Ash (original) held down the hands and feet of the goods, and Dark Wisdom devoured the soul, and Ash (dimension) grabbed the system of the goods into the soul space and fed it to his own system to replenish energy, and then the three of them used the waveguide to restore the power of Ash (traversal).

Four of them said goodbye, and three returned to the original world.

System: Okay, I'm in a good mood now, and I'm in a great mood with this system, so I'll reward you. I'm going to start sugaring.


What the hell ??????, what is this system doing with sugar? It seems that there is no shortage of sugar in our world?

Soon these people will understand what sugar means.

[This video shows what happened in the world that has already appeared

] What the hell, do you want to replay it again?

] [The video starts playing,

This time, it is no longer a video, but a moving picture. First of all, Ash in the original world, there was a photo of Xiaoxia and Ash, first a photo of the three partners traveling together, a photo of Xiaoxia kissing while wearing plainclothes and Ash, a picture of Xiaoxia wearing a mermaid suit and falling into Ash's arms, a picture of Ash and Xiaoxia's wedding dress when they grew up, a sunset picture of the two hugging and kissing, a picture of the two arguing because of a disagreement, a picture of Ash proposing to Xiaoxia, and a picture of a family of three .........].

Seeing this, no matter which world Xiaoxia is, she is red-faced, especially Xiaoxia in the original world.

Where is this sugar?It's just a piece

of dog food!System: The answer is wrong, it's a lot of dog food!

[Countless small pictures of Zhixia flashed before Zhiyao, Xiaozhi and Xiaoyao quarreled, Xiaozhi protected Xiaoyao, the two hugged and were caught by Xiaosheng, Xiaozhi put him and Pikachu into the rescue pod in order to save Xiaoyao.........]

"What, this is, I haven't done this with him?" Xiao Yao has blushed. It's true that many of the drawings are creative, but that doesn't mean they won't happen in the future.

Isn't one of our main focuses on diversity in the future?

[In the third scene, Ash and Xiaoguang, the two are playing in the water, Xiaoguang is wearing a short skirt and cheering for Ash, the two are sleeping together, the two are taking a bath together, the two are high-fived, the parting kiss, the two are married to their Pikachu and Curly Ear, the two are seeing off their children, Xiaoguang watching the princess pester Ash and being jealous, and Ash becoming the champion princess hugging Xiaoguang ............].

It's already the third act, and many people want to turn their heads away, but the system is mandatory, so that everyone can open their eyes and watch. Ayako, who is in a different world, looked at her future son-in-law on the screen and nodded with satisfaction.

[In the fourth act, Ash and Alice, Ash hugs Alice in a gorgeous costume, Ash comforts Alice who loses the game, the two tease each other, the two hug... I said, the scene is pitiful, even Lila, Ladias, and Chrysanthemum Leaves, who were interspersed between Xiaoxia and Xiaoyao before Xiaoguang]

Alice was very angry: "Why is mine so little

? This screen is eccentric! It is definitely eccentric!! "Adek: "The system says that it is fair and just, why do we have so few pictures of the champions of the public?".

System: Tell you, I'm more serious about searching for your pictures than I am about them, but your pictures are so few and pitiful, what can I do? And I have several of them, okay? Otherwise, you think your photos can be more than 100!

Alice was teary-eyed and ran to Ash for a hug.

[Act 5 pays tribute to our dearest Queen Salina, the picture of the two people meeting when they were children, the picture of holding hands when they were children, the picture of hugging each other when they were children, the picture of their first encounter when they grew up, the picture of the two eating Valentine's Day chocolates together, the picture of Ash giving Salina a gift, the picture of Ash inviting Salina on a date, the picture of Ash and Salina cossing together, the picture of the two hugging each other and blushing, the picture of the two staying together to show affection, and the picture of two people kissing......... All in all, there are countless pictures of one type alone, and if the dog food in front is calculated by basin, the dog food here is calculated by truck, of course, there are some pictures like Ai'er, Mirufi, and even Karunai The number of pictures is also comparable to that of the champions.

Alice: "That's enough, don't pull me out and whip me out again and again, okay?"

Alice's fans: "We'll always support you, but I won't necessarily knock you and Ash." Hearing

the previous sentence, Alice was actually quite happy, until the next sentence appeared, which made her extremely stiff.

The girls on the side also hurriedly comforted, and even the wood of Xiaozhi (original) also peeled a fruit for her to show comfort.

Xiao Xiao Zhi and Dark Zhi were both speechless, and Erzhi was about to laugh and cramp and still laugh. There's no way, the champion of a dignified area is not as good as the first gym owner, this is not a smile.

