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Xiaoguang, congratulations, you have passed the first round of review, butJianwu walked up to Xiaoguang and clenched his fist confidently,I will be the one who gets the ribbon this time.,

That’s not necessarily true. Xiao Guang responded with a smile

Haha, the one who gets the ribbon this time must be me, Musashi Lina! Musashi also said behind the two of them

I think Hikaru should have no problem in the second round of battles, Xiaozhi said to himself. In addition to performance guidance, Xiaozhi also did a lot of battle training with Hikaru these days. Now Hikaru's battle level has been greatly improved.

The second round of review began soon. Hikaru, Musashi and Kengo rushed to the top four.

In the semi-finals, Kengo had a problem in the final battle with Musashi. The bubble beam that attacked the poisonous butterfly was used by Musashi. The bubble beam pierced by the poisonous needle of the poisonous butterfly turned into crystal water droplets, which further set off the beauty of the wings of the poisonous butterfly.

Exactly 5 minutes had passed, because of the last mistake, Kengo���Musashi's performance score was higher than Kengo's, so Kengo unfortunately stopped in the semi-finals.

On the other hand, Xiaoguang successfully defeated his opponent with his curly ears and entered the finals with Musashi.

On the stage of the finals, Xiaoguang and Musashi stared at each other closely.

Poison butterfly, poison needle! The extremely poisonous purple poison needle quickly attacked Juanjuan'er.

Curly Ear, use the bounce to avoid it.

Curly Ear jumped high into the air and avoided the poisonous needle of the poisonous butterfly.

Frozen Ray, ice-blue rays descend from the sky,

Poison Butterfly, get out of the way! Musashi commanded anxiously. Even if Poison Butterfly didn't fall down after being hit by the freezing ray, it would be seriously injured.

Poison Butterfly dodged sideways, and at this moment, the Curly Ear fell from the air and stepped on it. The flying skills caused great damage to Poison Butterfly, and Musashi's performance score dropped a lot.

Well, this trick was used in the joint battle. Xiao Gang in the audience said as he watched this scene.

Curly ears, floating fist,

Poisonous Powder Butterfly, pull away and blow away.

Poisonous Powder Butterfly quickly pulled away from Curly Ears, and blew up a fierce gust of wind to blow Curly Ears away. This counterattack caused Xiaoguang's performance score to drop a bit.

Phantom light!,Freezing ray!

The colorful illusion ray and the ice-blue freezing ray collided with each other and produced a huge explosion, causing Musashi and Xiaoguang's performance scores to drop at the same time.

Juanjuan'er, move at high speed. Juanjuan left a shadow and rushed towards the poisonous butterfly quickly.

Poison butterfly, blow her away.

Although Juanjuan'er was very fast, Du Jiu could still blow her away. Just as the poison butterfly spread its wings, Xiao Guang shouted.

Jianjuan'er, use quick freezing to attack the ground.

The icy blue light fell on the ground, and a thin layer of ice immediately formed on the ground. Juanjuan'er took advantage of this thin layer of ice to slide under the poisonous butterfly and avoid being blown away.

There is such an operation!Musashi was shocked.

Freezing Ray Just as Musashi was surprised, the ice-blue ray hit the poisonous butterfly. Musashi's performance score dropped a lot again.

Oh no! Musashi reacted and immediately let the poisonous butterfly attack, but was kicked away by the flying kick of the curly ears.

At this time, the 5 minutes were just over. In the end, Xiaoguang, who had more performance points than Musashi, won the game.

The winners of the random ribbon are Miss Xiaoguang and her elves from Shuangye Town. Let us once again give them a warm round of applause!

It was almost there! Musashi gritted his teeth and said unwillingly

We won! Xiaoguang picked up Curly-eared and cheered happily.

Now I will present the ribbon to the winner, Miss Xiaoguang.

The chairman took the ribbon box and presented it to Xiaoguang.You have grown after failure. I look forward to your wonderful performance in the future.

Thank you. Xiaoguang bowed politely and took the random ribbon.I got the random ribbon, no problem!

The hard work has paid off. Xiaogang laughed and cheered, looking at Xiaozhi who was clapping his hands happily until they turned red, and thought,Xiaozhi is probably happier than Xiaoguang herself now

This time the performance was good. Ayako from Futaba Town also nodded with satisfaction.

After the casual meeting, Xiaozhi walked towards Xiaoguang who was staring at the ribbon, and Xiaogang followed behind him

What, haven't you seen enough?, Xiaozhi said in a teasing tone.

Xiaoguang raised his head and gently calledXiaozhi,

What's wrong? Xiaozhi smiled, and before he could react, a fragrant breeze blew in, and it was Xiaoguang who jumped into his arms and hugged him.

Thank you, if you hadn't helped me find my problem, and patiently guided me, and accompanied me in training, I might have continued to fail.

The girl's whisper in his ear startled Xiaozhi, and then he reached out and hugged Xiaoguang.

This is the result of your own efforts

They are showing off their affection in public, so dazzling. Xiaogang turned around tactfully and didn't act like a light bulb.

Xiaoguang wanted to say something, but suddenly there was a sound of something falling behind him. The two let go of each other and looked towards the source of the sound.

It was Jianwu who had changed into casual clothes. He stood beside them without knowing when, staring at Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang in amazement. It was his backpack that fell next to him.

You, you guys Jianwu looked at the two of them with dull eyes, then suddenly pointed at Xiaozhi and said,Xiaozhi! One day, I will definitely, definitely, defeat you, then he picked up the dropped backpack and burst into tears.

Looking at Jianwu who was running while crying, Xiaoguang wondered to himself,Is it because you are too sad because you lost the game?,

I don't think that's the reason, Xiaogang said confidently, and then began to mourn for Jianwu.

Alas, young man, although I sympathize with you, there is nothing I can do about it, because your competitor is Xiaozhi.

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