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: 0.037s Scan: 0.030sLast night, due to the destruction of the Galaxy Group, the"date" with Xiaozhi was not very smooth, causing Xiaoguang to feel a little regretful.

Looking at Xiaozhi walking in front, Xiaoguang wondered when the next opportunity like this would be.

The next city they were going to was Wetland City, and they would pass by Lizhi Lake on the way. It was heard that the Mikoli Cup would be held there soon, and Xiaoguang certainly couldn't miss it.

At this time, Xiaozhi was thinking about the Pokémon he would need for the next gym battle. He remembered that the owner of the Wetland Gym, Yoshihiro, was good at water Pokémon."Just Pikachu and Tortoise, come to think of it, Pikachu has rarely been involved in gym battles. Ah, how does this feel?""

"Hmm? What's wrong, Xiaozhi?" Xiaogang asked Xiaozhi who suddenly stopped beside him.

At this moment, an injured Riolu came out from the bushes nearby. When he saw Xiaozhi and the other two, he was startled and was about to turn around and leave.

"" Wait." Xiaozhi immediately walked up, but Riolu ignored Xiaozhi and threw a wave missile at him, but was blocked by the barrier opened by Xiaozhi's wave guide.

Seeing that Xiaozhi also had wave guide, Riolu was stunned for a few seconds."Don't worry, I don't mean to hurt you," Xiaozhi leaned down and said softly, and Pikachu and Kirlia on his shoulders also advised Riolu.

However, Riolu's expression was still full of vigilance. Seeing this, Xiaozhi could only release Lucario,"You should believe the words of your own race," but Lucario was a little shocked when he saw Riolu, and then he immediately knelt on one knee in front of Riolu, like a subject seeing his king.

""Huh?!" Xiaoguang and Xiaogang looked at Lucario in confusion.

"Xiaozhi, what happened to Lucario?"Xiaoguang walked up to Xiaozhi and asked.

Xiaozhi had a bottle of medicine in his hand, and he gently sprayed it on Riolu's injured right arm. In less than 10 seconds, the injured part healed immediately.

"This Riolu is called Alex, and he is the king of Riolu. He is being hunted by Hunter J's men," Xiaozhi explained.

"So he is a royal family, no wonder he can use wave missiles in Riolu form." Xiaogang looked at Xiaozhi who was handing the energy block to Riolu,"Xiaozhi, do you want to protect him?"

"Now that we have seen him, we can’t just leave him alone. We must at least protect him from getting out of this forest." Xiaozhi stood up and said. In fact, it was mainly because his Lucario wanted to protect Alex.

"That's right, don't worry Alex, we will definitely protect you." Xiaoguang bent down and said to Alex

"Thank you for your help." Xiaozhi and the other two turned around immediately and saw a man in black robes appear behind them.

"Who are you?" Xiao Gang asked cautiously. After all, the other party was too suspicious.

"Don't be nervous, Xiaogang, they are not enemies," Xiaozhi said with a smile.

"Thank you for your trust." Hei took off his black robe and revealed a brown-haired boy who looked two years older than Xiaozhi and the others.

"Elf ranger?"Xiao Gang exclaimed when he saw the equipment on him,"And a top ranger?"

"Eh? Is this the Elf Ranger?"It was the first time that Xiao Guang saw an Elf Ranger, so he was very curious.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Souichi." Souichi bowed slightly and greeted the three people."I am here to help Riolu return to his kingdom."

Xiaozhi and the other two also briefly introduced themselves. Souichi nodded after listening, and he remembered the names of the three people.

"Alex." Chuangyi came to Riolu, squatted down, and took out a wooden sculpture."This is your stuff, right?"

Riolu nodded excitedly. Chuangyi put the wooden sculpture in a small red bag and hung it in front of Riolu."Remember to keep it safe.""

""Hmm?" Xiaozhi frowned slightly. His waveguide detected some troublesome people. Two armored vehicles suddenly rushed out from the bushes on the side. Five middle-aged men got off the vehicles. From their attire, it was clear that they were elf hunters.

""We found Riolu, prepare to retrieve him." Five middle-aged men threw out Poké Balls at the same time, and five level 35 Crossbats flew out, rushing straight towards Xiaozhi and the others.

"" Pikachu, thunder!"

Golden lightning fell from the sky, and the five Forkbats that were struck immediately fell to the ground."Kid, get out of the way!" The five middle-aged men were about to continue sending out the Pokémons, but suddenly they found that all the Poké Balls on their waists flew out.

"Kirlia's telekinesis?!"One of the middle-aged men exclaimed. The five middle-aged men who had lost their spirits were about to flee back to the car when they saw golden lightning and blue wave missiles flying over quickly.

Amid screams, the five middle-aged men all fell to the ground.

"Let's go now," Xiaozhi said. He knew the plot and knew that Hunter J would set fire to the entire forest.


On the way out of the forest, Souichi received a call from Hinata, who informed him that she was rushing here with Junsha. Before that, it was up to Souichi and Xiaozhi to protect Riolu's safety.

"Souichi, Xiaozhi-kun is a very trustworthy person, you can rest assured"

"Well, I already know this." Chuang nodded and hung up the phone.

"Xiaozhi, I didn't expect you knew the forest ranger."

Looking at Xiaoguang who seemed a little surprised, Xiaozhi nodded and said,"Yes, I knew him when I was traveling in Hoenn."

""I really want Miss Hinata to capture my heart." Xiaogang was obsessed with him again.

The bad frog that came out of the Poké Ball was about to use poison to attack Xiaogang, but a huge figure flew over Xiaozhi and his friends, and then stopped in front of them.

"It's you again." Hunter J gritted his teeth and looked at Xiaozhi."Why do you always come to ruin my good things?"

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