"I'm a trainer who just started traveling! Although I know I can't make it in time for the Quartz Conference, the purpose of my coming here is not for the badge, but to experience the gym battle!" Tang Zichi said to Xiaogang

"Oh? Do you want to experience the gym battle? No problem!"Xiao Gang was slightly stunned when he heard Tang Zichi's words, then he stood up with a smile:"Then I will tell you the rules first. The rules of the gym battle of the Dark Gray Gym are: each person has three Pokémon, and when all three Pokémon lose their combat ability, the party loses. Pokémon cannot be replaced in the middle of the game! You cannot use items such as medicine!

Do I understand?"

"Yeah! I understand! But I only have one Pokémon now..."Tang Zichi nodded to show that he understood

"It doesn't matter, you are also trying out the gym battle, you can fight with just one Pokémon, but you need to fight three with one Pokémon."Xiao Gang said to Tang Zichi with a smile, and he didn't say if you fight with one Pokémon, I will fight with one Pokémon too, because Tang Zichi is trying out the gym battle, so he will fight according to the gym battle.

Moreover, it is indeed allowed for the challenger to fight with only one Pokémon against the gym owner's three Pokémon, if you are confident and willing to do so.

"In this case, I will use Pokémon according to your level of having no badges and fighting in the gym for the first time."Xiao Gang said to Tang Zichi, then turned around and took three Poké Balls from the shelf beside him.

These are gym Pokémon. Gym

Pokémon do not belong to the gym owner's Pokémon, but to the gym, which is the alliance. The alliance delegates the relevant Pokémon to the gym, and then the gym owner is responsible for breeding and raising them, and will also use them specifically to deal with gym challengers.

These Pokémon are strong and weak, corresponding to 1-8 badge levels.

So there are quite a few Pokémon.

The alliance will also"confiscate""too strong" Pokémon regularly or at the gym's own discretion.

In fact, the gym also serves as a specialized"breeding house", and the local gym also has the responsibilities and obligations of the local patron saint.

Of course, the gym in Cerulean City...It’s hard to explain, but because of this, the gym in Cerulean City is facing the risk of being"cancelled".

"Well, I declare that the gym battle has officially begun! The first Pokémon I used was...Come out! Geodude!"Gon threw the Poké Ball in his hand.

Swoosh! A flash of white light, and a Geodude appeared on the field.

Geodude - Rock + Ground - Level: Level 9 - Race Value: 300 - Ability: Hard Head.

Basically, the gym owner will use the first Pokémon first, so that the"newcomer" can target it. After all, the main purpose of the gym is to train new trainers, not to set up"levels" to prevent or abuse new trainers.

Of course, this was the original intention of the alliance, but there are many gym owners who can"abuse people".

Even with low-level Pokémon, they will still use advanced tactics.

Even super powers....for example...Golden Gym. Some people may not know Golden Gym, but if you mention Psychic Gym - Nancy, you should know her.

This is a gym leader who can use telepathy to directly command Pokémon in battle.

"The first one is a Geodude!"Tang Zichi looked at the Geodude used by Xiaogang. One of the main reasons why he wanted to fight with the Deep Gray Gym was because the gym here was mainly rock and ground type.

As the future fighting king, playing this kind of restraint game is good for his confidence in the early stage.

""Come out! Lucario!" Tang Zichi threw out his luxury ball.

With a flash of white light, Lucario appeared on the field.

Seeing this, Xiaogang couldn't help but twitch his narrowed eyes.

What kind of rich kid came out to"experience life"?

Looking at the luxury ball and Lucario,...

Can afford luxury balls...This family's financial situation is basically not that bad. You know, the price of a luxury ball is very high!

"Well, how about you change to a Pokémon with a badge level to fight?" Tang Zichi thought for a while and said to Xiaogang.

Tang Zichi didn't mean to look down on this little Geodude.

"Of course, I don't have any other intentions. I just want to experience the gym battle and have a battle to train myself! So, Gym Master Xiaogang, please prepare the Pokémon according to my current level!" Tang Zichi explained to Xiaogang so that he wouldn't think too much.

"Haha! All right!" Xiaogang smiled and took back his Geodude."I think you're very good! You can tell that Lucario is very well trained! How about this, I'll compete with you by giving you 3 badges!""

"Well..."Okay!" Tang Zichi thought about it and nodded. He didn't quite understand the difference in the number of badges, but it must not be very huge.

After all, the rookie trainer who got all eight badges would be qualified to play in the Quartz League, and the players participating in the Quartz League were basically trainers who had been traveling for one to three years.

There were also outstanding graduates from the Pokémon Advanced School.

From this point of view, according to the level, the Pokémon level of these trainers must be below level 30, that is, below the elite trainer.

Pokémon breaking through level 30 can basically be regarded as a stepping stone for elite trainers.

An elite trainer's Pokémon are basically above level 30.

A single level 30 Pokémon cannot be called an elite trainer.

Xiaogang immediately replaced the Pokémon, and his movements were fast, after all, they were all on the shelf at the back.

"This time, come out! Geodude!"Xiaogang used Geodude again this time.

But this Geodude looked stronger than the last one!

Geodude - Rock + Ground - Level: 15 - Race Value: 300 - Features: Hard Head.

Tang Zichi looked at this Geodude. A Geodude without a badge was level 9, while a Geodude with 3 badges was level 15....There is a 6-level difference.

So one badge is about 2 levels different? Tang Zichi thought about this question in his mind. Of course, this is just a guess and not accurate.

Because according to this, wouldn't the gym battle with 8 badges be close to the level of elite trainers?

So it should be unlikely...Oh yeah, there are three Pokémon. It should be the average level of the three Pokémon, right?

Tang Zichi didn't think much about it, because the battle had already started!

Xiaogang:"Geoblast! Use rockfall attack!"

Geodude's hands lit up white, and he opened his clenched fists. Two stones were in his hands, whoosh! Whoosh! He threw them directly at Lucario.

Tang Zichi immediately shouted:"Lucario! Go! Smash it!"

Lucario's body lit up white.

【[Lightning flashes]

Sizzle! Lucario rushed towards Geodude.

While moving, he punched twice in a row.

Bang! Bang!

The two falling rocks were smashed directly.

Lucario's speed did not decrease, and he continued to move towards Geodude.

Xiaogang shouted:"Geodude, use Circle!"

Geodude immediately crossed his hands in front of him, and at the same time, his body was shining with a metallic luster.

【[Round]: Defense increases by one level. The power of ice ball and rolling attacks will be doubled.

The effect is similar to [Hard], but the actual effects of the two are different.

【[Harden] Compared with [Round], [Round] is more rounded and smooth, while [Harden] becomes more angular and looks harder, but it does not have the other effects of rounding.

For fighting-types like Lucario, the effect of [Harden] will be much worse, because hitting hard objects is the strong point of fighting-types.

For example, stone, steel and the like. And the fighting-type itself restrains the rock-type.

However, [Round], the smooth body will make the attack slip and deflect, unload more force, thereby reducing the damage received, and the defense level is improved.

This effect is actually much better than [Harden] with the same effect!

This is also the trainer's understanding and experience of the moves! Sometimes a little difference and gap can bring huge results!

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