Finally, because of exhaustion, the Gem Starfish’s water cannon was penetrated by the wave missile and bombarded its body.

This time, the Gem Starfish could not stand up again.

Xiaoxia took her Gem Starfish back into the ball:"Thank you for your hard work, Gem Starfish!" Then she looked at Tang Zichi and said with a complicated expression:"Xiao Chi, you won."

A"genius girl" like herself was defeated so miserably by her peers.

Fortunately, Tang Zichi didn't know what Xiaoxia was thinking, otherwise, he might have said: Genius? I am fighting a genius!

Since his debut, Tang Zichi has defeated several so-called geniuses.

And just because they are geniuses, Tang Zichi likes to fight more. You know, geniuses are most likely to trigger system tasks.

With Xiaoxia's defeat, Tang Zichi's mission was also completed.

【Side quest: A test from the acting gym owner, Xiaoxia】

【Mission requirements: Defeat Xiaoxia】

【Mission Reward: 80,000¥, Physical Fitness +0.3, Slightly Increased Wave Power, [Close Combat] Skill Disc, Skill Enhancement Potion. 】

As the rewards were received, Tang Zichi's balance exceeded 400,000¥

""Pa pa pa~" At this time, a round of applause rang out from the side.

Tang Zichi turned his head and saw three beautiful women with different characteristics coming over.

"Sister!"Xiaoxia couldn't help but exclaimed when she saw the person coming.

Tang Zichi suddenly realized that the three people who came were the famous Hualan sisters!

Three people, three hair colors.

Tall, outstanding looks, and a mature smell, completely different from the immature Xiaoxia.

No wonder the Hualan sisters + an ugly duckling.

In this comparison, it is indeed...Xiaoxia is just a little kid, while the three Hualan sisters are sexy and mature.

There is really no comparison. As the saying goes, cuteness is worthless in front of sexiness.

The problem is that Xiaoxia is not a cute lolita, but a young girl.

"Ahem! Hello, sisters!"Tang Zichi said to the three Hualan sisters

"You are Xiaoxia's friend, right? Xiaoxia, why don't you introduce yourself to her?" The elder sister Sakura (light pink hair) looked at Xiaoxia.

"Ah! Yes, this is a friend I just met, he is from Zhenxin Town, his name is Xiaochi!"Xiaoxia quickly introduced Tang Zichi to her sister.

""Hmm! Xiao Chi! That's great! He's very handsome!" said the third sister Mudan (blonde) with a smile.

"By the way, Xiao Chi, are you interested in water ballet? We will have a show the day after tomorrow. If you want to watch it, I will prepare tickets for you! As a new friend of our ugly duckling, this is a gift for meeting him!"The second sister Acorus (blue hair) said to Tang Zichi with a smile.

"[○・`Д´・○]#!"Xiaoxia was immediately furious when she heard her sister's"teasing"

"What ugly duckling! I am the most beautiful girl in the world!"Xiaoxia shouted angrily

"Oh my! Our ugly duckling has a bad temper.~"

"Yes! Who in Hualan City doesn't know about the three Hualan sisters and the ugly duckling?"

Xiaoxia's sisters always like to tease Xiaoxia like this.

In particular, they often like to leave the gym to Xiaoxia and run out to play.

"……"Xiaoxia was angry and didn't want to talk

"Let's exchange contact information! By the way, let's have a meal together! It's also a celebration that our ugly duckling has made friends."The second sister Changpu said to Tang Zichi.

They are quite concerned about Tang Zichi.

One is that he is Xiaoxia's new friend.

The other is that Tang Zichi is really handsome and has a good figure. Continuous exercise makes his body full of vitality, and his temperament is also very confident and sunny.

Who doesn't love such a high-spirited and beautiful young man?

"Ah good..."Tang Zichi was a little confused and exchanged communication information with the three Hualan sisters.

Xiaoxia, who was standing aside with a frown on her face, also exchanged communication information with Tang Zichi silently.

"Let's go, let's eat together! We'll treat you!" The three Hualan sisters said with a smile

"Ah! Don't spend money! This is not good...."Tang Zichi quickly refused

"Oh! It's okay! After all, you are a guest!" The eldest sister Sakura said with a smile:"And we don't lack this little money."

Indeed, the three sisters Hualan, not to mention the income from the gym and the subsidies from the alliance, the income from the water ballet alone...This is one of the largest GDP providers in Hualan City.

The water ballet of the three Hualan sisters not only has performances, but also various peripherals and interest classes.

This is a big industry, not just a place for the three Hualan sisters to perform entertainment.

Four women and one man came to a famous restaurant in Hualan City.

In the box, Sakura, who had ordered the dishes, asked Tang Zichi:"How did you and Xiaoxia know each other?"

"We are very curious! After all, Xiaoxia doesn't have much to ask for....Bad temper too..."The third sister Mudan looked at Tang Zichi with curiosity.

"……"Tang Zichi was speechless. If you guys tease Xiaoxia like this every day, it would be strange if she has a good temper, right?

"……"Xiaoxia held her breath and stood aside, her fists hardened.

Not to mention that they were older sisters, on the other hand, the older sisters also controlled Xiaoxia's"economic lifeline""...

After all, all income, including the gym's...It has nothing to do with Xiaoxia. Originally, the gym's profit was split half by Sakura.

But......"The rebellious Xiaoxia is under various circumstances...You have to make a career for yourself....So the eldest sister Sakura followed her and took back the income...They only gave Misty monthly pocket money and money for her daily"work" at the gym.

It was the kind of thing where you get paid for a day's work, and no money if you don't.

Although Misty was very regretful, she had to grit her teeth and bear it.

Fortunately, although the three sisters were always teasing Misty and even often belittled her, they were actually very nice to her.

Although the money was not much, she had never been left behind in terms of resources for training Pokémon.

What's more, Misty could also control the resources of the gym.

She was the kind of person who had resources but no money, and these resources could not be sold.

"Well..."Tang Zichi scratched his head, and then told the three Hualan sisters about his first encounter with Xiaoxia, and how they met again today.

"You two are destined to be together!" said the eldest sister Yinghua with a smile.

"Ah! I'm so envious!" said the second sister, Chang Pu, holding her face.

"Why is the ugly duck so lucky?"The third sister Mudan said with a puzzled look on her face.

"That's enough!" Xiaoxia couldn't help it.

"Hey hey hey! Anxious? What is our ugly duckling anxious about?"The third sister Mudan looked at Xiaoxia in confusion:"We envy you for making such a friend!" Tang Zichi was watching the"Four Women's War" from the side, and he was terrified and didn't dare to interrupt....But it seems that the three Hualan sisters only treat Xiaoxia like this.

It's as if Xiaoxia has a"factor that changes the personality of her sisters".

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