Tang Zichi listened to the host's words with one ear and one ear out, and glanced around the venue.

He didn't see any familiar faces in the audience, and most of the audience's faces were quite young.

It should be what Joey said, the students of the Pokémon Intermediate Education College, right?

Then there are some special areas where some people who seem to have a certain status sit, probably local politicians, wealthy businessmen and the like.

Although I don't know what the purpose of participating in this competition is, such as"investing" in the players?

After all, not all trainers have rich family backgrounds.

Whether it is to establish a relationship or recruit, it is good for trainers.

Of course, no one will look for Qinglv, because he himself is the"capital" and the"power".

There is no way, who told him that his grandfather is called Ohki Yukinari. Oh, and there is also a sister named Ohki Nanami.

In addition, Tang Zichi also saw a lot of people in this age group.

This made him a little strange, because it can be seen that the teenagers are students, which is understandable, and those who are middle-aged and above are politicians, wealthy businessmen and the like, which is also understandable.

But these young people...

And they were not sitting in the area for the wealthy businessmen.

Because Lin Ke was in that area, he was a standout among the crowd.

There were also many people like him who wanted the younger generation to come instead of the elders.

Most likely, they were not interested in"investment","connection" or the competition, but they did not want to lose face for the alliance.

After all, they had sent out invitations.

Although it didn't matter if they didn't come, who knew? So they would still let people come, at least the younger generation were"one of our own".

Tang Zichi looked around before retracting his gaze.

Since the host had spoken, it meant that the competition was about to begin.

After a simple opening speech, the host did not say much nonsense and started the first round of the draw.

The teams were randomly assigned on the big screen, and the draw results were all random.

As the screen jumped, everyone looked intently at the final draw results.

In the end, a group of duels appeared.

"Good! The draw result has appeared! The interface will keep 5 minutes, the players can find their own groups and see who their opponents are! In 5 minutes, our first round of competition will be in the group, and one group will be randomly selected to compete!"After seeing the draw result, the host immediately said loudly, and then fell into silence. A

5-minute countdown appeared on the interface.

Tang Zichi looked for his opponent on the big screen.

There were only 32 groups in total, which was not too many. Soon Tang Zichi found out who his opponent was:

Xiao Chi vs. Xiao Bai.

Well, Tang Zichi didn't know this Xiao Bai, and he hadn't met him in the past few days.

Five minutes passed quickly, and the first group of players came out.

Tang Zichi was not the first to play.

After watching six games in a row

"The next player in this game is..."The host glanced at the flickering screen, waiting for the result to come out:"Xiao Chi vs. Xiao Bai!"

"It's finally my turn!" Tang Zichi stood up and walked towards the player channel.

After entering the arena,

Tang Zichi looked around. He had to say that the feeling of standing in the arena was completely different from that of sitting in the audience.

Listening to the cheers of the audience, Tang Zichi felt like he was the center of attention, as if he had entered a highlight moment.

His opponent, Xiao Bai, also walked in, but from the other side of the channel.

Xiao Bai was a little boy who looked a little bit cute.

""Both players, get ready!" The referee raised the flag and shouted,"The 3v3 elimination match begins now!"

Tang Zichi and Xiao Bai threw the Poké Balls in their hands at the same time.

"Come out! Flying Legs!"

"Come out! Nidoking!"

Swish! A flash of white light, and two Pokémon appeared on the field.

Nidoking - Poison + Ground - Level: 24 - Race Value: 505 - Features: Fighting Spirit: (More eager to win, fighting spirit increases in battle, and attack increases. When the opponent is the same gender as oneself, the power of the move increases by 25%; when the gender is different, the power decreases by 25%. As long as one of the two parties is of unknown gender, the power of the move remains unchanged.)

It turned out to be Nidoking! Tang Zichi was a little surprised to see the opponent's Nidoking.

This Nidoking is 1.5m tall and weighs at least 70kg.

The height of Feitenglang is 1.6m and weighs 55kg. He is taller than Nidoking, but the tonnage is much worse.

"Nidoking! Use poison needles to attack!"Xiao Bai shouted immediately.

Nidoking fired countless poison needles at Flying Legs.

""Flying Legs Lang! Get out of the way! Get close to Nidoking quickly!" Tang Zichi shouted at Flying Legs Lang.

Flying Legs Lang immediately rushed to the side, and avoided Nidoking's [Poison Needle] attack while swaying his body.

Flying Legs Lang was very fast, and he closed most of the distance in a flash.

Xiao Bai was not panicked, and shouted to Nidoking:"Nidoking! Use Stomp!"

Nidoking stomped hard on the ground.


The ground rumbled, and as dust flew, a stream of khaki ground energy burst out in all directions with Nidoking as the center.

""Flying Legs Man, jump up! Use flying kick!" Tang Zichi immediately ordered.

Flying Legs Man suddenly jumped up, avoiding the shock wave of [Heavy Stomp], and kicked Nido King fiercely.

Nido King quickly raised his arms to block in front of him.

Bang! Flying Legs Man's foot kicked Nido King's arms heavily.

The terrifying force kicked Nido King back several steps.

"Flying Legs! Use two consecutive kicks!"Tang Zichi took advantage of the situation and continued to let Flying Legs attack.

"Nidoking! Use Poison Attack!"Xiao Bai shouted immediately.

The rich purple light on Nidoking's arm gathered and hit Flying Legs Lang fiercely.

Bang bang!

Flying Legs Lang kicked Nidoking twice in a row, but was also hit by Nidoking's [Poison Attack].

Nidoking staggered back a few steps.

Flying Legs Lang was knocked out and landed with a somersault, but it was understandable that Flying Legs Lang's expression was not right, and a slight purple color appeared on his body.

【Poisoned - Mild]

Flying Legs is poisoned!

Tang Zichi frowned slightly, and was very annoyed by the fact that he would be poisoned when fighting these poison-type Pokémon.

He had to make a quick decision! Tang Zichi thought that Flying Legs couldn't drag on for too long while he was poisoned.

""Nidoking! Good job! Use the power of the earth!" Xiao Bai shouted at Nidoking.

Nidoking immediately roared and stomped his feet.

Feituilang felt that the ground under his feet was not right, and immediately dodged to the side.


The place where he was standing exploded, and the ground energy burst out.

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