“...... And just like that, the boy managed to reach the top with his Pokémon. Ash touched Sharubia, who was so tired that she slept in his arms at the end of the day.

Ash sighed softly, he had been through so much in this time, he fell asleep tired against the tree wall behind him.

True Wisdom in the Soul Space

: "Let him rest well today."

Erzhi also lay down: "This kid is so good, he has a woman to accompany him everywhere." Youzhi

: "Listen to you, you seem to be very envious, the next time I replenish my energy, I ask if the system can send you back to your original world, how about it?"


next day, on the way back, they came across the royal guards who had come to pick up Salupia. Ash also plans to go to Sinnoh to have a look, so he also takes their private jet.

Soul space

" Good guy, this little girl is just a little rich woman, didn't she consider eating soft rice in the exam? Erzhi joked.

At this time, Ash was in no mood to deal with him at all, and the closer he got to Sinnoh, the stronger his pendant reaction became.

"Eternal Memories" depicts a picture of a flame and the form of a monkey.

Princess Salupia on the side sat there silent when she saw Ash get on the plane, thinking that she was nervous about meeting her parents. So along the way, he put his hand on Ash's hand to relieve Ash's tension.

After a long flight, Ash and the others finally arrived at the castle of the Salubia family before the next night.

Fortunately, it is not the first time that Ash has seen the mansion, and his expression is much more indifferent. The only thing he cares about is the Pokémon that are shown in the pendant.

The king and queen were so excited when they saw their precious daughter return, that they both came up and hugged her, and I hid my face and wept.

"Sharubia, you are back, you don't know that during the time you were away, your mother worried that you didn't sleep well. The king held back his emotions and tried to remain calm.

The queen couldn't hold back her expression, she gently wiped the tears from her face and asked with concern: "How is it?

By the way, I met a friend after my father and mother, and I introduced him to you, his name is Xiaozhi, and he is from the Guandu area. Salupia also felt sorry for her parents, but soon remembered that Ash was still there, and she couldn't cry.

"Hello uncle and aunt. My name is Xiao Zhi and I am from Zhenxin Town in Guandu. Ash stepped forward and saluted.

"Hello, Ash. Thank you for helping us take care of our daughter. Welcome to Sinnoh at the same time. The king liked the boy in front of him, because he felt a great temperament.

"Where, I'm happy to be friends with Salupia. The

queen and the queen looked at each other, nodded and decided.

"Ash, I know the strength of those mercenary groups very well, I wonder if you can tell me how you solved those mercenaries?" Although Ash did save the princess, it is still necessary to understand the process.

Ash didn't shirk either, and immediately released Eevee and Pikachu for a drill, and released a small amount of waveguides to prove his abilities.

"I didn't expect it to be the brave man of Waveguide. Thank you, young brave, and if you can, please accept our thank you. The king beckoned, and the guard brought a box.

The king handed the box to Ash, and when he opened it, he found that it turned out to be an egg. But the whole gives people a soft beauty, and when you use a waveguide to detect it, you can feel that the Pokémon inside is a very powerful existence.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, and I'm welcome to take it. Ash was not polite, and accepted the Pokémon egg very happily.

Zhenzhi couldn't help but complain: "Lucario's egg hasn't hatched yet, so there's another one." Ash, how much do you have an egg?"

Yuzhi said: "You can't say that, starting from the egg, the Pokémon hatched by the owner are generally closer to the trainer." "

System: The host comes to a new area, Sinnoh, starts the "Collect" quest, and finds the Flame Pokémon that belongs to the host.

The first time he came to Sinnoh, Ash was not in a hurry to leave, but stayed at Sarubia's house, and naturally talked harmoniously with this family.

"Ash, I remember that if you are not under ten years old, you are not allowed to have Pokémon......, right?

"You said Pikachu and Eevee, Pikachu and I were the first to meet. At that time, Pikachu was still Pichu, and I met him on the way home again, and at that time he was not in good health and was bullied by a Lada, and later I rescued it and went with him. Originally, we didn't get along well, but along the way, we encountered various dangers in the forest, including the invasion of a big rivalry and the attack of a flock of birds, and we overcame the difficulties together, and finally he and I returned to Zhenxin Town together. As for Ebu, he was hatched from my egg, so I took him in. Ash remembered the scene when he first accepted Pokémon, and he was glad that he had met five brothers who doted on him, and he was glad that he could get such good Pokémon as Pikachu and Eevee.

