Tang Zichi was shocked when he heard this. Wow! This guy sounds pretty good!

And he's very arrogant, which suits his taste! Then let's go!

Seeing that no one else was around, Tang Zichi took the initiative to walk out.

"Let me try!" Tang Zichi said, and then walked to the boy and stood opposite him.

"My name is Aqi.

I have been a trainer for three months.

My current record in this battle zone is 12 wins and 3 losses.

"Aqi crossed his arms and looked at Tang Zichi with a little pride....

Is this the rule of the battle zone here? Tang Zichi blinked, but he didn't dare to ask.

Since the other party came like this, he naturally had to"follow the rules", so Tang Zichi said:"My name is Tang Zichi, you can call me Xiao Chi, I am from Zhenxin Town, I just traveled for a month, and I just arrived in this city today, so my record is 0"

"Oh? So it's the new comer!" Aqi raised his eyebrows. A country wretch who had only been traveling for a month....Sure enough, a newborn calf is not afraid of a tiger, and he dares to challenge me?

Although he said that he wanted to find an opponent of"equal level", that sentence was"selection". If someone came up, he would naturally not say no, and bullying a weak opponent is also"pretending"!

"The rules are the regular 1v1 in the battle zone, is that okay with you?" Aqi said to Tang Zichi

"Well, no problem."Tang Zichi nodded. After all, there are many people in the battle area, and the 1v1 fights are fast, and then there are constant rotations. If you want to fight again, you have to queue up. After all, you can't occupy all of them. The battle area is also a public area. After all, it is free.

Of course, trainers above the elite level are naturally not allowed here. They all go to places like"Battle Club" and"Professional Battle Area".

The battle area of the Pokémon Center is basically free for"new trainers" who have been traveling for less than one year.

"That's fine! Let's get started!" Seeing that Tang Zichi had no objection, Aqi nodded, thinking that Tang Zichi's level should not be very high. For the effect of"training", he would not use his strongest Pokémon.

Aqi thought about it, and then used his second strongest Pokémon! After all, we have to give the newbies some"dreams"!

Aqi:"Come out! Monkey Monster!"

Tang Zichi:"Come out! Lucario!"

The two threw the Poké Balls in their hands almost at the same time.

Aqi had a high-level ball in his hand. When he saw the luxury ball thrown by Tang Zichi, he raised his eyebrows. It was still a wealthy family!

Swoosh! White light flashed, and two Pokémon appeared on the field.

Tang Zichi looked at the opponent's Monkey Monster and raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that the opponent also used a fighting Pokémon.

Monkey Monster-Fighting-Level: 20-Racial Value: 305-Features: Enthusiasm (will not fall into a sleeping state, and will be more excited (slightly increase overall strength and speed))

"Lucario?!"When Aqi saw Tang Zichi's Pokémon, he couldn't help but be a little"greedy". It was actually Lucario! A humanoid fighting Pokémon that combines strength and handsomeness!

Who wouldn't love it! After all, he is a great disciplinary officer.

At the same time, Tang Zichi saw the system pop up

【Triggering an emergency task: What's the point of fighting? Who is the little jerk?】

【Mission requirements: Defeat Aqi】

【Mission Reward: 100,000 yuan, physical fitness +0.2, slightly increased wave power, 500 energy cubes (universal)】

"!!!"Tang Zichi saw that this task actually rewarded 500 energy cubes. Although they were universal, they were still energy cubes!

But when he thought about how many energy cubes he had already bought,...Suddenly I felt a little heartbroken, but it was still good to get something for free.

In this case, I couldn't lose this battle!

With the"hatred" of the"little scoundrel", plus the system task.

Well! I can't not take it seriously! Tang Zichi looked at Aqi with a"murderous intent" in his eyes.

"???"Aqi didn't know why, but he suddenly felt a chill on his spine, and then he saw Tang Zichi's eyes full of aggression.

"You have such a strong will to fight! It seems that you are not a simple character either!"Aqi looked at Tang Zichi's momentum, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he became more serious.

The stronger the better! He prefers to rush to fight!

The battle begins!

Aqi immediately shouted:"Monkey Monster! Use Gathering Energy!"

When Tang Zichi heard it, he immediately shouted:"Lucario, use Self-Motivation!"

The BUFFs of both sides were applied almost at the same time.

Lucario's attack and special attack +1 level.

The opponent's Monkey Monster entered a state of"mental concentration"

""Monkey Monster! Use tile-splitting attack!" Aqi shouted loudly.

The Monkey Monster also looked energetic and jumped towards Lucario with vitality.

When Tang Zichi heard Aqi's words, his eyes lit up slightly:"Lucario! Let it feel your power!"

Lucario also rushed towards the Monkey Monster.

【[Brick Breaker]

Lucario's hand also glowed white, and he rushed towards the monkey monster.

Both of them looked confident and resolute.

【[Brick Break] vs [Brick Break]


The two's hands collided fiercely.

A wave of air burst out from the two.


The two separated, and then collided again.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The two kept colliding, the collision of flesh and flesh.

This is the romance of fighting!

Qi watched the two keep colliding with each other. He didn't expect Lucario to be able to match his monkey monster....No, Lucario was suppressing the monkey monster, which made Aqi frown, so he immediately shouted:"Monkey monster! Use cross slash!" The monkey monster suddenly crossed his hands together, like a cross, with white light blooming on his hands, and slashed towards Lucario fiercely.

Seeing this, Lucario's hands also lit up with white light.

【[Close Combat]

Lucario unleashed the strongest close combat move he had mastered so far.


The moves of both sides collided fiercely.

Monkey Monster was blasted away by Lucario.

But a faint red light flashed on Lucario's body.

That's because after [Close Combat] hits, it will reduce its own defense and special defense by 1 level.

If it misses, this"DEBUFF" will not be triggered.


Monkey Monster fell to the ground and slid a few meters away, then rolled over and half-knelt on one hand.

Looking at its face, it was not very good. Obviously, the power of Lucario's attack was a bit too strong. Even if it used [Cross Chop], it still couldn't completely block Lucario's attack.

Aqi looked at the scene in front of him and was a little shocked that his Monkey Monster was completely at a disadvantage! Especially in a head-on confrontation, it actually lost!

You know, although his Monkey Monster is the second strongest in his hand, it is not much different from the strongest one.

After so many battles, his Monkey King was always victorious, unless he encountered an opponent who was restrained.

However, today his Monkey King was suppressed head-on!

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