The next morning, Ash got up without calling this time. Start packing your bags early in the morning.

"Why did you get up so early today?

"It's nothing, just pack your bags early. "Ash didn't take Erzhi's ridicule seriously, and in the face of yesterday's bloody lesson, he didn't dare to say anything superfluous now.

It turns out that he should be like Chizhi, talk less if he can, and try to set up a flag as little as possible.

"Mom, I'm going out and not coming back for dinner.

Hanako, who was preparing breakfast, was startled when she saw Xiao Zhi carrying a large suitcase of luggage and preparing to leave, and thought that Xiao Zhi was going to run away from home.

"What are you doing with a big bag of luggage?"

Ash ate some breakfast casually, and his tone was gloomy: "I have something to do now, I have to go to the Carlos area, it's okay, I'll take care of myself."

Hanako also found that since Ash went to Alola once, something was wrong when she came back, although it was still the same as before, it was indeed her own child, but this child was actually not in bed! Can you believe it?

"Okay, so have you booked your plane ticket? Go out and bring some money, I'll get it for you." "Hanako is not just a housewife, she is also the owner of a chain restaurant, otherwise, how could she have enough financial resources to support Ash.

Ash also knew about this trip, and he didn't know when he would be able to come back, so he also took the money and signaled that he didn't have to worry about himself, and then found a place where no one was there and let the system start to teleport.

After a period of vertigo, Ash was teleported to the city of Sara in the Carlos region. Then the system said that there is no task this time, you can play casually, just look at it, and go back when you are tired of playing.

Xiao Zhiqi, just about to scold the system, a Carlos exclusive Xiao Zhiqi, just about to scold the system, but a mounted goat ran over and attracted his attention. How can the scolding system chase Pokémon incense.

I have to say that Ash is Ash, obviously the mount goat is a Pokémon, but he chased him for three miles without stopping.

In this way, he chased the mount goat and ran all the way into the deep mountains and old forests, what the child didn't know was that there would be very exciting things waiting for him in the future.

The mount goat got tired of running and went to a lake to take a sip of water, but Ash followed. The mount goat was annoyed in his heart, what kind of joke, he was so big, a Pokémon, was actually chased so far by a human cub. No, the more you take a step back, the more angry you get. Just take advantage of Ash's inattention and send him flying.

After Ash was overflying, the foolish man fell into a waterhole, and I poked my head out and saw a scene that I shouldn't have seen.

I saw that there was another person on the surface of the lake, a little girl, with her hands on her chest, covering her key position, and her cheeks were crimson. Even though the movement was already fast, Ash, who fell into the water from the sky, still shouldn't see it, and watched everything that should be seen.

A Leo Lu guarding the shore of the lake sensed the situation and directly fired a True Qi Bomb, but fortunately, Pikachu surfaced from the water in time, jumped up with the help of the rocks next to him, and blasted the True Qi Bomb away with his iron tail.

The two of them were confused for a while before going ashore, and Ash turned away. Ash was under Leolu's watch, the girl got dressed, and angrily asked where Ash was from and why she was peeping at herself?

Ash also knew that he was wrong, and told the truth as it was, and bowed 90 degrees to apologize.

"This is the first girl this little ghost has ever picked up?" "I don't remember. "Damn, I've never flirted so much before, this kid has met so many girls in just a few days. "Those four people who have no conscience are not crazy to tease Ash on the side.

This little girl's name is Kernyi, is the granddaughter of the owner of the Gym in Soro City, he is training in the forest with Leo Lu as usual, because he is sweating after training, and there are few people in this area, so he took a bath in the lake, for safety, and let Leo Lu guard aside, but he didn't expect Ash to fly over.

Fortunately, A.T. Kearney is also a reasonable person, and he forgave him under Ash's sincere apology.

"By the way, there will be a grand Pokémon ball in Sara City today, and if you are willing to accompany me, I will forgive you for this matter.

As soon as he heard that people were willing to forgive him, Ash nodded like a chicken, and then followed Kerney to her gym first.

The two of them talked and laughed along the way, and they couldn't tell that they had just had a conflict. Although Leo Lu on the side was very unhappy, Ash, but after all, it was a waveguide Pokémon, and after he completed the contact with Ash, he found that Ash's waveguide was very kind, gentle, and powerful at the same time, and he didn't have too much rejection of Ash.

Came to the gym in Sora City, and Ash's personality easily integrated into the gym. And the real battle began.

