can also use Angel's Kiss, it seems quite powerful."

""Not bad." Xiaozhi looked at Pachirisu's data. Level 25, cyan aptitude, which is normal in terms of aptitude, not particularly rare.

But it's normal, it's impossible for every Pokémon you meet to have blue aptitude. Most Pokémon with a racial value below 500 are still mainly cyan aptitude.

"Curly, it's up to you." Hikaru sent Curly this time with his"Freezing Beam".

The icy blue light flew towards Pachirisu, but Pachirisu was very fast and easily avoided Curly's freezing ray.

"Curly Ears, catch up with her and use the Stun Punch." Curly

Ears jumped hard and came in front of Pachirisu, attacking Pachirisu with his ears, but it did not trigger the confusion effect.

Seeing Pachirisu getting up immediately after being knocked to the ground, Xiaozhi couldn't help but say,"Actually, it would be better to use a flying kick here."

Pachirisu got up from the ground with a blue electric light all over his body and knocked Curly Ears away.

"The power of the electric spark skill is also very strong." Xiaogang commented slowly while drinking coffee.

Xiaoguang anxiously encouraged Curly Ear,"Come on, Curly Ear, use the freezing ray."

Curly Ear reluctantly climbed up from the ground. As soon as the ice-blue light condensed in front of him, Pachirisu used a large-scale discharge, directly affecting everyone except Xiaozhi.

"It's an unexpected disaster." Xiaogang patted his clothes and sighed,"Why is Xiaozhi not hurt at all?"

"I was absorbed by Pikachu"

"Pikachu shook his electric tail.

"Hate it, your hair is all messed up."

Xiao Guangdian's standing hair made Xiaozhi and Xiaogang couldn't help laughing

"Don’t laugh!" Xiaoguang stamped his feet angrily."Ah, Juanjuan’er also fell down."

"But this little guy seems to be out of strength," Xiaozhi said, pointing at the panting Pachirisu.

"Good opportunity!"

Xiao Guang immediately took back the curly ears and sent out Pogaman again. Because Pogaman's confusion had been resolved after receiving the ball,

"Pogaman, bubble beam!"

Several blue bubbles fell on Pachirisu, and Hikaru immediately threw the Poké Ball. Pachirisu, who was hit, turned into a red light and was sucked into the ball. After shaking slightly for a few times, it stood firmly on the ground.

"Great." Hikaru picked up the ball and held it high above his head."I've captured Pachirisu, no problem."

""But I feel like it's going to be hard to get along with this little guy," Xiaozhi thought. Although Pachirisu behaved well in the afternoon, perhaps because of the delicious Pokémon food made by Xiaogang and Xiaozhi's energy cubes, he started to make a scene the next morning.

"It's like this hairstyle again." Xiaozhi came to Xiaoguang and looked at her slightly upturned hair and said

"Ouch, damn it." Xiaoguang opened three Poké Balls."Curlyear, Pogaman, and Longhand, come and help me catch Pachirisu."

The three Pokémon immediately pounced on Pachirisu, but they couldn’t keep up with Pachirisu’s speed at all. They were exhausted before catching up with Pachirisu.

Looking at Pachirisu who was still running, Xiaozhi laughed,"Not bad, very energetic!"

"Not good at all"

"Haha, let me help you, Pidgeot." Hearing Xiaozhi calling him, Pidgeot immediately spread his wings and flew over Xiaozhi."Use a tornado to trap her, just use a smaller one."

Pidgeot nodded, flapped his wings, and a small tornado quickly flew towards Pachirisu and trapped her in the tornado.

Xiaozhi walked in front of Pachirisu, grabbed her big furry tail and took her out of the tornado upside down.

At this moment, Pachirisu showed a devil-like smile, and her whole body was glowing with blue electricity. But Xiaozhi was not as charred as she imagined.

"I've been prepared for this trick of yours." Xiaozhi's body glowed with a deep blue light. It was the waveguide that blocked Pachirisu's discharge.

After borrowing a comb from Xiaogang, Xiaozhi sat on the grass and combed Pachirisu's big tail."It's not okay to be so naughty, right, Xiaoguang, Xiaoguang?"

Xiaozhi turned around and found Xiaoguang standing there with his head down, silent.

"What's going on?"Xiao Gang couldn't help but ask

"Pachirisu doesn't listen to me at all. She must hate me. Maybe I shouldn't have captured her. I should have let her go. Ouch."

Xiaoguang's forehead suddenly hurt. He looked up and found that Xiaozhi reached out and flicked his forehead.

"Xiaozhi, why are you doing this suddenly?"

"Are you going to give up on this child just because he was a little naughty? Pachirisu will be very sad."

"But, but Pachirisu hates"

"Are you sure this is annoying?" Xiaozhi pointed to Xiaoguang's feet, where Pachirisu was rubbing her face gently.

"Pachirisu, don't you hate me?���

Pachirisu immediately shook his head, quickly ran over to Hikaru's head and jumped up and down.

"This child seems to like you." Xiaogang looked at this scene and said,"Taking care of naughty Pokémon is also the job of a trainer."

"Come on and get along with him," Xiaozhi said with a smile

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