Later, Ash told the couple about himself and Lucario. The other party was also fascinated by it, because it was the legend of the waveguide, and hearing such a story could be regarded as a moment of witnessing the legend.

"It's getting dark, if you can, please stay here for a few days. The king got up and told the butler to prepare supper, and invited Ash to stay here for a few days.

Princess Salupia on the side also nodded repeatedly, and she also wanted to hear more stories from Ash.

"Thank you very much. Ash got up and thanked him, after obtaining the waveguide, he realized that his ability was still too poor, and if he only relied on the power of evolution, he would not be able to grow at all.

The next day, Ash got up as usual, but he didn't go to the morning exercise alone. This time he brought Pikachu and Eevee with him.

One person and two Pokémon, after running around the backyard for ten laps, carried out push-ups and sit-ups training one after another, although it is just ordinary training, but after perseverance, physical fitness can also have a significant improvement.

"It's not just Ash, Pikachu and Eevee also have to grow their bodies, can you get us an energy cube making machine?"

System: Ding, due to the development of two new areas by the host, it is hereby exchanged for an energy cube machine and a crafting machine, which can be made by simply adding the corresponding herbs and tree fruits. Due to the host's recent excellent performance, a one-year tree fruit and medicinal herbs are hereby gifted.

Youzhi: "Leave the nutrition to me." At the beginning, I passed the Pokémon Breeder Level 10 exam. He puffed out his chest confidently as he spoke. It's not that he brags, but he thought that in order to maintain the Pokémon's figure and appearance, he spent a lot of money and energy to make beauty items and nutritious food.

Ash, when he opened the value of the item, he was convinced that Yuzhi was definitely a rich man before. Needless to say, some tree fruits, some are expensive and some are cheap, but those medicinal materials cost dozens of alliance coins each.

Youzhi saw Xiao Yi's "terrible" expression, patted him on the shoulder and said: "If you want to succeed in anything, you have to pay a price, and we will have time to go out in the future, and it's a big deal to make money while looking for it in the wild." At

this moment, Xiao Zhi's heart is half cold, even if he is sweating after the morning exercise, the coldness in his heart has not diminished at all.

"Ash, it's already good early, come and eat together. Sharubia saw that after Xiao Zhichen finished practicing, the sweat made the clothes close to the body, and the muscles of the body were reflected very clearly, and she couldn't help but shy cover her eyes with her hands and prompted, but the two fingers that covered her eyes were honestly separated.

Ash heard the shout, returned to the room and changed into clean clothes, then swept away his worries and went to breakfast happily ✧٩(ˊωˋ*)و✧

At the end of the day, in addition to telling his own stories to the princess, Ash is training in Pokémon battles. At night, Ash also went back to his room early to sleep, because there was still a practice Xi for Wisdom to make Pokémon food.

Soul Space

Youzhi has a completely different face at the moment, wearing a white chef's outfit and a pair of glasses: "The proportion of tree fruits is very important, you see that you put too many orange orange fruits, in this way, it will affect the taste of the food, this is not good, Pikachu, you finish eating it." Ash, you redo it for me, you don't want Pikachu either, so let's eat it. "

Ash originally thought that making elf food should be similar to cooking, but the difference is too much, the proportion is completely determined by the feel, and the seasoning after the food is matched must also be cooked, and it can only be done if it can be perfected.

Just such a hard-working teenager, who struggled for one night, successfully learned the recipe of two elf foods.

The next day, Ash ran through the entire palace during his morning exercise and found that there was also a place dedicated to making elf food. So he and the princess took some tree fruits and medicinal herbs from the storage room and made them.

Only then did he realize that the so-called foundations that he taught yesterday were actually finished products, and those so-called finished products were already high-grade self-created foods.

Although Xiao Zhi wanted to settle accounts with him after seeing it, he thought that he would definitely be perfunctory with words like genius, so he didn't think too much about it, and quickly continued to practice Xi.

The princess adores Ash even more after seeing how to make so much food.

Because I have something to do temporarily, so I delayed it, so please forgive me. I'll find a time to make up for it as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding.

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