(This book is not written in the first person!!!)

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw a powerful beast with a big mouth rushing towards me.

This dream is so real! I felt a huge sense of oppression!

If it were in reality, I would be very panicked, but sorry, this is in my dream, so I...

Facing the charging Goli, he put his waist and horse together, grabbed with both hands, and turned his body suddenly.

Over the shoulder throw!

I'm panicking, so I'll throw Goli out!

Goli was thrown out with a look of astonishment on his face. It probably never thought that this would happen in his Pokémon life.


Goli fell heavily to the ground and lay motionless.

It was not injured. After all, such an"attack" was no different from tickling to it, but it didn't move at this moment because it was thinking about the Pokémon life.

"Huh...What a real feel!" Tang Zichi looked down at his hands. Everything that happened just now seemed very real!

【Ding! You defeated a Pokémon! Successfully activated the battle system! Uploading world information…】

【The first activation gift package has been sent!】

【You have obtained the Pokémon Illustrated Book (ID card)】

【You received 1000¥】

【You got a luxury ball*1】

【You gained the power of waveguide】

【Physical attributes are enabled】

""Huh?!" Tang Zichi was startled when he heard the voice, and then a lot of information came into his mind.

At this time, Tang Zichi suddenly realized that he was not dreaming, this was real! It was reality! He traveled through time!

And it was the world of Pokémon!

But from the information, he found that this world was bigger than Pokémon, and it didn't seem to be a completely"original Pokémon" world, it felt like a hybrid.

"!!!"At this time, a Riolu looked at everything in front of him in shock, and then rushed to Tang Zichi!

Then he knelt on one knee in front of Tang Zichi and clasped his fists!

【I hope you can become my trainer! I want to become stronger with you!

This is the voice that Tang Zichi"heard" from Riolu.

"???"Tang Zichi looked at Riolu in front of him. Although he didn't understand the situation, he looked at the luxurious ball that appeared in his hand.

He stretched out his hand and gently tapped Riolu's head.

With a swish! Very quickly!

Riolu was directly put into the luxurious ball.

I...Conquered Riolu?

Tang Zichi has a"subway old man face".JPG".

A series of things happened a little too fast, and he was a little confused.

After a while, he finally figured it out.

First, he traveled through time and space, and then appeared between Hao Li and Riolu. Hao Li rushed towards Riolu.

And he just happened to appear in the middle, and then he"defeated" Hao Li with a backhand over-the-shoulder throw.

Then the system was turned on, and he also got a gift package for the first time, and then Riolu"surrendered" and was directly conquered!

Tang Zichi hurriedly checked what his system was.

Tang Zichi

Age: 13 years old

Physical fitness: 16 (normal people are 10)

Special ability: Wave force LV1

Money: 1000¥

Items: Elf illustration

Pokémon: Riolu (Luxury Ball)

It seems that his Pokémon journey has started perfectly! Tang Zichi looked at his situation. The initial Pokémon was Riolu, and he also had the wave force!

And with the Elf illustration, he didn't have to worry about his identity.

Although I don't know how much 1000¥ is, survival shouldn't be a problem!

It seems that trainers are given preferential treatment in the Pokémon Center

""Ah!!!" At this moment, a wailing sound suddenly came from the side! Tang Zichi turned his head and saw Hao Li jumped up with a howl, and then stared at Tang Zichi intently.

"……"Tang Zichi looked at Hao Li, feeling a little scared. Would Hao Li be angry and ready to kill him?

Even though he had just thrown Hao Li to the ground, how could Pokémon compare to humans? That blow didn't hurt Hao Li at all.

But if Hao Li punched him, he would probably kneel down and beg him not to die, right?

Tang Zichi looked at Hao Li's two casserole-sized fists, and his body made up of"muscles"....

""Ah!!!" Haoli roared, then turned around and ran away in grief and anger.

"……"Tang Zichi looked at Hao Li running away, blinked, and then breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately,...

Tang Zichi looked around and saw that it seemed to be a plain. He didn't know where he was. He looked at the luxurious ball in his hand.

With a flash of white light, Tang Zichi released Riolu.

"Riolu! Hello! My name is Tang Zichi! Please give me your guidance in the future!"Tang Zichi looked at Riolu in front of him, squatted down slightly, and said to Riolu

【Please give me more advice in the future! 】 Riolu felt Tang Zichi's"mind" and a smile suddenly appeared on his face, and at the same time he said to Tang Zichi in his heart.

Because of the power of wave guidance, Tang Zichi can sense Riolu's emotions and roughly what he meant.

This is really a good thing! Tang Zichi felt the benefits of the wave guidance, and suddenly felt that this power was so good.

The power of wave guidance is not only present in Pokémon, humans also have the power of wave guidance.

For example, the famous Super Pallet Towner Xiaozhi! There is also a person named Yaxuan (Yarlang).

The power of wave guidance is very magical. Judging from the performance of the wave guidance power, including moving objects, resisting attacks and actively attacking, seeing through objects and detecting minds, in general, there are still many abilities.

In Pokémon, the most direct performance is the"wave guide missile" move.

In theory, everything has wave guidance, which can be understood as"magnetic field","Qi".

But ordinary people can't feel it at all, nor can they guide it.

Only the wave hero can sense the power of the wave and guide it out.

Over the years, the number of people with the power of the wave can be counted on one hand.

Tang Zichi smiled and touched Riolu's"dog head", then he looked at Riolu's attributes with an idea:

Riolu-Fighting (Male)

Characteristics: Mental Power (Mental power is stronger, and will not fall into a shrinking state, and is not affected by characteristic intimidation.)

Level: 8

Race Value: 285 (Only appears once: Physical Strength 40, Physical Attack 70, Physical Defense 40, Special Attack 35, Special Defense 40, Speed 60)

Moves: Flash of Lightning, Hold On, Feint, Metal Claws

"Riolu, do you know where the nearest city is?"Tang Zichi asked Riolu

【I know! This way!] Riolu nodded and pointed in a direction.

""Okay! Let's go!" Tang Zichi said, and when he was about to set off for the nearest city with Riolu, the system popped up:

【The task system is turned on and the task module is loaded】

【Daily tasks loaded successfully, emergency tasks loaded successfully, main tasks loaded successfully, side tasks loaded successfully】

【Trigger the main quest: Become the strongest person in the world】

【Mission requirements: Become the world's number one】

【Task time limit: No requirement】

【Mission Reward: Unknown】

【Get daily tasks】

【Daily Mission 1: Defeat a Pokémon】

【Mission requirements: Any Pokémon】

【Mission Reward: 1000¥, Physical Fitness +0.1, Wave Power slightly improved】

【Daily Task 2: Exercise!】

【��Task requirements: 100 push-ups, 100 squats, 10 km run】

【Task Reward: 1000¥, Physical Fitness +0.1, Wave Power slightly improved]

Tang Zichi looked at these two daily tasks and his face suddenly turned black!

Something seems to be wrong with my system! This is the Pokémon world! Why are you asking me to develop into One Punch Man?

【This book uses the Pokémon world view, but it is an imaginary world. Please do not take it completely for granted. There will be certain but not limited to anime, comics plots, characters】

【This book will not have mythical beasts flying all over the sky. Generally speaking, mythical beasts are extremely rare.】

【This book is a Pokémon novel focusing on adventure, daily life, travel, training, and battle.】

【Some of the characteristics and moves in this book will be modified based on reality, so please do not take them completely for granted.】

【Also, I will return the 28 chapters I owed for the previous book. It should be during the book test in July, and it will be summer vacation. I will update it then. 】

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