[Act 6 is our lovely Alola sisters, Shuilian is asked if she is Ash's girlfriend, and the red-faced red-eared, Shuilian and Xiaozhi go fishing together, Xiaozhi in order to prevent the water curtain from being pulled into the water by the fishing rod, his hands tightly hug Shuilian's waist, the two hug each other, sleep in the same bed, the two are wet, using the same towel, several pictures of the two kissing, and pictures of the two holding a wedding...... Ma Ao's is two people running a restaurant together, two cooking together, a virtuous wife preparing dinner for her husband, Ash hugging Ma Ao who is crying because he misses his relatives, the two also have a marriage picture, the two have a cute little girl, a photo of the two holding their daughter when they were a baby, a picture of the two running on the grass with their little daughter who has just turned six, a picture of two people sending their children to school, and a picture of the two holding hands when the child graduates...... Compared to these two people, Lilia is also very much. The first meeting between the two people, Ash encourages her to contact Pokémon, Ash goes to Liliai's house as a guest, Ash and Lilia take a bath together, Princess Ash hugs Lilia in various pictures, the two make love, the two encourage each other, the two take a photo under their respective mothers, the two are reluctant to part, the two confide in each other alone, all kinds of kissing pictures.........] Ash

can't figure out the situation at this time: "Is this what I used to do in this world?".

Zhenzhi looked at his younger brother who was stunned, and made a rare joke: "Does our cute brother also want to have a girlfriend?"

If it weren't for the fact that Erzhi had already seen the expressions of Dark Wisdom and Yuan Zhi, he would have laughed and was almost out of breath, otherwise he would have been so high and low that he would have said two sassy words.

[After that, it's Koharu, and this picture is just a little more than Alice, there are dating, shopping, kissing, and a violent dog Hao ......

In the end, there are many pictures of girls and Ash being intimately together as an ending. System

: Everyone, isn't the sugar I prepared sweet?

Ash looked at the people who were already in a hurry on the side: "It's almost done-_-||." They've been panicked by you. "

System: Don't you think that's good? A person chooses a different path, decides a different life, and there will be a different turn, and I just played the turn that others want to see.

Ash (original): "Don't release this kind of strange picture, okay? It's easy to be troubled!" Ke Xiaozhi's private message has already filled the screen:

Ma Xiu: "It seems that I have a good relationship with Ash-kun, and I also came to find Ash."

Pansy: "I didn't expect me to appear in the picture, I really didn't expect Ash to think of me like that."

Kearn: "Ash, I'm here too, burst out of vitality

!" "Rainbow Bean: "Lucario's trainer, I shouldn't say Ash, I'm going to train with you, come to my dojo!"


"How did things turn out like this, forget it, I'd better go out and hide. "Ash (original) is extremely devastated at the moment, although it is worth saying that friends are happy to come here, but how can they deal with so much at one time, they will die

......!" I'm almost out of vomit, I'm uh, uh, I can't breathe. "Erzhi is already laughing crazy at the moment, where is this video? It's just a waste of his knife!

Dark Zhi looked at his younger brother who was holding his luggage and said to leave, and he was also silent for him for three seconds in his heart.

Fortunately, he has no woman in his heart, and he draws his sword to be a natural god. He wasn't going to panic over such a trivial matter.

System: Come on, let's get high! Vote for Ash and his future girlfriend in the original world, just for entertainment.

Now Ash (original) is even more devastated, and the person who ignited the fire still has to add fuel to the fire after all. While getting rid of Sarina, they have to run away, this is obviously their own home, but they have to be so embarrassed.

Xiao Xiaozhi also couldn't bear it: "Why do you want to engage in such a strange voting mechanism? Everyone collapsed and ran away." "

System: Yes, host, you're also Ash, so I'll release your debut.

Ash (dimension) sighed in his heart, damn it, don't come to me.

[Dimensional world, on the performance stage, Ash and Ai'er performed together, as everyone's eyes converged there, Ash wrapped his arm around the slender waist, and the other hand gently held the soft little hand, and danced on the stage with Ai'er.

The gorgeous dance and the cool elf skills on the side set off a scene of a gentleman and a beautiful woman falling in love, and the two people got closer and closer.

At the same time as the performance, it is also interspersed with the inner thoughts of those girls that Ash knows.

Mao Ao: "Obviously, I was the first to meet Ash.

Shuilian: Ash is so good-looking, and that girl is also good-looking, but I'm just ...

Lilia: It's great that Ash is fine, but why does my heart hurt so much

?Sarina: Ash came to Carlos?!Why didn't you come to me first?⊙Ω⊙

Koharu: It must be just a show, this must be a ...... show

Kerney: It's the first time we've met, why do the two of us work together so well? It must be Ash's guidance, yes, it must be like this.

Ma Xiu: Xiao Zhijun is really handsome, if he can marry Langjun, it would be great.

There is also a line of sentences attached to it, and the order of thinking in my heart is the order before and after knowing Ash. Ash

didn't dare to look back at the moment, because he was being stared at by the girls who just wanted to chase him out.

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