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: 0.047s Scan: 0.049sThe second round of review started soon. Compared with the first round of performance review, the second round of battle review was much easier for Xiaoguang, especially after fighting against a top coordinator like Melissa, although that battle that was crushed did not have much reference value.

Xiaoguang rushed directly into the finals with Curly Ears and Leaf Elf. On the other side, Lily also relied on her rich experience as an elegant cat to crush her opponent all the way to the finals

"If I win this time, I can get the fourth ribbon. I only need one ribbon to participate in the grand celebration, but..."Xiao Guang looked at Lily across from him.

"My opponent is Aunt Lily, who once defeated my mother. Can I really win?"

""Huh" Xiaoguang took a deep breath and patted her cheeks. Unconsciously, this became her way to relieve her tension.

"Cheer up, don't be afraid of failure, just practice more if you lose. The most important thing now is to fully exert your strength."

"You have a good attitude, Xiaoguang." Lily looked at Xiaoguang sitting opposite her and nodded approvingly. After all, it was very good that she could keep her composure after hearing that Caizi lost to her.

"Let me see what you can do as Caizi's daughter."

Lily opened the Poké Ball and sent out her level 40 Elegant Cat. After a little thought, Xiaoguang decided to listen to Xiaozhi's advice and sent out Pogaman.

"Pogaman?" Xiao Gang in the audience was stunned."Wouldn't it be more advantageous to use the Twin-Tailed Monster Hand with True Qi Punch and the Curly Ear with Flying Kick?"

Lily's Elegant Cat is of ordinary attributes, and the Fighting-type True Qi Punch and Flying Kick can do double the damage to the Elegant Cat with ordinary attributes.

"Xiaogang, have you forgotten the characteristics of an elegant cat?"

"What are the characteristics of the elegant cat?"Xiao Gang carefully recalled the previous battles of the elegant cat."Oh, it is the charming body. Why did you send Pogaman? Wait, could this elegant cat be"

"Well, it is indeed a male," Xiaozhi explained. If this elegant cat is a female, it would be easy to deal with, and then Curly Ears and Two-Tailed Boy would indeed have a great advantage.

But if it is a male, when using fighting skills to touch the body of the elegant cat, there is a high probability that the characteristics of the charming body will be triggered and it will fall into a state of fascination. The level of Curly Ears and Two-Tailed Strange Hands is not enough to kill the elegant cat in one move. If it falls into a state of fascination, it will be easy for Lily to seize the opportunity.

So Xiaozhi suggested that Xiaoguang use Pogona. Indeed, among the Pokémon that Xiaoguang currently owns, only Pogona is a male. And as the initial Pokémon, Pogona is second only to Curly Ears in level.

""Pogaman, bubble beam"

The azure water cannon flew towards the elegant cat, and just when everyone thought it was going to hit, the elegant cat suddenly disappeared. It was Lily's stand skill before. The original elegant cat appeared directly behind Pogaman, with blue electric light flashing up and down.

"Electric shock wave!"

The blue electric light hit Man and formed a beautiful blue flower. Xiaoguang's performance score dropped instantly.

"The flowers are in full bloom." Lily took out her fan and performed her signature move.

""It appeared, a synchronized performance of God and Ghost Lily." The host's voice was very excited, and it seemed that he was also a fan of Lily."The electric shock wave did a lot of damage to Pogaman, so how will Xiaoguang deal with it? Wait, this is..."

The host's words made Lily look up at the sky, and saw that Pogaman's whole body in the blue flower was emitting a dazzling white light.

At the same time, a series of azure water rings surrounded Pogaman's body, and the injuries caused by the electric shock wave were slowly healing.

Lily was stunned,"Is this endurance and water flow ring?"

Pogaman, who was emitting azure water light in the center of the blue flower, suddenly became the focus of the audience, and the blue flower formed by the electric shock wave became Pogaman's foil. The opponent's skills were used beautifully, which made Lily's performance score drop a lot. And not only that, the energy returned at the end of endurance turned into a pure white beam of light, which directly knocked the elegant cat out.

Judging from the fact that the elegant cat struggled to get up from the ground, the power of this move is not small

"You are quite good at this, Xiaoguang." Lily was also surprised by Xiaoguang. She didn't expect that she would be so good at this.

"Thank you, Aunt Lily."

"However, what does this trick do? Sing, Elegant Cat. The Elegant Cat sang a beautiful song, making Pogaman drowsy and about to fall asleep.

"Pogaman, use the whirlpool to protect yourself."

Xiaoguang's voice instantly woke Pogaman up, and he immediately created a huge whirlpool and jumped into it. Now he could no longer hear the elegant cat's song.

"But this is also full of flaws. Elegant Cat, Electric Shock Wave.

Blue lightning fell from the sky. Because water conducts electricity, this move only needs to hit the whirlpool, and the Pogaman inside will definitely be affected.

"Water jet: Just as the electric shock wave was about to hit the whirlpool, a stream of water immediately rushed out of the whirlpool and directly knocked the elegant cat into the sky.

"What a fast speed!" Lily exclaimed

"Pogaman, peck and drill. After the water column wrapped around his body disappeared instantly, Pogaman's beak immediately stretched out. Just as he was about to hit, Graceful Cat used his substitute to disappear in front of Pogaman again.

However, Xiaoguang was very smart and directly let Pogaman use white mist, causing Graceful Cat, who was about to attack, to lose his sight.

"It's really amazing." Lily's forehead was covered with sweat. The battle with Xiaoguang was much more difficult than she had imagined. Now she had to pay attention to where Xiaoguang's Pogaman would attack from.

""Pogaman, whirlpool"

A huge whirlpool suddenly appeared in the vast white fog. Lily was startled and immediately asked the elegant cat to use the guard to hold it down. But at this moment, a stream of water rushed out directly from the whirlpool. It was Pogaman in the water jet state.

Because of using the substitute twice in a row, coupled with the previous injury, the elegant cat finally couldn't hold on and fell down.

"It's very similar to the move you used against Li's Martha at the Veil Gym." Brock looked at Satoshi beside him."It's true that we're always together."

"Hehe. Xiaozhi smiled. In fact, the reason why he won this time was largely due to the fact that the Elegant Cat used the Substitute twice. The Substitute skill was very energy-consuming. Xiaozhi estimated that Lily originally wanted to use the Speed Attack to quickly defeat Xiaoguang, but who knew that Xiaoguang would be so difficult to deal with.

"Times have changed, thank you for your hard work, Elegant Cat." Lily took back her Elegant Cat and looked at Xiaoguang who was cheering with Pogaman,"Ayako, your daughter's future achievements will definitely surpass yours."_

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