After the double alliance battle in the city of edge, Xiaozhi's next goal is the city of veil, which is located in the eastern part of the Sinnoh region. On the way, they also passed the town of randomness where the gorgeous competition was to be held, and Xiaoguang just happened to be able to participate.

"Okay, the target is the random ribbon in Random Town, let's work hard!" Xiaoguang raised her fist with great enthusiasm, and the six elves in front of her did the same thing. Meanwhile,

Xiaogang was chatting with Honoka. Although he and Honoka had exchanged phone numbers, it seemed that they had not established a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship. After seeing Miss Joy, Xiaogang rushed up to her as usual.

However, this was Xiaogang's own business, and Xiaozhi couldn't intervene too much. Moreover, he was still a little confused about the relationship between him and Xiaoguang. Now their relationship was more than friends, but less than lovers.

It was estimated that the only thing missing now was a confession, but neither of them pointed out the idea of confessing to each other. Xiaoguang was shy because of the girl's shyness. After all, she was not very clear about her feelings for Xiaozhi. Can this kind of feeling be called love?

Satoshi's words are much more complicated. He has no feelings for Hikari at all, doesn't he like her at all? Of course, this is impossible.

However, Misty saved Satoshi's life by rescuing him from the sea. Maybe Misty has never wanted anything in return from Satoshi, but now that Satoshi knows about it, he can't just pretend that he can't have a child.

And Serena, who has had a crush on Carlos since she was a child. Knowing the plot, Satoshi can see that Serena likes him.

As for Haruka, Satoshi is not sure yet.

In general, Satoshi doesn't want to disappoint Misty and Serena's feelings for him, but Hikari herself can't say for sure that she doesn't like her, so this embarrassing situation has arisen.

"Forget it, it’s useless to think so much now. Xiaozhi shook his head."The most important thing at the moment is the Lily of the Valley Conference. No, the most important thing now is Charmeleon’s training."

After repeated confirmation by Miss Joy yesterday, Charmeleon no longer had any hidden injuries. Miss Joy was very curious about where Xiaozhi got the medicine from, and why it was so effective.

This was the special medicine that Xiaozhi spent 500 exchange points on, the same one that treated Darkrai before. It could even heal the injuries caused by Palkia’s Sub-Air Cut, so Xiaozhi guessed that it should still be effective in treating hidden injuries.

But Xiaozhi did not expect the effect to be so good.

"Let's practice the intensity and duration of the jet of flame here first," Xiaozhi said to the little monkey who was looking around nervously.

It seemed that the little monkey had not recovered from Shinji's overly strict way, and was still wondering what kind of cruel training Xiaozhi would let him do.

Xiaozhi asked Lalulas to move a big stone with telekinesis, and took out a pen to draw circles on it and then put a red dot in the middle.

"Charmander, use your jet of flames to concentrate your attack here," said Xiaozhi, pointing at the target he had drawn on the stone. Charmander nodded to show that he understood, and opened his mouth to spit out blazing flames, hitting all the targets in the circle.

"Very good, the accuracy is very good. Next, try to increase the duration and intensity. If we can break this stone with jet flame this morning, we will complete the task."

Encouraged, Charmeleon worked harder and practiced jet flame all morning, but it seemed that the little guy tried too hard and didn't even take a break.

Xiaozhi asked him to take a break several times in the middle,"Don't be so anxious, take your time."

Charmeleon, who was used to Shinji's non-stop high-pressure training, didn't adapt for a while, but still listened to Xiaozhi, sat down, drank water and ate the energy block given by Xiaozhi.

Before lunch, the explosion startled Xiaogang who was cooking. He turned around and found that it was Charmeleon's jet flame that broke the boulder.

""Hoo-hoo!" the little fire monkey gasped heavily.

"Very good." Xiaozhi walked to Charmander, bent down and touched his head."Very good, today's morning training is completed."

After lunch at noon, Xiaozhi took a look at the latest performance prepared by Xiaoguang. It was very good. Now Xiaoguang has grasped the trick. Xiaozhi gave some suggestions on some of the shortcomings.

After a nap of almost 1 hour, Xiaozhi began to arrange Charmander's afternoon training.

Xiaozhi opened the Poké Ball and released Tortoise."Charmander, try to hit Tortoise with your fist."

Although Charmander does not have the hidden characteristic Iron Fist, Xiaozhi still wants to teach Charmander more fighting skills. After all, it has fighting attributes after evolution.

However, Charmander seems to be a little afraid of Tortoise. After all, Shinji's Tortoise has abused him a lot, and his punches are also very light.

Tortoise laughed when he saw this,"I won't fight back, hit the key points"

"Is it okay?" the little fire monkey asked worriedly.

""It's okay, and ordinary attacks can't hurt me." Tortoise said confidently. After being trained by Xiaozhi, his defense is very strong.

I remember that last time, Mook used Brave Bird to hurt him. Attacks like Wings and Swallow Return were not painful to him at all. Of course, Pidgeot's Air Slash and Air Cut were still very painful.

Seeing this, Charmeleon threw a punch with force, and after the punch, he looked at Tortoise nervously.

"Very good, quite powerful." Tortoise said with a smile,"Come on, try to use more force."

Xiaozhi nodded with satisfaction after hearing the conversation between Tortoise and Charmander. This is why he teleported Tortoise back. This guy has a gentle and steady personality, so it is just right for him to be Charmander's sparring partner.

Although Snorkeling Itachi's airbag can also train Charmander's fists, this guy is a bit cold, and it is estimated that this cold expression can scare Charmander, so it is best to let Tortoise do it.

Near dusk, Charmander's punching speed and power are already very fast, and it is difficult to catch it with the naked eye.

"Very good, Sonic Fist, done." Xiaozhi snapped his fingers, and at the same time, the body of the little fire monkey was surrounded by a fiery red light. In the light, the body of the little fire monkey gradually grew larger, and its tail slowly grew longer.

"Evolved so quickly?!"Gon and Hikari exclaimed.

Infernape had already reached the level where it could evolve, but due to Shinji's high-pressure self-harm training, it had too many hidden injuries on its body. Now that the hidden injuries have healed, of course it's a natural evolution.

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