System: Since the host comes to the first gym in his life, he will be rewarded with host fusion summoning materials, Gera Ora card x1, hot monkey card x1. Allows the use of Extra Evolution and Fusion Evolution.

This is the first time Ash has played against a trainer outside of a wild Pokémon, and the effect is surprisingly good. Whether it's Pikachu or Eevee, they also win more and lose less in front of the average trainer. Ash even used his waveguide to shock the Gym Owner and Lucario.

In the evening, when it was time for the evening pavilion, Mr. Lord also agreed to Kearney and Ash to go to the outdoor dance party held in the center of Soro. A.T. Kearney wears a beautiful princess dress, and Ash borrows a simple dress from the gym to get around.

Should I say it or not? The five Xiao Zhi in the four-dimensional world are all higher in appearance than the original book. What's more, Ash is also spoiled by four teachers from parallel time and space, both in terms of character cultivation and combat ability, which is much stronger than Ash in the original book.

Ash had never been to such a lively dance party, and it shouldn't be said that he had never participated in such an event as a dance party, so he seemed extremely excited.

I also saw a lot of novelties along the way, and bought a lot of delicious food for Kearney. Although Kerney no longer cares about the initial incident, Ash has always felt guilty, although he doesn't know what's going on, but his brothers said that they can't just look at the girl's body.

Ash took Kearney to eat and drink along the way, and eventually, Kearney couldn't eat and sat aside to rest. Ash also said to go buy a bottle of water.

"Let me see, where is the place to buy water?" Ash looked around at the place where the water was bought as he watched the Pokémon performing gracefully on the stage.

Ash skimmed over to a statue to find Ash, skimming to a statue and finding a little blue-haired girl standing on a chair, trying to see the performance on stage.

It's just that I didn't stand firm and almost fell down. When Ash saw it, in line with the principle of doing a good deed every day, he caught her, and after a few words of concern, he walked away, completely unaware that the little girl ran away with a red face.


group of single dogs abandoned by the world are pressing the bet in the soul space.

True Wisdom: "Come on, come on, bet on betting, I'll be the referee." Just bet that Ash will pick up a few more later. The last one is in charge of Ash's cultural class. Waivers are automatically lost. "

One referee has been snatched away, and the remaining three have hurriedly bet.

Erzhi: "This kid has been flirting with his sister since he came here, and he hasn't stopped, I think I haven't flirted so much back then, I believe that Xiaozhi will live forever, and I bet that I can flirt with three."

Youzhi: "I'll bet two."

Chi Zhi twitched the corners of his mouth: "One

" "Okay, the bet is complete, everyone has said that it is okay, and the last one will tutor Xiaozhi in a cultural class." Continuing

back to the prom, Ash handed the water to Kearney and asked, "You are so good, not only do you have such a powerful Pokémon as Leolu, but you also skate very well, what are you going to do in the future?"

Leo Lu couldn't help but puff up his chest when he heard the compliment, and Pikachu glanced at Ash warningly and issued a thunderbolt warning of "pop papa".

Kerney thought for a while: "I think I should train more harshly with Liu Lu to become stronger, I must inherit my grandfather's gym in the future and become the owner of the Soluo-style gym." What about you, Ash?"

Ash didn't hesitate: "I want to be the number one Pokémon Master in the world."

"Then you are also going to challenge my gym in the future, and then we will have a good fight."

"Of course, I must make my dream come true, and so is Kerney, you have an appointment.

Ash stretched out his little thumb, and A.T. Kearney was stunned for a moment, and then randomly stretched out his little thumb and hooked it.

At this time, gorgeous fireworks burst into the air, and the ball came to its climax.

"By the way, Ash, do you know? Today, Queen Carlos will be here!" "Queen

Carlos? What is that?"

Although Carlos's knowledge was also taught to him by his four brothers, after all, it was the knowledge of cultural classes, and he either fell asleep during class or wandered during class. All in all, except for actual combat, the cultural class is a mess.

Hearing such a stupid question from Ash, the three souls who bet in the space were immediately excited, they had to win one, this cultural lesson is not for people.

All they can hope for now is to bet on the number of new girls that Ash will meet later, no, it must be right.

The four of them took turns to teach until all four of them were angry, and they would not stop. Isn't it like you who are studying Xi?

Ash was thoughtful, because of this content, he seemed to have heard it, but he didn't seem to have heard it. I guess I heard such a word when I was dreaming.,Probably.,Forget it.,If you can't think of it, you don't want to.。

All right, dear readers. Who do you think will win this bet?A, Chizhi B, Ezhi C, please guess as well.

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