Many people greeted Wang Qi on the road, and when Wang Qi responded, he would introduce Tang Zichi, saying that he was his friend and brought him to visit Silver Company.

Everyone here greeted Tang Zichi politely, and he became familiar with him.

After a round of observation, Tang Zichi had a certain understanding of Silver Company's"capital". This is a super company of unimaginable scale! To develop to this level, it is estimated that the Pokémon League is also involved behind the scenes. Otherwise, it would be impossible to achieve this scale....I'm afraid I can't protect myself.

It's not that the Pokémon League will do anything to this company, but those various criminal organizations, especially those ambitious criminal organizations...They would be eyeing a company like Silver with high scientific research and technology level.

So whether it is active or passive, Silver will definitely build a bridge with the Pokémon League.

What's more, department stores in various places are officially led by the Pokémon League, and Silver is a technology + product company. It would be very comfortable to directly put new products on the shelves by linking up with the Pokémon League.

"How is it? Not bad, right?"Wang Qi asked Tang Zichi with a smile.

"Very shocking!" Tang Zichi nodded and said,"I have broadened my horizons this time!"

Tang Zichi was not polite, he had indeed broadened his horizons this time, and he followed Wang Qi to see Silver's products and new product exhibitions.

He realized that Silver had so many products!

How many were there? Excluding the system rewards in Tang Zichi's backpack, 90% of the remaining things were developed, produced, and sold by Silver.

The move learning device was developed by Silver, and the wound medicine, hole-piercing rope, and spray were also developed by Silver.

Then Tang Zichi also looked at the new products, which were the release of some new carrying items!

But it had nothing to do with Tang Zichi, he couldn't afford it!

And he couldn't use it at the moment, now his Pokémon all carry gravity trainers....But I don't know if only one item carried by a Pokémon can be effective or if multiple items can be effective?

I must try it someday. Tang Zichi thought secretly

"Okay, you've seen enough. I'll take you here. I'm also going to go back to work!" Wang Qi said to Tang Zichi

""Yes! Thank you for your hard work! Sorry for the trouble!" Tang Zichi said hurriedly. The other party had indeed taken him around for a long time, and was very responsible and introduced very carefully.

Even Tang Zichi felt that there were many things that outsiders did not know, and Wang Qi had told him the things that were known to the insiders.

Of course, it was definitely not confidential, but some things that you could only know after entering.

"Then I'll leave first!" Tang Zichi said goodbye to Wang Qi.

"Hey! Wait a minute, I'll get you something." Wang Qi called Tang Zichi and turned to get something. After a while, he came back with a backpack.

"Here you go." Wang Qi handed a few boxes to Tang Zichi.

"What is this?"Tang Zichi took the backpack, which looked similar to the one he was carrying.

"This is the same as your backpack, but the folding space inside is 10 times the size. It is better than the one you have. It is a recent new product. I have allocated several here....I can't use it either. Even if I use one, there are still a few others. I have no place to use them, so I'll give them to you!" Wang Qi said to Tang Zichi with a smile

"This is too expensive! No, no!"Tang Zichi waved his hands and said.

The backpack he was wearing cost 15,000 yuan when he bought it, and it was only three times the size of the space.

This new space backpack has 10 times the size of the space.

Although it only looks like a 7-fold difference, Tang Zichi knows that the larger the space, the more difficult it is to obtain.

Wouldn't the price of 10 times the space be sky-high?

"Hahaha! Money is nothing to us....What's important is the product! It's the scientific research results!"Wang Qi laughed and said to Tang Zichi:"And I participated in the development of this product. As one of the developers, I not only have dividends, but also a certain amount of free shares of the product every year....

Okay, take it! It's fate that we can chat well!"

"That...Then I won't be polite! Thank you, Brother Wang!"Tang Zichi thought about it, and did not refuse, so he accepted the backpack.

"Haha! You're welcome. Okay, I've put some of our company's products in there for you as a welcome gift! Okay, I'm going to work first. Let's get together again when we're free!"Wang Qi said to Tang Zichi with a smile.

"OK!"Tang Zichi nodded, and watched Wang Qi leave. He took the backpack and turned to leave Silver Company.

He was also a little confused. He didn't expect that the uncle he met on the road had a high status. The level of researcher was probably not low. He might have a position in Silver Company.

And he got a big backpack for free....

Tang Zichi was outside Silver Company. He took out his phone and searched the backpack....

Silver's new product last month was priced at 550,000 yuan!

Wow! A backpack worth 550,000 yuan!

Tang Zichi couldn't help but gasp. Brother Wang Qi was really generous!

Tang Zichi came to the Pokémon Center with this backpack.

"Sister Joey!" Tang Zichi handed over his elf illustration.

Joey took it with a smile, then verified it and raised her eyebrows slightly:"It turns out to be Xiaochi!"

""Eh?!" Tang Zichi looked at Joey, who seemed to be seeing an acquaintance, and was stunned for a moment, looking at Joey with a silly look.

Why does it feel like all the Joeys from different places know him? What's going on? Is he famous in the Joey family? Tang Zichi couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

Joey looked at the confused Tang Zichi, couldn't help but smile, and then explained:"Joey in Deep Gray City told us, and weren't you in Cerulean City recently? Joey over there also talked about you in the family, and you are considered to be well-known in our Joey family!

In addition, we all know your identity as an excellent rookie trainer."

"Oh! So that's how it is!" Tang Zichi scratched his head. He didn't expect that he was known by Joey in this way....But this is not a bad thing.

After all, it is a good thing to be taken care of wherever you go!

"Okay, the room is ready for you, here's your room card." Joey said to Tang Zichi, and then handed a room card to Tang Zichi.

""Thank you, Sister Qiao Yi!" Tang Zichi took the room card, thanked her, and went upstairs to his room.

Then he moved all the things in the original backpack into the new backpack.

Space backpacks cannot be placed inside space backpacks like nesting dolls, which will cause the space to be disordered and explode.

The probability of hurting people is not high, but both backpacks will explode, and the things inside will disappear.

Everyone will be repeatedly reminded of the precautions by the salesperson when buying a space backpack.

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