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: 0.052s Scan: 0.026sThe last day of the summer camp was a triathlon. The first two events were races with the Pokémons given by the institute, and the last event was a long-distance race with my own Pokémons.

While preparing on the playground, Xiaoguang, Xiaozhi and Xiaogang started chatting,"Which Pokémon you get depends on your luck.",

"But no matter what elves you get, you have to work together.",

"Let's work hard together for the final score."

The red team is still slightly ahead of the blue team, but the difference is not too big. If the blue team wins the championship this time, it will overtake.

As for Musashi's green team, it has been left far behind by the red and blue teams.

"It’s finally time." Xiaozhi suddenly heard Kaoping’s voice behind him, startling Xiaoguang and Xiaogang.

"Don't suddenly appear behind me." Xiaozhi looked at him helplessly. Although Xiaozhi, who had a wave guide, had known it for a long time, this eerie voice was still quite scary.

"This week I got your data, Xiaozhi, and analyzed it. I will definitely beat you in the final Pokémon Triathlon." Kaoping said, and left with a sinister and confident laugh.

"I don’t even know what data I have." Xiaozhi scratched the back of his head and said to himself. Pikachu also agreed very much, because Xiaozhi did not play by the rules.

Soon, the competition began. The first item was to run to the base and get the Pokémon. As the gunshot fell, Musashi rushed out first.

"As expected of Musashi, he really runs fast." Meowth and Kojiro who were watching from the side looked at him in surprise.

Musashi was the first to run to the base, and when he opened the Poké Ball, he found a Sandstorm Hippopotamus. This made Musashi, who pursued good looks, very disgusted, but the rule was that the Pokémon could not be replaced after it was released.

Xiaozhi and the other two immediately caught up from behind,"Let’s see what Pokémon I can draw." Xiaozhi opened the Poké Ball, and a small Charmer appeared in front of Xiaozhi.

"Charmander, not bad. Xiaozhi immediately rode on Charmander."I'll rely on you for this part of the journey." He had experience riding Charmander in Kanto, and the flames on the body of the Charmander in the research institute would not intentionally hurt people.

Xiaoguang drew a Todori, Xiaokui drew an Alidos, and Xiaogang drew an Onix. The four Pokémon were almost at the same speed.

However, Xiaokui let Alidos tie her to a branch with silk and swing her over, leading the others by a large margin.

"Then let's work harder too." Xiaozhi looked at Xiaoguang, and the two nodded in tacit understanding, and then shouted in unison,"Lightning flash!"

Light flashed on Dodoli and Charmander, and their speed immediately increased to a higher level.

"Well, now the one leading is Ariados played by Xiao Kui. No, it is the player of the match, Ponyta and the player of Xiao Guang, Duduli, who have overtaken them.

In order to let every player know, the assistant of the doctor is broadcasting the real-time status of the game on the radio.

Xiaozhi and Xiao Guang rushed to the next base first."Ponyta, you have worked hard.","Duduli, thank you." The two took back the elves.

"Okay, what kind of Pokémon will it be this time?" Xiaozhi chose a Poké Ball and opened it. It had sky blue skin and a ruby on its head. It was Golduck.

"Golduck, you're lucky." Xiaozhi looked at Xiaoguang,"Okay, be good." Xiaoguang drew a Megalodon. Because the Megalodon was from the research institute, the shark skin characteristics would not hurt people, so Xiaoguang could touch it without worry.

Xiaozhi stood on the back of Golduck, and Xiaoguang sat on the Megalodon, swimming quickly to the other side of the river. But Xiaokui behind him quickly caught up

"Xiaozhi, the first place is mine." Xiaokui used the freezing ray of Dragonite to freeze the water surface and slid quickly on the ice.

Seeing that Xiaokui was about to surpass Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang, Xiaozhi looked down at Golduck and said,"It's not okay to be surpassed so easily, Golduck, surf."

A huge wave appeared under Golduck and took Golduck to swim quickly to the other side of the river."I'll go first." Xiaozhi waved to the two people behind him.

"I won't let you escape." Xiaoguang smiled slyly,"Megalodon, use the waterfall to climb up." The megalodon took Xiaoguang and jumped onto Xiaozhi's wave.

"Hey, Xiaoguang, you are sneaking across the border.",

""No way." Xiaoguang smiled and made a face at Xiaozhi.

The two of them were the first to reach the base across the river, far ahead of everyone behind them.

After returning the Pokémon, Xiaozhi had always let Pikachu and Kirlia sit on his shoulders, and Xiaoguang had always been holding Pokémon, so there was no need to release Pokémon again.

"Xiaoguang, you have to keep up."

"Xiaozhi, you should not fall behind."

The two nodded to each other, and then rushed up quickly with their Pokémon.

"Finally, it’s the final sprint! The first to appear is Xiaozhi, oh no, Xiaoguang, the two are almost at the same speed. They cross the finish line, and Xiaozhi is the first!"

"Haha, I haven’t run like this for a long time." Xiaozhi laughed happily. It was really comfortable after running at full speed.

"What a pity, it was just a little bit short." Xiaoguang pouted unwillingly.

The game was over, and the one-week summer camp came to an end. After the yearbooks were awarded, it was time for the campfire party."Ah, it went by so fast, just one week." Xiaoguang sat next to Xiaozhi with a plate of desserts.

"It's quite interesting." Xiaozhi said while eating."Xiaoguang, do your best in the next God and Conference!",

"Don't worry, Xiaozhi, I haven't neglected the training of Pogamon these days."

Looking at Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang sitting there talking and laughing, Xiaogang was happy for Xiaozhi but also a little worried."Xiaoyao, Xiaoxia, I feel that you are in a difficult situation."

The next morning, the students of the summer class left one after another."Xiaozhi, you are challenging the Sinnoh League, right?" Kaoping walked over, holding his glasses."Although I lost to you this time, I will win back in the Sinnoh League, so you should be prepared to lose."

"This is absolutely impossible," Xiaozhi said confidently.

"Humph, just wait patiently." After saying that, Kaoping turned around and left first.

Xiaozhi looked at Xiaoguang and Xiaogang beside him and said,"Okay, it's time to go to Shenhe Town."_

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