Special tasks are also completed

【Trigger special task: Dance together】

【Task requirements: Dance the Pipi dance with the Pipis】

【Mission Reward: 100,000¥, Physical Fitness +0.2, Slightly Increased Wave Power, A Lot of Favor from Pipis】

"I'm leaving! I can't stay here for too long! I'll come to see you again if I'm free!"Tang Zichi said to the Pipis with a smile.

Although he had just had a very happy time, Tang Zichi knew what he had to do and what he should do. What's more, he couldn't stay here for long.

""Pi~Pi~" Although the Pipis were reluctant to leave, they all knew that Tang Zichi did not belong here, so they said goodbye to Tang Zichi one by one and wished him well.

Then the Pipis took out a lot of Moonstones for Tang Zichi, which seemed to be the scattered fragments of this huge Moonstone.

"I can’t lift it anymore! I really can’t lift it anymore!"Tang Zichi felt like he was surrounded by Moonstones. These weren’t Moonstones! These were 200+w each!

So many Moonstones! So many 200w���

But Tang Zichi was not greedy. There was not much use for taking so many of these things. Moreover, if he wanted to sell them, selling so many at once would probably bring trouble to himself.

Therefore, Tang Zichi could only pack about half of the moonstones into his backpack with tears in his eyes.

After saying goodbye to the Pipis, Tang Zichi was about to leave.

Five minutes later, Tang Zichi came back again.

"Hey, Pipi, can you take me out? Just get back to the main road." Tang Zichi didn't know the way, so he had to come back to ask for help.

The Pipi who brought him here was walking in many twists and turns, and it was very dark.

No one knew how long he had been walking.

How could he remember the way!

And his mind was on Pipi and watching the road all the way.

""Pi~Pi~" The previous PiPi volunteered to jump out and took Tang Zichi away.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, Tang Zichi saw the familiar passage and lights.

"Let's stop here! Don't walk around these places, be careful, or you may run into bad guys!" Tang Zichi said to Pipi.

""Pi~Pi~" PiPi nodded, this time he also taught it a lesson

"Goodbye then!"Tang Zichi waved goodbye to Pipi.

Pipi also waved with Tang Zichi, and then turned around and jumped away after watching Tang Zichi's figure walk into the passage and gradually disappear.

It must be said that this experience was very good! Although it was just a small episode, it left an indelible memory in Tang Zichi's heart.

"This trip to Yuejian Mountain is really worth it!" Tang Zichi couldn't help but think, mainly because he had established a friendship with Pipi.

Next time he comes here, he will be"confident".

The rest of the journey was uneventful.

When Tang Zichi walked out of Yuejian Mountain, it was already dark, mainly because he had stayed in the cave with Pipi for too long.

Tang Zichi looked at the starry night sky outside. Although it was late, fortunately he had already come out of the Yuejian Mountain cave. Although there was still some distance to Hualan City, it was not far. He would be there by walking a little further tomorrow. From the mountain, he could see the brightly lit Hualan City from afar.

"Let's camp tonight. We should be able to reach Cerulean City by noon tomorrow." Tang Zichi looked around and said, then took Lucario to find a suitable place for camping.

There were forests, plains and grasslands below.

Tang Zichi tried his best to find a suitable place for camping....Soon, they found a grassy slope with a clear stream below.

The environment was good with a wide view.

Tang Zichi took out his sleeping bag with ease, then collected some stones and other things and built a simple bonfire.

This is also a good way to avoid starting a fire, gathering flames, and has a certain windproof effect in the wild.

Lucario collected a lot of branches and wood for Tang Zichi.

Soon, Tang Zichi, who had a lighter, started a fire.

Can you consider getting a fire-type Pokémon in the future? In this case, making a fire will be a small problem!

But I want to go the fighting type....There are also many fighting-type Pokémon....

It seems that Flame Chicken is Fire + Fighting? This is worth considering. Flame Chicken's fighting moves are also very powerful.

Then the King of Flame...Flamemonkey seems to be Fire + Fighting...If I count them carefully, it seems that there are not many.

In fact, there are not many with a single attribute after evolution.

Lucario is Fighting + Steel.

It seems that another evolution of Wifemon, Elrod is Psychic + Fighting....

But what is the use of Wifemon if it wants to evolve into Alakazam?!!

However, Tang Zichi is thinking too far ahead. He still hasn't found the third Pokémon.

"Let's eat first!" Tang Zichi glanced at Lucario, who was practicing without wasting any time, and shouted to him.

【Good! Lucario nodded and walked over.

Lucario first threw an energy block (physical strength) into his mouth, and then began to eat his rations.

Tang Zichi took out a can of milk and a bag of vacuum-packed bread and began to eat.

The next day, near noon, Tang Zichi and Lucario walked into Cerulean City.

Cerulean City is a coastal city in the northern part of the Kanto region. The north of the city is adjacent to the estuary of the river, the south is Golden City, and the west is Moon View Mountain. It is a beautiful city with gurgling water and flowers everywhere.

Cerulean City is one of the only two cities in the Kanto region that are connected by roads on all four sides, the other being Golden City.

Cerulean City is not a very prosperous and large city, it is just a medium-sized city.

But there is the best bicycle shop here, and the headquarters of this bicycle shop is in Cerulean City.

Outside Cerulean City, there is a Cerulean Cave called the"Unknown Labyrinth". It is said to be very dangerous and inhabited by powerful and dangerous Pokémon. It is usually not allowed to enter, and there are also sheriffs managing and patrolling nearby.

It is also to prevent rookie trainers and some uninformed people from accidentally entering the place and causing casualties.

Cerulean City is actually very famous among trainers, especially rookie trainers.

After all, the Cerulean Gym in Cerulean City is the easiest gym to fight as it is a water gym. Of course, the easiest gym to fight has nothing to do with the water system, it is simply because it is a Cerulean Gym.

The three Cerulean sisters are quite famous! As the owners of the Cerulean Gym in Cerulean City, their water ballet is extremely famous.

""Ha! We're finally here!" Tang Zichi let out a long sigh. Every time he"walked" to a city, he would first go to the Pokémon Center to stay and take a good shower.

Before arriving in Cerulean City, Tang Zichi also completed two daily tasks for the day. The third daily task was to win a battle.

The reward for the third daily task was similar to the first two, that is, the money was 2,000¥.

Tang Zichi came to the Pokémon Center, walked to the front desk and looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar Joey, and said,"Hello, Sister Joey! I want to check in. Is there anything that anyone can store for me here?"

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