"Bronze Bell, predict the future.

As soon as Wu Song finished speaking, the space around Pikachu suddenly distorted. Predict the future, use an invisible energy supply on the opponent after two rounds.

"Pikachu, Shadow Clone.

Many shadows emerged from Pikachu's body. In just two seconds, more than 10 Pikachus surrounded the bronze bell.

"The electric ball, along with the shadow, flew towards the bronze bell.

""Psychic power"

Wu Song said lightly, not caring about the golden light balls in the sky. A heavy bell sounded, and several electric balls on the field stopped in mid-air. At the same time, more than a dozen Pikachus on the field were suppressed by the power of spiritual power and could not move.

Bronze Bell used the same trick again, controlling the electric balls to attack Pikachu again. In an instant, all the Pikachus on the field disappeared. Although Xiaozhi let Pikachu use its tail to stick to the ground without being hurt, it would definitely not work if it dragged on like this.

"There is only one round left to predict the future. Sweat appeared on Xiaogang's face.���Pikachu must get out of this quickly."

Xiaoguang was also very nervous at this moment. He clenched his hands tightly, stood up and shouted,"Come on, Xiaozhi, Pikachu."

Xiaozhi was also in trouble at this moment. He didn't need to predict the future at all. At this moment, Pikachu, who was suppressed by the mental power, couldn't move at all. Even if he used 100,000 volts, long-range attacks such as electric balls would be controlled by the mental power.

"This psychic skill is too bad in reality." Xiaozhi couldn't help but think

"It's over, Xiaozhi." Wusong shook his head. He originally thought that this boy could bring him some surprises, but it seems that he was overthinking.

"Bronze bell, grating cannon"

""Pikachu, flash!"

The dazzling white light illuminated the entire battlefield. Wusong, Xiaoguang and Xiaogang couldn't help but temporarily close their eyes, and the bronze bell on the opposite side did the same.

Taking advantage of this moment, Pikachu broke free from the suppression of the mental power and was finally able to move freely. But at this time, the future prediction had already been activated, and two cracks appeared in the space around Pikachu, and two silver light waves came out of them and pointed directly at Pikachu.

"Shadow clones dodge"

Pikachu immediately created 9 shadows to avoid the attack

"High voltage electric shock!"

"It's useless, mental power."

The 10 Pikachus that attacked from different directions were all suppressed by mental power.

At this moment, a golden lightning fell from the sky. Wu Song thought it was a thunder from Pikachu, and subconsciously let the bronze bell guard it.

"Iron Tail!"

The sword-like Iron Tail landed on the blue barrier, and the blue barrier that blocked Iron Tail was instantly shattered. At the same time, all 10 Pikachus on the field disappeared.

""What?!" Wu Song was shocked. It turned out that it was not thunder, but Pikachu in a state of high voltage shock.

Pikachu landed on the bronze bell and grabbed it tightly. The golden electric light instantly enveloped the entire bronze bell. The bronze bell, which was hit by Pikachu's high voltage shock, wailed loudly.

"Bronze Bell, Spiral Ball.

Bronze Bell's entire body spun rapidly, throwing Pikachu out directly.


"The whole body of the bronze bell fell to the ground, and the whole place shattered at a speed visible to the naked eye. At the same time, Pikachu's electric ball also hit the bronze bell.

After two huge explosions, the bronze bell and Pikachu fell to the ground.

"Is this a draw?" Xiaoguang looked at Xiaogang beside him and asked.

Xiaogang nodded."Yes, Pikachu and Bronze Bell are both unable to fight, so it is indeed a draw."

"Xiaozhi is really amazing for being able to tie with the Four Heavenly Kings, huh?" Xiaoguang found that Xiaozhi's expression was not as happy as she imagined. Instead, he walked to the center of the venue with a serious face and took Pikachu back.

"Thank you for your hard work, Pikachu." Xiaozhi looked at Pikachu and said softly,"You did a great job."

"Pikachu (really?)"

""Yeah." Xiaozhi smiled and nodded.

At this time, Wusong, who had taken back the bronze bell, also walked up to Xiaozhi and said,"I didn't expect it to be a draw. It was a wonderful battle, Xiaozhi.""

"No." Xiaozhi shook his head."I lost."

"Oh?" Not only Wusong, Xiaoguang and Xiaogang were also a little surprised. According to the result of the battle, it should have been a draw.

"Mr. Wusong, you didn't use that trick, did you?"

"Fraud space?" Xiaoguang and Xiaogang repeated it, as if they had heard this skill for the first time.

Wusong was slightly startled, then laughed."Indeed, but don't think I'm holding back or letting you down this time. I can't say I'm 100% capable this time, but 90% is definitely there."

Wusong patted Xiaozhi on the shoulder and said,"So, be proud, young man. I look forward to seeing your performance at the Lily of the Valley Conference."

"Mr. Gosong, I will challenge the road to becoming the Sinnoh champion one day." Xiaozhi looked at Gosong seriously and said,"Then the revenge battle will take place there."

"Haha, OK, I'll wait for you then!"

After the battle, Wu Song finished healing at the Bronze Bell and said goodbye to Xiao Zhi and the others. Before leaving, he glanced at the Pokémon Center.

"This year's Lily of the Valley Conference seems to be worth seeing."

At the Pokémon Center, Xiaozhi was recalling the battle with Wusong in the morning. Just as he was thinking about whether there was a better way, a pair of soft hands covered Xiaozhi's eyes.

"Guess who I am?"

A naughty voice sounded in my ears, and I could feel the heat from the other person's breath and the faint fragrance on his body.

"Xiaoguang, is there anything wrong?"

"Hehehe" Xiaoguang sat next to Xiaozhi and said,"Xiaozhi, what is the skill of the deception space you talked about today?"

"There is an explanation in this illustration, right?" Xiaozhi said as he was about to take out the illustration, but Xiaoguang reached out and pushed her back.

"Xiaozhi, I want you to tell me."

With a very serious look and a tone that did not allow Xiaozhi to refuse, Xiaozhi could only take back the illustrated book.

"Create a space on the field that lasts for 5 rounds. The slower the elves are, the faster they will become. On the contrary, the faster elves will find it difficult to move in this space."

"Why do you say that if you use this skill, Xiaozhi, you will lose? Ah! I understand"

"Well, in this space, the speed of the bronze bell will be ridiculously fast. Just one heavy attack or ultimate attack can kill Pikachu instantly." Xiaozhi muttered to himself, frowning.

"So, I was completely defeated in this battle."

Xiaoguang suddenly slammed the table, startling Xiaozhi and turning his head.

"I'm not completely defeated!!!"

The voice was so loud that Xiaozhi was startled. He didn't understand why Xiaoguang was so excited.

"Xiaozhi, your fight with Mr. Wusong was very exciting, and you looked very handsome when you fought." Xiaoguang turned his head away so that Xiaozhi would not see his blushing face.

"Stop frowning like that. I, I don't like seeing you like this, Xiaozhi."

After a few seconds of silence, Xiaozhi stood up and stretched."That's right. If I lose this time, I can just win it back next time. It seems that I have to step up my training for the next battle."

Seeing Xiaozhi regain his spirits, Xiaoguang finally felt relieved.



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