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: 0.037s Scan: 0.037sWith the help of Junsha and Hinata, Alex successfully returned to the old man in the breeding house. It is said that he will be sent back to the kingdom after evolving into Lucario.

Although it was very difficult to protect Alex this time, the gains were also huge. Xiaozhi's Lucario wave enhancement is not to mention. The three elves have upgraded at least 3 levels through this battle. After all, actual combat is the fastest way to upgrade.

It is worth mentioning that Long Tailed Monster Hand learned a double attack in this battle and successfully evolved into a Twin Tailed Monster Hand.

But unfortunately, Scorpio is still at the original level this time, because Scorpio's level is a bit low and he has not learned any powerful skills, so Xiaozhi did not let him participate in this battle.

Now Scorpio's level is 18, which is a bit different from Xiaozhi's other elves. So Xiaozhi plans to focus on training Scorpio these days, and use Sharp Fang to let him evolve into Scorpio King when he reaches level 30.

The first thing to train is of course Scorpio's flying. Before, Scorpio flew with the wind because it was more labor-saving. But Xiaozhi forbade Scorpio to do this in the future, because once a habit is formed, it is difficult to change.

These two days on the way to Lizhi Lake, Xiaozhi let Scorpio fly over his head to train his flying.

At first, because there was no wind, Scorpio, who was not used to it, always fell down, but with Kirlia's telekinesis, there was no need to worry about getting hurt, so Scorpio could practice flying with confidence.

After almost a day, Scorpio was able to fly proficiently. After all, blue qualifications, learning talent is still very strong.

Next, Xiaozhi put the training target on Scorpio's two large pincers. The first thing to learn is the alloy claws and scissors guillotine. The main two skills are very easy to learn. He smashed stones and chopped a lot of wood with his own large pincers for almost half a day, so that Scorpio learned the alloy claws and split.

As for the Scissor Guillotine, Xiaozhi looked at the scar on the airbag of the snorkeling weasel who was serving as a sparring partner and said,"It's almost powerful now."

Next, Xiaozhi will focus on Scorpio's tail. The tail is also an attack force of Scorpio. Xiaozhi exchanged the skill disc of Poison Tail from the system store and let Scorpio remember how to use it, and let him practice until he learns it.

Before lunch, Scorpio was doing battle training with Xiaogang's Bad Frog. In the battle, it can be seen that Scorpio has a good talent and has mastered Poison Tail.

"Xiaozhi, you really have a good eye." Xiaoguang said as he looked at Scorpio who was attacking Frog with his poisonous tail.

"The main reason is that Scorpio himself works very hard.

If the one he captures is lazy, then no matter how good his talent is, it will be a waste. However, as far as Xiaozhi can see, the personalities of the elves he has captured are very good and they are all very hardworking.

"Hey, lunch is ready," Xiao Gang shouted to the two of them at the table.

""Here we go!" Xiaozhi responded loudly,"Scorpio, Frog, you can stop now and go have lunch first."

The two Pokémon nodded and stopped walking towards Xiaogang. Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang also turned around when they saw this. They had just taken a few steps when they were stopped by a voice behind them.

"Hey, the guy with Pikachu"

"" What's the matter?" Xiaozhi turned his head impatiently. It was very unpleasant to be stopped before dinner, and the guy's tone was very rude.

In front of Xiaozhi was a short-haired black-haired boy with a Pikachu and a Raichu."How about exchanging your Pikachu with my Miang-Mi?"

""Huh?" Xiao Guang was stunned.

"No change" Xiaozhi refused decisively

"I see, then how about adding Magnemite and 3-in-1 Magneto?"

Xiaozhi couldn’t help but look at the proud short-haired boy in front of him with an idiot look."Is there something wrong with your brain?"

"You, well, you are so shameless!" The black-haired boy was furious."Raichu, Iron Tail!"

Raichu's slender tail glowed with white metallic light and rushed directly towards Pikachu and Xiaozhi.

"Pikachu, electric ball!"A golden ball of light condensed on Pikachu's tail and was thrown towards the charging Raichu.

"Humph, you actually used an electric attribute skill." The black-haired boy sneered. You know, for Raichu, who also has the electric attribute, the electric ball only has half the damage. He seemed to have seen Raichu unscathed and the other party's stunned expression.

However, Raichu's scream pulled him back to reality from his fantasy.

"Why!!"The black-haired boy held his head and shouted,"Why did my strongest Raichu lose?"

"The strongest?" Xiaozhi almost laughed out loud. Your level 35 Raichu feels like the strongest. Who gives you the confidence?

Pikachu's level is almost 30 levels ahead, and he didn't hold back, so even if the electric ball has only half the damage, it is enough to kill instantly.

Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang turned around and ignored the black-haired boy who was shouting here.

""What happened over there just now?" Xiao Gang asked the black-haired boy who picked up Raichu and left. He didn't hear much because he was preparing lunch for the elves.

"Don't mind, he's just a passerby.

After lunch, Xiaozhi and his friends continued on their way and finally arrived at the Lizhi Lake, the venue of the Mikoli Cup, at dusk.

Because of the Mikoli Cup, Xiaozhi and his friends saw many trainers queuing up to register for accommodation when they first arrived at the Pokémon Center.

Fortunately, Xiaozhi and his friends arrived early and successfully got the keys to the three rooms.

"Mikoli's popularity is really terrifying.",

"I'm so tired"


After waiting in line for a long time, Xiaozhi, Xiaogang and Pikachu were lying on the table, looking like they didn't want to get up. Xiaoguang smiled and handed two dinners to Xiaozhi and Xiaogang.

"Thank you for your hard work."

"Thank you." When Xiaozhi took the dinner and was about to start eating, Joey came over and said,"Xiaozhi, may I bother you for a moment?"

Before Xiaozhi could say anything, Xiaogang rushed over and held Joey's hand and said,"Of course, Miss Joey, I don't want my life to be disturbed, hiss!"

The result was of course that he was paralyzed by the poisonous sting of the Bad Frog and dragged away

"Hehe" Xiaozhi smiled awkwardly"Ms. Joy, is there anything I can help you with?"

"There is a call from Qifeng City looking for you"

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