""Pikachu, use thunder to support Lizard King."

Golden lightning fell from the sky, aiming directly at Palkia. Palkia seemed to sense the unusualness of this thunder and dodged it sideways.

At this moment, the mega evolved Lizard King jumped up and hit Palkia with a dragon claw.

Palkia screamed in pain.

He was angry and directly responded to Lizard King with a sub-air cut.

Xiaozhi made Lizard King barely block it with guard.

On the other side, Charizard, which evolved into X form, blocked Dialga's Time Roar with a big burst.

Although the level difference between the two Pokémon is a bit big, Charizard is level 65 and Dialga is level 90, but because of the previous battle with Palkia, it consumed a lot, so the power of Time Roar was not very terrifying.

With the attribute advantage of dragon and fire and the greatly improved ability after mega evolution, Charizard can still barely fight Dialga.

On the other side, Lizard King, which is only level 52, can It was difficult. Although the ability was greatly improved after the mega evolution, the attributes of the dragon plus grass Lizard King had an advantage over the dragon plus water Palkia, and Palkia's physical strength was consumed and injured.

But the level difference between the two was still too big.

Fortunately, with the support of Pikachu, it was not crushed. With the help of Pikachu, the Lizard King could barely hold Palkia.

Seeing that the battlefield was gradually moving away from the Tower of Time and Space, Xiaozhi finally felt relieved. He asked Larulas to teleport to the injured Darkrai and heal him with the special medicine exchanged for 500 exchange points.

Ordinary medicine cannot heal the injuries caused by Palkia's sub-air cutting.

The unconscious Darkrai gradually opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was a young man healing himself. In a trance, he seemed to see Alicia, the only girl who was willing to approach him and was not afraid of him. After the pain in his body gradually disappeared, Darkrai immediately stood up and said,"Thank you, young man."

"You’re welcome." Xiaozhi shook his head."Darkrai, please go and support my Pokémon. They can’t hold Dialga and Palkia back for too long."

Mega evolution has a time limit. Once the time is up, Charizard, Lizardlord, and Pikachu that have returned to their original state will definitely be killed instantly.

Darkrai nodded, and immediately flew between the fighting Dialga and Palkia, opened a huge black hole, and directly enveloped the two beasts.

At this time, the time for mega evolution just ended, and Charizard, Lizardlord, and Pikachu all fell to the ground exhausted. Xiaozhi felt like letting Ralph teleport over and take out the medicine to heal them.

Generally speaking, mega evolution The time it takes to evolve will not be that short, but Charizard was too badly injured in the battle with Lizard King to maintain its mega evolution.

Pikachu fired one 100,000 volt electric ball after another at full power, and finally pushed his physical strength to the limit.

The scope of the black hole gradually decreased. Dialga and Palkia, who came out of the black hole again, condensed Time Roar and Subsonic Cut. When they were about to attack Darkrai at the same time, they suddenly heard the sound of ding-dong music.

When Dialga and Palkia heard this sound, they suddenly stopped for no reason.

"Phew, I’m finally here." Xiaozhi finally let go of his worries and looked at the Space-Time Tower behind him, which was glowing with a faint golden light.


Xiaoguang rushed out of the Space-Time Tower and ran towards Xiaozhi. Xiaozhi laughed and was about to speak when Xiaoguang threw himself into Xiaozhi's arms and hugged him tightly.

Xiaozhi was stunned and looked at Xiaoguang crying softly in his arms. He also stretched out his hands and hugged Xiaoguang.

"sorry that I had you worried"

"No, Xiaozhi, I'm glad you're okay."

The two hugged each other tightly. At this moment, huge golden wings suddenly spread out from both sides of the Space-Time Tower, surrounding the entire town of Alamos.

"What a nice view","Pikachu" Xiaozhi, Xiaoguang and Pikachu sighed as they looked at the golden wings.

At this moment, as if time had stopped, in the golden wings, the town of Alamos, which was about to dissipate, slowly recovered.

Dialga's anger gradually subsided, and he turned and disappeared into the horizon. The broken purple crystals on Palkia's arm also returned to their original state.

Darkrai stared at the golden wings in a daze,"Alicia, is this what you wanted me to see?"

Palkia came to the Tower of Time and Space and leaned down slightly. This was a tribute to Orasion, and an apology for the disaster he had brought to the town of Alamos.

"Palkia, restore this city to its original state",""Pika!" Xiaozhi and Pikachu said to Palkia.

Palkia nodded, and the purple light illuminated the entire town, and the dark sky became blue again. Palkia restored the Alamos town that was originally locked in another dimension to its original dimension.

"Great, ah!"

Hikari then realized that he was still in Xiaozhi's arms and hugged him tightly. The frightened Hikari immediately let go of Xiaozhi.

Seeing Xiaozhi like this, Xiaozhi could only helplessly let go of his hands that were holding Xiaoguang's waist, although he really wanted to hug him one more time. The two looked at each other and saw embarrassment in each other's eyes.

Afterwards, because the damage caused by Dialga and Palkia was generally within an acceptable range, the third day of the gorgeous competition was successfully held. It was a pity that Hikari lost to Xiaoxin in the final.

In the courtyard, Xiaozhi, Pikachu, and Lalulas looked at the mountains in the distance. Xiaozhi told Darkrai that he wanted to conquer him, but Darkrai simply agreed.

"You really don't have to fight me? Darkrai"

"No, you must be a kind person to be able to use waveguide"

"But don't I need to confirm my strength?" Xiaozhi said with a smile���"Don’t you think a trainer who is too weak is not worthy of you following him?"

"No, you are very strong."Darkrai said seriously,"I know this very well."

After all, he saw Xiaozhi's Pokémon fight against the Gods of Time and Space. Although he did not win, it was still worthy of praise.

"In that case, thank you for your trust."

A Master Ball appeared in Xiaozhi's hand."Please give me more guidance in the future, Darkrai."

Darkrai nodded, stretched out his hand and lightly touched the switch on the Master Ball. In an instant, Darkrai turned into a red light and was sucked into the Master Ball.

Although Darkrai was captured, Xiaozhi did not bring him with him, but gave him to Alice for safekeeping. Because Darkrai promised Alice's grandmother Alicia to protect the town of Alamos.

Xiaozhi respected Darkrai's idea. After all, if there was a need for Darkrai to fight, he could just teleport over.

"Darko, it won't be too hard to defeat you."

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